Kindergarten / 2nd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / 6th-8thGrade
- 1 bookbag or backpack (NO wheels)
- 2 boxes of large size crayons
- Small bottle of white glue
- 1 hand sanitizer
- 2 Large boxes of tissues
- Child-size safety scissors
- 8Tennis Balls
- 5 Glue Sticks
- 8Plastic folders with pockets (in blue, green, red, yellow)
- 24-packof #2 pencils
- 3 Primary composition notebooks
- 3 dry erase markers
- 1 Pack of construction paper
- 1 pack of 3x5 index cards
- 1 box of disinfecting wipes
- Lunchbox/bag
- Snack bag (separate from Lunch box/bag)
- 1 book bag (NO wheels)
- 24 #2 pencils (3 are needed every day in school)
- 1 box of 8-16 crayons
- 2 bottleshand sanitizer
- 1 pencil case(soft)
- 1 pair of blunt scissors
- 1 bottle of White glue
- 6 glue sticks
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 5 composition books (one for each subject)
- 8 tennis balls
- 3 plastic pocket folders
- 8dry erase markers
- 2 primary writing tablets (not needed for Chinese Immersion)
- 1 package of eraser tops
- 2 pocket folders with fasteners (Chinese Immersion only)
- 2 packs of 3x5 index cards
- 2 packs Clorox/Lysol antibacterial wipes
- 1 bookbag or backpack (NO wheels)
- 4 composition books
- 1 pair blunt end scissors
- 1 pencil case
- Plastic ruler with centimeters and inches
- 24 #2 pencils
- 24 colored pencils
- 8 washable markers
- 16 crayons
- 3 large boxes of tissues
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 8 Tennis Balls
- 24 Glue Sticks
- 1 box of disinfecting wipes
- 1 pack of highlighters
- 6 plastic folders
- 12 dry erase markers
- 2 bar eraser
- 1 pad of drawing paper
- 1 package of eraser tops
- 1 box of sandwich bags
- 1 book bag (NO wheels)
- 1-1/2” 3-ring binder
- 4 packs of #2 pencils
- 3 glue sticks
- 3 dry erase markers
- 3 bar erasers
- 2 highlighter pens
- Loose leaf supply keeper
- 5 packs of wide-ruled looseleaf paper (send one pack at a time)
- 6spiral wide-ruled notebooks
- 1 pair blunt end scissors
- 4 box tissues
- 3 plastic pocket folders
- 2 packs Clorox/Lysol antibacterial wipes
- Box of 8-16 crayons or colored pencils(NO colored markers)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- One 8-1/2” x 11” white dry erase board with the eraser
- 1 pack of 3x5 index cards
- 1 box of sandwich bags
- 1 bookbag or backpack (NO wheels)
- 1 ruler with centimeters and inches
- 1 set of notebook dividers
- 5 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper
- Crayons (8-16 count)
- 1 bottle of white glue
- 1 backpack or bookbag
- 6pocket folders
- 2- 1/2” 3-ring looseleaf binder (NO TRAPPER KEEPERS)
- #2 pencils (3 are needed every day in school)
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 highlighters
- 1 pack of dry erase markers
- 1 pack of washable markers
- Blunt-tip scissors
- 3 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- Three-ring plastic zippered supply keeper
- 2 packs of blue or black pens (3 are needed daily)
- 1 pencil sharpener w/case
- Plastic protractor
- Plasticcompass
- 8 Tennis Balls
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Bringto Class Everyday:
- 2” 3-ring binder (for ELA ONLY)
- 2 packs of notebook dividers
- 3 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper (to start the year)
- 3 hole pencil case (kept in notebook)
- 1 blue plastic pocket folder with holes
- 1 red plastic pocket folder with holes
- Child safety scissors
- Spiral notebook with 3 holes
- 3-hole puncher (to be kept inside notebook)
- 4 sharpened pencilsper day (200 should last the school year)
- 1 large box of tissues
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 5 dry erase markers
- 2 highlighters
- 2 packs Clorox/Lysol antibacterial wipes
- 3 glue sticks
- 12 pack of markers
- 12 pack of crayons
- 2 reams of color copy paper *optional donation for the teacher*
- 1 bookbag or backpack (NO wheels)
- No. 2 pencils (3 are needed each day in school
- Small bottle of white glue
- Ruler with inches and centimeters
- Plastic compass
- Plastic protractor
- 2 highlighter pens
- 6 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- Colored pencils (8-16 count)
- Crayons (8-16 count)
- Plastic zippered pencil keeper
- 5 pocket folders
- 2 boxes of Kleenex tissues
- Blunt scissors
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 box of disinfecting wipes
- 1 bookbag or backpack (NO wheels)
- 3” three-ring binders (NO TRAPPER KEEPERS)
- #2 pencils (3 are needed in school each day)
- Small bottle of white glue
- 2 glue sticks
- Blunt scissors
- Ruler with inches and centimeters
- Plastic compass
- Plastic protractor
- 1 pack of highlighters
- 5wide ruledcomposition notebooks
- 2 packs of black or blue ballpoint ink pens
- 4 packs of notebook dividers
- 5 packs of college-ruled notebook paper
- Crayons (8-16 count)
- Colored Pencils (8-16 count)
- Three-ring plastic zippered supply keeper
- Small enclosed pencil sharpener
- 6 black Sharpie® markers
- 2 plastic pocket folders
- 2 bar erasers
- 8 tennis balls
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
K – 2nd Grade:
- Target Language Picture Dictionary(to be kept home unless the teacher asks for it)
3rd – 8th Grade:
- English to Target Language Dictionary (to be brought to school daily)