Ephesians 3:1-12

God’s Timing


1. Do you have a hard time waiting? God acts according to His own timetable.

2. Ephesians 3:1-12 God’s timing is seen as Divine Secrets. We will note two aspects of God’s


Do you have a hard time waiting? God acts according to His own timetable.


Let’s notice the characteristics of a man or woman that God uses. We never need to pray

for God to use us, but “Dear God, make me useable.”

  1. A Satisfaction for Jesus 1

The prisoner of Jesus Christ…for you Gentiles (because he took the Gospel to the Gentiles)

  1. Perspective so important (your view or His)

*Paul was a prisoner in Rome, but he was captured by Christ!

*Paul wasn’t a captive in Rome, he was a Christ’s captive.

*We either become bitter or better! Perspective is everything in life. This is how you view circumstances. “I am a prisoner of Jesus Christ”. He was in prison by design and for a purpose.

*Wherever I am, it’s o.k. This is Christ’s place for me, and I am there for His purpose!

2. Purpose for you Gentiles

*Paul was in prison because of his stand on the Gospel.

*There is a oneness in Christ. He was an apostle to the Gentiles. Oh, to see the

purpose of service in the midst of pain.

*How do you react to situations that you can’t change? God’s purposes may take

time to develop or become evident. Do you find yourself in a prison (there is no way

out)? Rest in your situation. Look for opportunities to minister. It’s not about you,

but others!

  1. A Steward for Jesus 2-4

Dispensationmeans stewardship.

  1. Paul’s Gift…Paul was given a stewardship by God’s grace.
  2. Paul’s Grant…it was made known to Him by revelation. 2
  3. Paul’s Giving…Paul wants them to comprehend the mystery of the church. 3

*Stewardship is oikonomia and a steward in Paul’s day was someone who managed the house. He didn’t own anything, he just managed everything the house owner owned.

*A steward doesn’t own anything, he or she just manages it for God!

*By God’s grace…God doesn’t say, ‘Now let’s see who is qualified.’ I am a steward of Pennsville Baptist Church. I am to feed and protect God’s people. I am a steward of money, time, talent, etc. I don’t own anything. I merely manage it for my Master.

*We are all stewards. All that we have belongs to Jesus Christ and has been given to us by His grace! Be careful when something is “mine”. If something is “mine” then I can lose it.

C. A Station for Jesus 5

What is your station in life?

  1. The Past Mystery…which in other ages was not made known…

*The mystery of the unity wasn’t ever made known to Old Testament prophets. The mystery was something hidden, but was now being revealed. It was a Divine Secret.

*The Old Testament knew of the salvation of the Gentiles.

2. The Present Mystery…it is now revealed by His holy apostles and prophets…

*New Testament apostles and prophets was confirmed by signs, wonders and

miracles (Heb. 2:3, 4).

*As it is now revealed…in God’s timing and stresses here and now. The Word of God

was revealed at that time and closed. We have this revelation in the New Testament.

*By the Spirit (II Peter 1:21) All divine revelation comes through the Holy Spirit.

*What station has God given you? You are there for a purpose, and part of that

purpose is to bring glory to God and lift up Jesus Christ.

D. A Servant for Jesus 7, 8 We are all servants! Grace Given…(3:2, 7, 8)

1. Surrendered

a. I was made a minister…minister we get our word, deacon. A deacon is a waiter on

tables, a bus boy. Surely Paul was more than that. No, that’s as high as he allowed

himself. He was taking orders from Another. I was made a……. you finish it.

*It is a divine call. What made Paul a minister was the call of God.

*Do you look at your placement as a divine appointment?

b. According to the gift of the grace of God…It’s His Gift and His Grace!

c. The effectual working of His power…This is not natural ability. This is the

dynamite power of God working in him and through him.

  1. Sacrificial 8
  1. I am less than the least or I am the leastest!
  2. When the servant of God begins to think he or she has arrived. They are in trouble!At that point we forfeit God’s power. When our hearts become filled with SELF…we lose a servant’s heart and the power is gone!

E. A Spokesman for Jesus 8b

Grace was given for a purpose. That I should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ.

We can talk about everything, but Christ. (Rom. 10:14, 14ff)

Do you have a hard time waiting? God acts according to His own timetable.


  1. The Meaning of the Mystery 4b, 5

Mystery is a Divine Secret, hidden from the Old Testament saints. There are many

mysteries unveiled to the New Testament saints through the apostles and prophets.

  1. The Message of the Mystery 6
  1. We cannot imagine this shock. It is not that Gentiles would be saved. The Old Testament taught that. (Is. 11:10; 42:6; 60:3; Zech 2:11)
  2. 3 points in v. 6

*Fellowheirs *Fellowmembers *Fellowpartakers The Church is not Old Testament! Israel and the Gentiles are made one new Body…the Church.

C. The Mystery of the Mystery 9, 10

1. Hidden in God

2. God’s Wisdom is on display. Did you know that angels are watching the Church?

*In order that the angels (principalities…powers) might see the wisdom of God by

looking at the Church. Manifold…is like an embroidered pattern made of a variety of


*God’s timing flows from God’s wisdom. The more we fulfill God’s plan of unity,

the more praise they bring to God. As angels observe your life and relationships to

others, will it cause the angels to bring praise to God?

D. The Magnitude of the Mystery 11, 12

  1. Eternal Purpose 11 Which He purposed….It’s about how Paul fits into His plans, not how God fits into Paul’s plans. Note: every verse flows back to the God head!
  2. Eternal Provision 12 Access…Acceptance We can walk into God’s presence with confidence!

Do you have a hard time waiting?

Be Patient!!

We are part of something BIG. Sometimes we lose sight of that!