Church Services
Sunday 2nd April Lent 5 Passion Sunday
Linton / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Maggie Guite
Horseheath / 10:00 / Sunday Club
Bartlow / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Lesley Gore
Sunday 9th April Palm Sunday
Castle Camps / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Passion Play / Revd. Lesley Gore
Thursday 13th April Maundy Thursday
Shudy Camps / 19:00 / Agape meal followed by 1 hour evening watch / Revd. Ian Fisher
Friday 14th April Good Friday
Horseheath / 12.00 / Liturgy of the Cross / Revd. Ian Fisher
Sunday 16th April Easter Day
Castle Camps / 08.00 / Easter Service of Light / Revd. Ian Fisher
Castle Camps / 10.00 / Easter Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Easter Eucharist / Revd. Lesley Gore
Sunday 23rd April Easter 2 First after Easter
Horseheath / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Morning Service / Led by congregation
Sunday 30th April Easter 3 Second after Easter
Shudy Camps / 10:00 / Joint Service at Shudy Camps with URC / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / No service 3 Counties Walk
Sunday 7th May Easter 4 Third after Easter
Linton / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Maggie Guite
Horseheath / 10:00 / Sunday Club
Bartlow / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Lesley Gore
Sunday 14th May Easter 5 Fourth after Easter
Castle Camps / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Family Rogationtide Service / Revd. Lesley Gore
Sunday 21st May Easter 6 Fifth after Easter
Horseheath / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 18:00 / Evensong / Revd. Lesley Gore
Sunday 28th May Easter 7 Sunday after Ascension Day
Shudy Camps / 10:00 / Holy Eucharist / Revd. Ian Fisher
Bartlow / 10:00 / Morning Prayer / Led by the Congregation
Church Wardens
All Saints', Castle Camps / St Mary's, Shudy Camps / All Saints' Horseheath
Mrs Lindi Kent
01799 584 012 / Mr Andrew Webb
01799 584 489 / Mrs Pat Smith
01223 892 484
Mr David Neal
01799 584 264 / Mrs Judith Jolley
01223 890 786

The Connection

News from the Anglican churches of Castle Camps, Shudy Camps and Horseheath

April & May 2017

Dear Friends,

April sees us finally reaching Easter. People always think that Christmas is my busiest time. Although at Christmas there are lots of services and many people come, these services are much of the same thing and the difficult bit is varying the selection of carols.

At Easter we have not just the Easter Day Celebrations, but the Holy Week services starting with Palm Sunday then passing through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday that lead up to it. Each of these service has its own distinctive feel which, if they are done right, help us travel with Jesus through death into new life.

This year our services start with the Palm Sunday service at Castle Camps, where we will bless our Palm Crosses and process into church to hear the reading of the Matthew Passion. On Maundy Thursday, I am planning an agape at Shudy Camps. An agape is a communion service in the context of a shared meal. The aim is to hold a service which reminds us of the Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. The meal will be a ‘bring and share’ and I will produce a sheet for people to indicate what they can bring, so we don’t get loads of quiches, but no salad to go with them. After the meal we will hold a one-hour vigil when the altar will be stripped and we remember Jesus' time of agony in the garden of Gethsemane. We then move to Horseheath for the good Friday Liturgy including the veneration of the cross and reading of St John's Passion.

On Easter Day we start at 08:00 at All Saints' Castle Camps with the lighting of a bonfire from this we light our Easter Candles and carry them into Church and proclaim the resurrection. We then renew our baptismal promises, as it is through baptism that we pass from death to new life with Jesus. With the early morning service finished we will be serving breakfast. If you are coming we would ask you to sign up in church or phone Katharine at the Vicarage (01799 585977) just so we have some idea of numbers. At 10.00 we complete our celebration with the Easter Morning Eucharist.

I hope you can join us for some, if not all, of the services and that they will contribute to your understanding of the most important events in the history of our salvation.

