Deans’ Meeting Agenda

september 1, 2015

1:00 - 3:00 pm – Deputy 301A

agenda items

1.  GOOD NEWS AND WOW! ITEMS standing agenda item

Application is ready for success coaches. Visitors from China, Nursing students. Also six from tech college coming for a week in November. HLC report was submitted yesterday.

2.  events standing agenda item

Red Lake Economic summit, in Sept. Faculty from BUAD and ACCT will be attending.

3.  chair exchange carryover item troy

Suggestion was not well received to date.

4.  AA DEGREES – BSU carryover item MICHELLE

Michelle is checking to see how this works with the MnSCU “Credit when Due” project. Discussion about awarding an AA degree for current students when they reach this point in their credits.

5.  faculty hires – internal candidates troy

Faculty vacancy – hiring for probationary position; is there prior consideration for current fixed term faculty? How is this defined or carried out in a search? Need to make sure we get the best candidate for both fixed term and probationary positions. Contractually, faculty may request prior consideration – has been interpreted as “interview right”. Need to review this with HR for consistency.


Invite to lunch/orientation meeting for concurrent enrollment high school instructors and faculty, 9/23, at AIRC, noon. RSVP to Lynn.

7.  Dual Admissions martin

Meeting with Northland CTC; prelimary planning meeting. May be a pilot for other two year campuses. Sept 8, in the morning.

8.  holiday plans martin

Planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks. Who will be around? Let Martin know.


Report needs to be submitted to department chair, dean and provost after return from sabbatical. Reports also go to MnSCU.


Request to attend Dean’s council. May be beneficial to attend first few minutes for good news, events, etc to learn what is coming up.

11.  international efforts martin

English Language center (from WSU) may be going away after this year. This puts some of our newer programs at risk. Alternatives – minor in ESL, which would need to be up and running by Fall of 16. Would need to be approved by SEVIS.

31 new international students this fall, hope for 20 more this spring. Programs are just starting to generate numbers. Need someone to manage education abroad programs, to grow articulated programs. Includes coordination of visiting scholars. Looking for solutions.

12.  tribal consortium martin

President’s plan to create an indigenous teacher education program on campus. Also wants to reinvigorate the tribal consortium. Discussed what an immersion experience could look like for future and current teachers. Could also be beneficial for nursing students.

13.  gardner institute martin

Colleen had a conversation about steps for getting started in the next cohort. Program is specific to course completion, addressing DFW rates, by reviewing multiple variables. Discussed cost for the program, how this works and the timeframe involved. May be beneficial to find faculty leaders to review this potential project. Also discussed possibility of using “StarFish” as a replacement for EARS.


Will be putting out a call for a faculty coordinator for this year. Will use last year’s work group to make recommendations. Discussion of who will be admin assistant. State conference is in Winona.

15.  OTHER

Course evaluation grievance has gone downstate, step 3. Partial duty day grievance – Randy is preparing a response. Also a concern about summer searches and the number of days required to serve on a search. Cranium café has been approved. Carry forward forms are due Sept 10. Still looking for applicants for the lib ed director position.