Hoops for Heart Service Project Plan
After talking with Murray Coleman, director of the American Heart Association, the event needs to be focused on basketball events.
You must type and print out your plan. Make estimates as best you can. You may work in group no larger than 4, but everybody must type and turn in the work.
The following is needed in order:
Group Member Names (as needed):
Anticipated date for activities: (Note: we will be out of school Feb. 20th-24th, and March19th, March 20-21st are PASS testing days)
Location/s event will be held:
Date to get permission from principal and other teachers:
Types of Advertisement for event:
Plan to create advertisements and # of days needed to complete:
Dates Ads should run/be posted:
Description of all events in order:
Make sure you have listed all rules for the event! They have to make sense for all participants.
How long should the event take place per participant.
What will other students be doing while not participating.
Will results be recorded for winner recognition.
Be very detailed here. Explain everything so all people can understand it. Add details that you may need that I didn’t list. Go above and beyond on this step as it is the most important one of all!!!!
Prizes that will be given and for what places and how will prizes be received, will all participants receive something:
Inclement weather plans: (even do if indoors, remember we can’t kick the PE instructors out of the gym)
Jobs that need to be covered and by how many people:
Charge to participate and estimated # of participants:
Any special guideline to be able to participate: (we can’t have students coming just to get out of class)
How will we keep track of participants:
Anticipated Expenses: (itemize to the best of your abilities)
Other Special things as needed: