First Command Educational Foundation

1 FirstComm Plaza, Fort Worth, Texas 75109-4999

Confidential Volunteer Information for all Program Positions

Note: All information in this form will be kept strictly confidential, and shall be used only in the management of our services and programs.

Please Print (ink only)


First name______M.I.____ Last name______



Home phone (____)______May we call you at home?______

Work phone (____)______May we call you at work? ______

Other phone (____)______

E-mail Address______Date of birth______

Multilingual Yes No

If Yes, what other languages do you speak? ______

Emergency Contact:

First Name______Last Name______

Phone (_____)______Relationship______

Do you generally have access to a car? ______


Employer (optional):______

Handicaps or Limitations? ______

When would you like, (and are available) to do volunteer work?

Weekdays? ____ Evenings?____ Weekends?____

What date will you become available for volunteer work?______

From time to time, First Command Educational Foundation utilizes a network of volunteers to contact public officials about various issues important to financial literacy and scholarships. The volunteers receive "action alerts" via email, briefly describing the particular issue, then2-3talking points (or message) and the contact information for the public official.Would you be willing to help us educate and advocate for sound public policies that directly affect our work and lives? (____yes)(____no)

Education and Experience

Please place an “X” next to any of the following areas in which you ALREADY HAVE training and/or experience.


__Counselor__Writer/editor__Journalist__Data Entry

__Web design__ Advertising__Computers__Calligraphy

__Performing Artist__Public Speaking__ Politician__ Fundraising/Development

__Event Planning__ Educator__Photographer__Librarian

__Tax Preparer__Graphic Production__Artist__Financial Planner

__Accountant__Bookkeeper__Sales & Marketing__Spanish Skills

Volunteer Opportunities

Place an “X” next to 4-6 volunteer categories that you find of interest. Note that many of the taskingsbelow are sporadic throughout any given time of a year. Some are on-going commitments and others have a clear beginning and end.

General Office Choices Below:

[ ] Administrative Assistant / Clerical

[ ] Computer Data Entry

[ ] Book keeping

Education Division Choices Below

[ ] Material Preparation

[ ] Flier Design

[ ] Graphic Development

[ ] Evaluation Analysis

If you have teaching experience or public speaking, please check out our Instructor opportunities. Please note – FCEF does require prior experience providing instruction and classroom experience to serve as a volunteer Instructor. FCEF targets 6 different communities within our larger society. Please mark the communities you would be most comfortable teaching within.

[ ] Instructor

[ ] Civic (sororities/fraternities, Rotary, etc)

[ ] Professional/Business Organizations

[ ] Faith-based Organizations

[ ] Social Services (not-for-profits, community programs, etc…)

[ ] Education (Secondary – Higher) private and public

[ ] Government (Local, county, State, Federal)

[ ] No preference (comfortable in all)

Scholarship Division Choices Below:

[ ] Process Scholarship Paperwork

[ ] Prepare Scholarship Packets

[ ] Serve on Scholarship Selection Committee

PR/Marketing Division Choices Below:

[ ] Photography

[ ] Advertising & Marketing Design

[ ] Research

[ ] Ghost Writing and/or Editing

[ ] Newsletter Layout and Design

[ ] Website Up-date

Development Division Choices Below:

[ ] Serve on special event/fundraising committees

[ ] Special event set-up, tear-down

[ ] Special event staffing

[ ] Soliciting donations to support FCEF programs (with the guidance and direction from FCEF staff)

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