1. Futuro, 2. Futuro Perfecto, 3. Condicional, 4. Condicional Perfecto, 5. Pasado Del

1. Futuro, 2. Futuro Perfecto, 3. Condicional, 4. Condicional Perfecto, 5. Pasado Del

1. Futuro, 2. Futuro perfecto, 3. Condicional, 4. Condicional perfecto, 5. Pasado del Subjuntiv/ Imperfecto del subjuntivo con situaciones hipotéticas- si cláusula (si + PS/IS, condicional), 6. Pasado del subjuntivo/ Imperfecto del subjuntivo con el subjuntivo en el pasado


  • Students will create skits to present from memory. Students will be divided into groups of 4. Each group of students will choose a topic, create a skit, and present it from memory using the grammar listed at the top of the page. Some topic ideas are: one student is a fortune teller, and the others are his clients; your group is a group of scientist discussing the future of the earth concerning the environment; one person is an interviewer and the others are scientists; one student is a doctor. Another is a patient who just injured his _____; you are a group of high school seniors hanging out and discussing what you will do at your graduation party and after graduation; you, your spouse, and children have just won a million dollars, and you are telling the media (or your friends and neighbors) what you will or would do with it; you are planning a surprise (birthday) party. Tell what all of you will do to prepare; you just found out that José and Anna are getting married. What will transpire? I am open to varying these topics as long as it is done the first day and students present their idea to me and it works.
  • Use each grammar tense listed at the top of the page twice (you may count the conductional and the pasado del subjuntivo when you use ithem in the si cláusula).Underline on your sketch thetargeted grammar, and circle any words that you have to look up. Everyone in the group must write out the entire sketch. On the day that you present, give me the copy of the sketch that I made corrections to. Staple it to your rubric with all of your names on the rubric (rubric on top of the sketch, direction side down, rubric up). Write any circled words (unknown words) on the board at the start of the period and teach those words to the class before you present your sketch. Each person will speak at least 4 times---4 good sentences. (Remember, “Hola,” “Gracias,” etc. do not count as one time.
  • Create skits to be presented from memory. Remember that using props and dressing the part is a vital part of the skit (see rubric) because it makes for a more interesting presentation.
  • Practice, practice, practice your presentation.
  • If you are not here any of the days that we work on or present the skit in class, obviously, you will not be able to do your fair share.So, you will have to create a skit of 2 people using the above criteria. You will have me check the skit, and you will video the skit and send it to my email .

Homework: memorize skit

RUBRIC para Hablar/Español III

Nombre______Clase______Fecha ______

Direcciones:Mira el otro lado, por favor.

Rubric para Hablando / 8
¡Sí -somos la bomba!  / 6 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 0
Otra vez me senté en mi trasero, y no hice nada. Mi mamá va a matarme
Contenido/compleción de requeridos y inclusión de detalles más allá del mínimo
Originalidad/creatividad del sketch
Originalidad/creatividad de la presentación
Trabajo durante la clase/ contribución a tu grupo incluyendo ideas para el sketch y presentación, estando on task, escribiendo tu sketch durante la creación de él (no haciendo copias)
Rubric y sketch original entregado a tiempo y apropiadamente
Total / ______/64
