Meeting Of the
Presque Isle Township Parks and Recreation Committee
Held March 28, 2016
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Committee Vice Chair N. Crouch.
Pledge was recited.
Roll Call: In attendance were; N. Crouch, J. Wieczorkowski, M. Nefske, B Moran and D. Spencer (via phone). Excused member absent; N. Kinney.
Audience Present: 3 guests.
Comments from the Audience: No Comments.
Agenda Approval: M. Nefske moved to approve the agenda as written. Supported by; B. Moran. All ayes; so moved.
Renewal of Member Terms: M. Nefske moved to approve the renewal of terms for N. Couch and B. Moran for 2 years. Supported by; D. Spencer. All ayes; so moved.
Election of Officers
- P&R Chair: M. Nefske nominated D. Spencer to continue as the chair. Supported by; J. Wieczorkowski. D. Spencer accepted the nomination. No other nominations were made. A roll call vote was taken. All ayes; so moved.
- P&R Vice Chair: B. Moran nominated N. Crouch to continue as the vice chair. Supported by; D. Spencer. N. Crouch accepted the nomination. No other nominations were made. A roll call vote was taken. All ayes; so moved.
- P&R Secretary: B. Moran nominated M. Nefske as the secretary. M. Nefske declined the nomination. J. Wieczorkowski nominated B. Moran as secretary. Supported by; M. Nefske. B. Moran accepted the nomination. A roll call vote was taken. All ayes; so moved.
PITMS (Jeni Matuszak): J. Matuszak explained that her position with the Museum Society is the Historian and Artifacts and she takes the lead on all exhibits. She provided a handout; Guidelines to Exhibits, to the committee members. The handout regards to the Museum flow as well as visitor friendly labels. She also provided; Ideas for Exhibits for the 1870 tower, 1870 Keepers house and for the 1840 lighthouse. J. Matuszak asked for permission from the committee and or the Board of Trustees to allow her to place ashes in the fireplace at the old lighthouse. The ashes will make the fireplace look more realistic and she will also add cast iron pots and a coffee pot. She also would like to add a bear skin rug to the front of the fireplace. J. Wieczorkowski asked if the items were PITMS or do they belong to the township. J. Matuszak advised that there are lists for township owned items and for items owned by the museum society. The lists of the inventory are kept at the lighthouse. She would also like to move the banjo clock from the old lighthouse to the 1905 house. J. Wieczorkowski stated that she would report to the Board of Trustees with the request. J. Matuszak also provided a copy of the Historical Timeline of Presque Isle Township Maritime History. There is a copy at the front office at the township hall for anyone that would like to view it.
Approval of Minutes (November 30, 2015): J. Wieczorkowski moved to approve the minutes as written. Supported by; B. Moran. All ayes; so moved.
Approval of Special Meeting Minutes (December 8, 2015): M. Nefske moved to approve the minutes as written. Supported by; B. Moran. All ayes; so moved.
Correspondence: None
Member Reports
Budget & TWP Board Liaison (J. Wieczorkowski): J. Wieczorkowski provided a cash management report and the Board of Trustees liaison report. She advised that any projects will require 2 authorized signatures on the contract; in order for it to be valid;and that there will need to be an approval signature for any checks issued over $5,000.00. She stated that they have been organizing a fire board as well as a gift shop board and if anyone is interested, to please contact M. Devers, TWP Supervisor.
Maintenance (M. Bedard): A detailed written report was provided. M. Bedard advised that the quarterly water testing has been completed and he will be doing the 1st quarter maintenance inspections will be completed as the weather permits. He advised that there will need to be a tree removed at the old lighthouse park near the vault toilet and propane tank. He also stated that the privacy divider wall at the vault toilet will need to be repaired as well. He also advised that he will be working on the reflection garden at the cemetery when the weather starts getting warmer.
PITMS (N. Crouch): N. Crouch advised that the 1905 house will be open for the season from Memorial weekend through Labor Day weekend. Their hours will be; Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm and on Sunday’s from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm. They will be closed on Monday’s.
Committee Chair (D. Spencer): D. Spencer advised that he had nothing to report at this time.
Fireworks (M. Nefske): M. Nefske advised that she had contacted Mary Jo at Allegra(Model Printing) and the postcards have been sent out. J. Wieczorkowski requested that the address on the postcards be changed from her home to the township hall. M. Nefske moved to approve the cost of $8,000.00 for the fireworks. J. Wieczorkowski amended the motion for approval of $8,800.00 for the 2016 fireworks. Supported by; B. Moran. D. Spencer asked if the motion for $8,800.00 was for the fireworks only. J. Wieczorkowski advised that it is. D. Spencer advised that there will be additional costs too include insurance. J. Wieczorkowski advised that the ending balancefor 2015 was $11,838.00. All ayes; so moved. D. Spencer asked for clarification of the amount that the township will be donating. J. Wieczorkowski stated that she would report to the Board of Trustees with a request of $2,000.00. J. Wieczorkowski advised that the township will do a step down of $3,000.00 of last year to $2,000.00 this year and then $1,000.00 for the following year. Her recommendation will be to contribute $500.00 to the fireworks, thereafter. J. Wieczorkowski advised that there is approximately $12,324.00 in the fireworks fund at this point.
Summer Programs (B. Moran): B. Moran advised that she has been working on the Wednesday night summer programs. She stated that there are 4 Wednesday’s for the summer programs. July 6th will be the Steve Rae, July 13th has not been filled, July 20th will be Bobbin for Piranhas and July 27th has not been filled. B. Moran advised that L. Taylor had included the summer programs in her newsletter and L. Taylor also advised her that Lakeshore Realty will be sponsoring one of the bands and she encouraging other businesses to sponsor the bands. B. Moran advised that she has decided not to do the concession stands for the summer programs. She stated that it can be posted with the flyers to bring your own snacks. J. Wieczorkowski commented that B. Moran has been moving right along with the arrangements for the programs.
Advertising/Activities (N. Kinney): No written report was provided.
Unfinished Business
- McKenna 5 Year Plan (Update): J. Wieczorkowski advised that that the Board of Trustees had approved the 5 year plan resolution at the March 11, 2016 meeting and when she contacted C. Khorey at McKenna, he had advised her that the deadline was March 1, 2016. She expressed her disappointment regarding the news and the lapse of corresponding to notify the Parks and Rec. Committee with the deadline date. She advised that there is nothing going on at this time regarding grants. J. Wieczorkowski moved to approve the submission of the plan for August/September 2016 deadline. Supported by; B. Moran. All ayes; so moved.
New Business
- 5K Run/Walk: K. Twite was present at the start of the meeting and had to leave before the run was discussed. J. Wieczorkowski stated that she would contact K. Twite to get an update.
Adjournment: With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm
The Parks and Rec. Committee will meet again on Monday, April 25, 2016 @ 7 pm.