1. ETH Zürich, PhD Positionin soil fertility and plant nutrition
We are inviting applications for one PhD student position based jointly
in the Plant Nutrition Group of ETH Zurich (
the Laboratory of Radio-Isotopes (LRI;
of the University of Antananarivo
(Madagascar) and at the Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping Systems
Research Unit ( in Antananarivo
(Madagascar). The research topic will be the study of nutrient
(phosphorus, nitrogen) use and dynamics in conservation agriculture in
the Midwest of the Malagasy Highlands. The PhD project will include
field, laboratory and on-farm work in Madagascar and laboratory work in
Switzerland. The project will use the state-of-the-art facilities of the
Plant Nutrition Group and of the LRI.
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with a strong interest to
perform interdisciplinary research at the interface of soil science,
plant science and agronomy. Previous experience in one or several of
these fields is important. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or
equivalent) in agricultural sciences, biology or environmental sciences.
Applicants must have a good command of French for the field work and a
good command of English for working at the ETH Zurich.
Applicants should submit letter of application, CV, statement of
research interests, copy of certificates, and addresses of 2-3 potential
referees by e-mail to emmanuel.frossard[AT]ipw.agrl.ethz.ch. For further
details on the project please contact Prof. Emmanuel Frossard.
Evaluation of applications will start 15.08.2010 and continue until the
position is filled.
Dr. Else K. Bünemann-König
ETH Zurich
Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem Sciences (IPAS)
Eschikon 33
CH - 8315 Lindau (ZH)
tel +41-52-3549149
fax +41-52-3549119
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