1. In what year was approved the law "On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of population":

A. 2015 №393

B. 1991 №657

C. 1991 №600

D. 1990 №550

E. 1991 №440

2. In which articles of the Law "On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of population" reflects the activities of a doctor on food hygiene:

A. 27, 29, 30, 31

B. 1,2,5,26,30.

C. 26, 27, 30, 31

D. 25, 26,28, 30

E. 27,29,30,31

3. Specify the number of the order of accounting and reporting forms of documentation:

A. Order 231

B. Order 203

C. Order 657

D. Order 261

E. Order 361

4. What forms of acts of examination, you know:

A. depth, checking, case

B. sanitary, sampling, in-depth

C. screening, in-depth, unscheduled

D. unplanned, test, sample

E. unplanned, screening, case

5. What documents are fundamental:

A. Constitution. labor law, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Gossannadzor"

B. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, snip, sanpravila

C. Labour Code, state standards, SNIP

D. Law of Uzbekistan "On Gossannadzor"

E. constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the labor code, the law "On education"

6. In what year was the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted:

Mr. A. 8.12.1992

Mr. B. 7.10.1991

Mr. C. 7.10.1992

Mr. D. 8.10.1990

E. 29.08.2015 Mr.

7. In what year adopted the Labour Code:

A. 1996

B. 1992

C. 1993

D. 1995

E. 1992

8. What documents are of national-normative:

A. Sanitary norms and rules, hygienic norms, state standards, SNIP, orders of the MoH, the constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

B. Sanitary norms and rules, labor law, SNIP

C. SP, hygienic standards, labor. Code for the Protection of Children

D. Hygienic standards, state standards

E. -Sanitary regulations, hygienic standards, state standards

9. What are the sections of the CMR consists of food hygiene section:

A. Planning the work, forms and methods of reporting, evaluation CSES activities under section food hygiene, planning paperwork, records, lab plan, methodical work

B. Organizational and methodical work, scientific work, reporting, record keeping

C. Annual reports, paperwork

D. Records CGSEN, work plans, the plan Laboratory

E. Organizational and methodical work and research

10. From a statement of work depends on the efficiency and quality of the SPE and TSN:

A. health education

B. Scientific and practical work

C. Organizational and methodical work

D. methodical work

E. anliz disease

11. What materials are the initial data in the preparation of the plan:

A. MATERIALS morbidity, nutritional status of the population, the health of the EPP, PPT, SPT materials on the quality of food sold

B. Material incidence, reports of previous years. materials about the nutritional status of the population, the materials on the health of the EPP, PPP, PIT

C. Proceedings of the quality of food sold as materials for food, laboratory data, the power structure of the population, the health of the enterprise

D. Proceedings of the sanitary condition of the company, the state of nutrition of the population

E. Proceedings on the quality of food products sold, the composition of nutrition, for the health of the enterprise

12. What are the keys containing the annual plan:

A. Introductory part, MRA, TSN, NDP, San prosvet.rabota

B. OMP, PSN, TSN, San clearance work


D. San prosvet.rabota scientific work

E. TSN, NDP, San prosvet.rabota

13. What data contains organizational measures:

A. Compliance with government regulations, monitor the implementation of orders of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, monitor the implementation of decisions hokimiyats

B. Monitoring of the implementation of government regulations, monitor the implementation of the instructions of higher organizations, monitor the implementation of decisions hokimiyats

C. Monitoring of regulations hokimiyats, monitoring ResTsGSEN orders, monitor the implementation of orders of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan

D. Monitoring the implementation of the orders of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and ResTsGSEN

14. Specify the second direction of the SPE:

A. When developing new food products

B. -with proektirvanie new food enterprises

C. When the reconstruction of food enterprises

D. In the acceptance of new workers in enterprises

E. For current Sanitation

15. What methods are used CGSEN:

A. instrumental methods

B. Method of sanitary description, calculation method, laboratory methods

C. Methods of sanitary description, instrumental methods, calculation method

D. Methods of describing food sanitary facilities, laboratory and instrumental studies, statistical methods

E. Methods of sanitary description

16. Who conducted a comprehensive survey of food businesses:

A. Epidemiology, doctors Hygienists

B. epidemiologists, doctors, food hygiene, occupational health

C. epidemiologist, sanitary doctor, other doctors

D. other physicians, epidemiologists

E. epidemiologists and sanitary doctors

17. Specify the dimensions of cost, depending on the level of CSES:

A. RayTsGSEN to 3 times the minimum wage, gorTsGSEN to 5 times the minimum wage, resTsGSEN to 7 minimum wage

B. RayTsGSEN 1 salary gosSES to 3, to 5 ResTsGSEN

C. RayTsGSEN to 2, gorTsGSEN to 3 to 5 ResTsGSEN

D. RayTsGSEN to 3, gorTsGSEN 1 salary ResTsGSEN to 4

E. -RayTsGSEN to 7 minimum wages, gorTsGSEN to 5 times the minimum wage, resTsGSEN to 7 minimum wage

18. Which sections reflect the assessment of the CSES food hygiene:


B. PSN, THC, food poisoning, hygienic training

C. PSN, TSN, preparation of sanitary asset

D. PSN, TSN, hygiene training, laboratory work, measures of administrative compulsion

E. PSN, food poisoning, hygienic training

19. Part of the grain endosperm:

A. carbohydrates

B. proteins

C. Fats

D. All of these

E. mineral elements

20. Part of the fetus:

A. vitamins

B. all of the

C. proteins

D. essential fatty acids

E. carbohydrates

21. If 1 kg of grain weevils defined 8 pieces what degree porazhen¬nosti storage pests:

A. 1

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

E. 2

22. Your conclusion, if 1 kg of grain mites identified 25 pieces:

A. 2 infection, which is subject to special processing plants

B. 1 infection, which can be used

C. 3 degree of damage, you can use

D. 4 infection, which is subject to the description

E. -7 degree of infestation, to be treated in special plants

23. Permissible Metal impurities in the flour:

A. 3 mg / kg

B. 25 mg / kg

C. 10 mg / kg

D. 18 mg / kg

E. 23 mg / kg

24. "refreshing" of stale bread:

A. transfer moisture from gluten in starches at a furnace temperature

B. transfer of moisture from the starch under the influence of high gluten

C. decrease in temperature under the influence of humidity high temperature

D. All of these

E. -translation moisture from gluten in starches at low furnace

25. The disease occurs when the consumption of bread affected "stringy disease"

A. potato disease

B. food poisoning

C. Food poisoning

D. does not cause disease

E. -mikrobnaya infection

26. Technological process aimed at the prevention of potato disease of bread:

A. Add in tests calcium acetate

B. Sufficient heat treatment tests

C. Implementation of bread hot

D. adding citric acid in the bread

E. The benzoic acid in bread

27. Hygienic indicators of flour:

A. acidity, humidity, no foreign substances

B. porosity, acidity

C. porosity and the absence of foreign substances

D. Lack of bacteria

E. -kislotnost, humidity

28. Hygienic indicators of bread:

A. acidity, humidity, porosity

B. Content of protein, fat, carbohydrates,

C., nitrogen, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide

D. acidity density

E. acidity and moisture

29. casein milk:

A. cow milk

B. donkey milk

C. mare's milk

D. goat milk

E. -buyvolnoe milk

30. Milk albumin:

A. mare's milk

B. cow's milk

C. buffalo milk

D. sheep milk

E. buyvolnoe milk

31. Acidity 2.5% milk fat:

A. 25 degrees

B. 30 degrees

C. 2,5 degrees

D. 20 degrees

E. -35 degrees

32. The fat content of standardized milk:

A. 3,2%

B. 6%

C. 3,5%

D. 2,3%

E. 3,6%

33. A method of using milk from animals with positive tuberculin skin test:

A. can be used after pasteurization

B. can not be used for food

C. can be used for animal feed

D. an acid to milk products without pasteurization

E. acid to milk products pasteurization

34. A method of using milk from sick animals tuberkulezeom:

A. can be used after sterilization

B. can be used after boiling

C. depends on the fat cattle

D. can not be used for food

E. usable without sterilization

35. A method of using milk from sick animals brucellosis:

A. After boiling for 5 minutes on a farm sends to dairies

B. destroyed

C. may be used without boiling

D. can not be used after sterilization

E. After boiling for 3 minutes on a farm sends to dairies

36. A method of using milk from sick animals with positive reaction to sero¬logicheskoy brucellosis, but no clinical symptoms:

A. can be used after pasteurization

B. for animal feed

C. boiling in place of milking

D. may be used without pasteurization

E. You can use

37. A method of using milk from sick animals FMD:

A. after boiling at 80 ° C

B. 30 minutes is used for the needs of the economy after boiling sent to the dairy

C. for animal feed

D. can be used without restrictions

E. After boiling at a temperature of 80 degrees C.

38. A method of using milk from sick animals mastitis:

A. can not be used for food purposes

B. after sterilization

C. for animal feed

D. on milk products

E. After posterization

39. A method of using milk from sick animals anthrax:

A. destroyed

B. When boiling

C. after sterilization

D. for animal feed

E. -after pasteurization

40. The fat content of sour cream premium:

A. 36%

B. 25%

C. 30%

D. 45%

E. -35%

41. Fat content of cream of first grade:

A. 30%

B. 35%

C. 45%

D. 25%

E. -36%

42. Acidity sour premium:

A. 65-90 degrees

B. 65-110 degrees

120 degrees C.

D. 130 degrees

E. -75-90 degrees

43. Acidity cream first grade:

A. 65-110 degrees

B. 69-90.gradusov

120 degrees C.

D. 70 degrees

E. 70-110 degrees

44. Acidity cheese 20% fat:

A. 200-225

B. 65

C. 160

D. 90

E. -20-225

45. Nitrogen extractives of meat:

A. carnosine, creatine

B. anferin, creatine

C. gipokoantin, aksarin

D. anserine

E. -karnozin

46. Nitrogen-free extractives of meat:

A. glucose, glycogen

B. hypoxanthine

C. glucose, anserine

D. karnezi, creatine

E. glucose

47. helminthiasis transmitted through the meat:

A. tenidioz

B. difillobatrioz

C. opistarhoz

D. ascariasis

E. trehillez

48. Your conclusion, if 40 sm.kv. 3 Finns found in meat:

A. conditionally fit

B. benign

C. It is not a benign

D. low nutritional value

E. conditionally-worthless

49. Your conclusion, if a 40 cm square. 2 Finnish meat found:

A. conditionally fit

B. benign

C. has poor

D. low nutritional value

E. conditionally-worthless

50. In what kind of meat is more common trichinosis:

A. Pork

B. Lamb

C. horsemeat

D. Fish

E. Beef

51. Indicator epidemiological safety of milk:

A. coli-titer, total bacterial count

B. acidity density

C. fat

D. coli index

E. elbow to-titer coli index

52. Indicator epidemiological safety of fish:

A. absence of helminths and pathogenic bacteria

B. Amino-ammonia nitrogen

C. hydrogen sulfide

D. All of these

E. the absence of helminths

53. Indicator epidemiological safety of meat:

A. absence of helminths and pathogenic bacteria

B. Amino-ammonia nitrogen

C. hydrogen sulfide

D. volatile fatty acids

E. no helminths

54. The fermented sour milk products

A. mation, yogurt

B. yogurt, kimiz

C. sour cream, cottage cheese

D. yogurt, cottage cheese

E. -matsion, slovochnaya oil

55. The products mixed fermentation:

A. yogurt, katyk

B. all of the

C. mation, yogurt

D. sour happening

E. yogurt, sour cream

56. The most dangerous in epidemiological terms between bacterial phases in milk:

A. bactericidal

B. fermented milk

C. Mixed

D. All of these

E. ammonium amiachny

57. The correct chain of Trichinella in humans:

A. intestinal mucosa, lymph, blood, muscle

B. gut-blood, muscles, blood

C. gut-lymph-parenchymal organs

D. gut-parenzimatoznye organs lungs

E. -slizistye intestinal lymphoma

58. Your conclusion, the detection of blister forms at the echinococcus slaughter animals:

A. liver poor quality meat benign

B. benign liver and meat

C. liver and meat has poor

D. low nutritional value of the meat

E. –liver quickie

59. A method for use of meat from sick animals generalized tuberculosis:

A. conditionally fit, if the meat is fat

B. meat low nutritional value

C. benign

D. for animal feed

E. conditionally-worthless

60. Your conclusion, if a child has a weight of less than the standard, which is not enough food in the diet:

A. meat products

B. dairy products

C. Potatoes

D. fruit and vegetables

E. Fish Products

61. Your conclusion, if the meat of sheep and goats derived from sick animals with generalized forms of brucellosis:

A. conditionally fit

B. benign

C. has poor

D. low value

E. conditionally-worthless

62. Your conclusion, if the meat is obtained from sick animals plague:

A. conditionally fit

B. has poor

C. benign

D. low nutritional value of the product

E. conditionally-worthless

63. Your conclusion, if the meat is obtained from sick animals FMD:

A. conditionally fit

B. has poor

C. falsified

D. low nutritional value of the product

E. conditionally-worthless

64. What is the purpose nitrites used in the production of sausages:

A. For color and bacteriological effects

B. For a taste

C. for amplification process

D. To increase the acidity

E. -for color

65. Hygienic indicators of meat:

A. volatile fatty acids

B. aminoammiachny nitrogen

C. bacteriological indicators

D. acidity

E. -gelmetnye infection

66. The content of volatile acids in good quality meat:

A. 0.35 ml per 100 grams of meat

B. 0.36 mL of 1000 grams of meat

C. 1,0 ml per 100 grams of meat

D. 0.036 ml per 100 g of meat

E. -0,25 ml per 100 grams of meat

67. Permissible content aminoammiachnogo nitrogen benign meat:

A. 8.0 mg per 100 g

B. 50 ml

C. 80 mg to 1000 mg

D. 80 mg per 100 g

E. 3,0 mg per 100 g

68. Your conclusion, if as a result of the sanitary examination of meat vyyav¬leno 100 grams of meat, 0.25 ml of volatile fatty acids, 75 mg aminoammiachnogo nitrogen, clear broth, organoleptic characteristics without izmene¬ny:

A. benign

B. falsified

C. low nutritional value

D. malignant

E. uslonvno-fit

69. When assessing the quality of meat by 25 point scale scored 21 points, your conclusion:

A. Benign

Reduced the value of the product B.

C. conditionally fit

D. has poor

E. -nedobrokachestvennye

70. When the sanitary examination of meat gained 9 points, your conclusion:

A. has poor

B. conditionally fit

C. falsified

D. low nutritional value

E. -dobrokachestvennye

71. microscopy meat in sight found 30 cocci and rods 3, how many points credited for the examination:

A. 3 points

B. 1 points

C. 5 points

D. 10 points

E. 5 points

72. If examination of meat, organoleptic characteristics conform to how many points credited:

A. 13 points

B. 23 points

C. 20 points

D. 25 points

E. -23 points

73. Hygienic indicators of sausages:

A. humidity, salt

B. nitrites, hydrogen sulfide

C. aminoammiachny nitrogen

D. volatile fatty acids

E. -vlazhnost nitrates

74. The permissible level of nitrite in sausage products:

A. 3 mg percent

B. 15 mg of interest

C. 2 mg percent

D. 1 mg percent

5 mg percentage E.

75. Special features of fish meat from animals:

A. lack of elastin

B. proteins ihtulina

C. lack of collagen

D. the presence of elastin

E. -no fats

76. The first signs of damage to fish:

A. Changes in color of gills