1. I will be in the same field placement for both Fall and Spring. True_____False____
2. My first day of field will be ______My days of the week I am in the field are ______and ______for a total of ______hours.
3. If I do not pass Field in the Fall (SWRK 195A), but I get a “C” or better in SWRK 140B, I cannot enter SWRK195B in the Spring, nor can I enter SWRK 140C. I will have to wait until Fall 2012 to repeat field. True_____ False _____
4. If I do not receive a “C” or better in SWRK 140B in the Fall, but I pass Field (SWRK195A), I can go on to field (SWRK195B) in Spring 2012. True_____ False______
5. I will have the same professor for SWRK140B and 140C. True____ False____
6. There are 3 university holidays in the Fall semester. They are:
______, ______, ______,
If I have field scheduled on those days, I am excused from field.
7. If I am sick or have any serious emergency on a field day, I will need to make up those days.
When can I make up missed days?______
8. If I am injured during placement hours, whom should I notify? ______
9. What is the last day of field for the Fall semester? ______
10. Match the following:
a. Field Instructor / The person who will oversee me at the placement on a daily basis.b. Task Supervisor / My 140B professor
c. Faculty Field Liaison / The person with an MSW or BASW who will oversee my placement at the agency.
11. List three things you are concerned about as you start your field placement.
12. List three tings you are excited about as you start your placement.
13. How long should you wait to get help when you encounter a problem in field?______
To whom should you go to when you have a problem in field?______