Ian Fisher (Team Vicar)

The Camps Vicarage
01799 585977

St. Marys’ Parish Church, Linton

On Sunday 2 April at 15;00, Pete Chapman and Mike O’Neill, members of The Memphis Jazz Band, will entertain in St. Mary’s Church, Linton with a programme of music and songs from the ‘Flanders and Swan’ shows of the 1960s – remember "The Hippopotamus Song" – mud, mud, glorious mud? Adult tickets £10 including refreshments from Chris Morse (01223.891616). All proceeds to The Friends of St Mary’s.

On Saturday 8 April at 19.00 a Singalong "Joseph & The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat", St Mary’s Linton. Tickets £5 or £2.50. Contact for further information Pam Richardson (01223 890921) or Hilary Angetter (01223 892305).


All Saints’ Parish Church, Castle Camps

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in All Saints' Church after the service on 9 April.

We have reinstated the mid week Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays at 10.00 at the Vicarage; a short, quiet service to take a moment of reflection and quiet during your busy week.

The recent Deanery Fair raised a total of £1376.00. We would like to thank all who contributed to make this such a successful event and from the Castle Camps PCC to thank in particular Pat Smith who has supported this event on our behalf for many years.

Our planning for 'Open the Book', an animated way of telling bible stories to school children which is interactive and fun, is well under way and we hope to be in a position to support some assemblies at Castle Camps Primary School very soon. Thank you to Nicola Bown for all her help on this project.

We have also moved forward with our hand bell ringing endeavour and a small group from the school will be holding their first training session in coming weeks, more news soon. Thank you to the Revd. Ian Fisher who has picked this project up with a flourish

On Sunday 11 June we are planning another Quiz in the Garden. This has been popular in past years and we are grateful to Pam and Guy Schooling for hosting. We have a quiz and enjoy tea and cake in their beautiful garden, either come as a team or make up a team when you arrive.

On Sunday 18 June we are planning our Open Gardens. This is always a good village occasion, should you wish to open your garden please contact David Holmes on 01799 584430.

We are very pleased to announce a further date for your diary with a concert on the 8 July featuring Malcolm Guite. Malcolm is a world-renowned poet and musician - those who have seen him perform before will know you are in for a treat. More details nearer the time. LK

St. Mary’s Parish Church, Shudy Camps

A heartfelt thank you to everybody who contributed to Coffee for Christine on 24 February. The turnout at St Mary's was amazing and people were so generous with their time, raffle prizes, delicious cakes and donations. We 're delighted to tell you that we raised approximately £1260, before applying the Gift Aid contribution, which is fabulous ! Every penny will go to Maggie's Wallace Cancer Care Centre in Christine's memory. EG

Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributes in any way to the upkeep and support of the church. All that you do is very sincerely appreciated and all new offers of help in any shape or form are always very warmly welcomed. AW

All Saints’ Parish Church, Horseheath

The AGM will take place in Church on 5 April at 19:.00. The PCC would welcome new members. We meet four times a year to discuss the maintenance and general running of our Church. If you cannot make the AGM and would like to become a member please let Pat or Judith know.

Cleaning and re-oiling of the knave floor has taken place with the help of a donation from the SCDC Community Chest. Perry Removals removed and then returned our pews. We thank you both.

Another thank you to all who supported our Valentine Lunch held on 18 February. £270 was raised for the upkeep of our church. Also thanks to Alan and Audrie Bishop for hosting our Tea & Chat in their home over the winter months. We shall return to church on Wednesday 12 April and 17 May at 14.30. All welcome.

Sunday Club for children meets on the 1st Sunday of every month in Church at 10.00.

We are holding a Summer Soiree (an evening of music) at 19.30 on Saturday 3 June in church. Tickets will cost £12.00, which includes a glass of wine and light refreshments, hosted by Duncan Maletka and his group. Also in the afternoon of the 3 June our annual Garden Party will take place in the Garden of Jim McCaughan adjacent to the church. Usual stalls, teas and entertainment. Do come and support us all proceeds go towards the upkeep of our church building. PS & JJ