PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: R. FURNEAUX (CHAIR), M. COLES, A. COURT, G. CRABB, C. BUCHANAN, C. Hill (Clerk) and 1 member of the public
1.Appointment of Chairman
Councillor Court nominated Councillor Furneaux, seconded Councillor Coles and carried unanimously. Councillor Furneaux accepted the appointment and signed the declaration of acceptance form.
2.Apologies for absence
Apologies received from Councillor Crabb.
3.Open Forum
No questions from the public.
4.Declarations of Interest
Councillors Coles and Court declared personal interests in item 9(a) as friends of the applicant.
5.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Councillor Coles asked if the action point on item 6(e)(ii) could be removed. This change was approved and the minutes were amended. It wasagreed that the minutes should now be signed. The Chairman signed the minutes and initialled the amendment.
6.To accept Councillor’s resignation
The Chairman reported, with regret, that Councillor Philcox had resigned from the Parish Council. He thanked her for her help and support and wished her well.
The Clerk confirmed that a notice from the District Council regarding this vacancy had been placed on the noticeboard.
7.Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings:
(a)Resident’s email distribution list for agendas and minutes
The Clerk reported that she has written to the ICO requesting that the Parish be registered. She confirmed that the fee would be £35 per year. Approximately 15 residents had requested that minutes and agendas be sent to their email accounts. The Clerk also said that the questionnaires would be passed to either Councillor Furneaux or Councillor Coles as the written requests must be retained.
ACTION: The Parish Council to revisit this expenditure once the number of residents requesting this service has been confirmed.
(b)Stone Pit
The Clerk confirmed that she has written to Land Registry.
ACTION: November agenda item.
(c)Update on Ironstone Workings application
The Clerk reported that no correspondence has been received from the Action Group. The Clerk to contact the County Council to find out if any of the issues raised have been addressed and to then draft a letter, with the help of Councillor Coles and the Chairman, to the County Council.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the County Council and to draft a letter, with the help of Councillor Coles and the Chairman, to the County.
(d)Localism Act
The Clerk confirmed that the District Council will be displaying the necessary information on their website. Ourwebsite administrator has confirmed that he will be able to place a link on the village website to the District Council website.
(e)Consultation on the draft Cherwell Local Plan
It was reported that Councillor Crabb had circulated a draft response which was approved. A copy will be held in the minute file.
(f)Consultation on the draft Bicester Master Plan
Councillor Crabb responded on behalf of the Parish Council.
(g)Whittle Jet Commemorative Stone unveiling
Councillor Coles reported that she had attended. She was pleased to report that there had been a good turnout.
(h)Wall on Rattlecombe Road
The Clerk confirmed that she has made the District Conservation Team aware of this.
8.Councillor’s Reports
(a)Gliding and Karting (MC and AC)
(i) Update on meeting with Gliding Club
Councillors Colesand Court met with the Gliding Club. The Club made councillors aware of the issues the Club has with cyclists (often young unaccompanied children) and horse riders on the runaway. This is extremely dangerous and they are currently drafting a safety leaflet, highlighting the dangers, which will be delivered to all residents. Residents must keep to the edge of the field. The Gliding Club also reported the hazards of the damaged road surface outside the entrance to the Kart Club. The Chairman said that Highways have made a few repairs and are investigating whether to carry out more substantial repairs. The Chairman confirmed that the AA and ‘Tom Tom’ have updated their records regarding access to the Club.
ACTION: Councillor Coles to forward the draft safety leaflet to councillors once it has been produced.
(ii) Notification of Enforcement Issues at Gliding Club
The enforcement officer has visited the Club and found 3 areas of concern. The District Council and the Club are working together to address these concerns.
(iii) Confirmation of meeting with Mr. Lowther re. Kart Club
The Clerk reported that she has asked Councillor Webb if he can help the Parish to get a response from the District Council. The latest Parish readings have been sent to Mr. Lowther.
(b)Communication (RF)
15th November deadline for Shenington Green.
ACTION: The Clerk to send the information from the First Responders to the Chairman.
(i) Employment Contract
This had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk. A copy will be held in the minute file.
(ii) Parish Community Fair
The Clerk reported that Councillors Philcox and Crabb were going to represent the Parish.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the organisers that Councillor Philcox will no longer be attending. The Chairman to contact Councillor Crabb.
(iii) Survey
ACTION: November agenda item.
(iv) School Report
The Chairman confirmed that he has passed a message to the school about the posters.
(v) KIN Group update
The Chairman reported that the Group will not be meeting but instead will be having regular visits, telephone calls and emails from the PCSO. He also confirmed that Councillor Philcox had been unsuccessful in recruiting a representative for Neighbourhood Watch.
(c)Minerals and Tip (MC)
No new report.
(d)Highways (RF and CB)
(i) Stewardship Fund
It was agreed that the Parish Council should ask Councillor Reynolds if he would support us in requesting that this fund be used to fill the potholes in Stocking Lane and Mill Lane that do not meet the 45mm criterion.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to Councillor Reynolds.
(ii) Flooded road by tip
The Chairman said that he would regularly check this area and report to the meeting when the work has been completed.
(iii) Risk assessment update
Councillor Buchanan reported that a number of options have been mentioned regarding speed reduction; cushions, 20mph speed limit, additional signage, road markings. Villages that have implemented some of the above options will be identified in order for the Parish Council to look at them. It was agreed that a working party should be set up to report to the Parish Council. It was further agreed that Councillor Buchanan should write an article for the Shenington Green and ask residents who are interested in joining the working party to contact the clerk.
ACTION: Councillor Buchanan to write an article for the Shenington Green
(e)Countryside (AC and MC)
(i) Litter Pickers
Councillor Court said that the litter pickers have arrived and appear to be quite effective.
(ii) Dog Fouling
It was confirmed that this matter can now be closed.
(iii) Wildflower Planting
Councillor Court said that she has planted the seeds and will transplant when they are seedlings. She agreed to talk to the resident who is mowing under the trees and the Church regarding mowing in the churchyards.
ACTION: Councillor Court to liaise with the Church and residents regarding mowing where seeds have been planted.
(iv) Cherwell Countryside Forum - 17th October
It was agreed that Councillors Court and Coles would attend.
(f)Businesses and Services (GC and CB)
(i) Replacement lighting columns
Councillor Coles reported that Cherwell District Conservation Team is looking into this.
ACTION: Councillor Coles to forward photo of suggested column to councillors when she has received it from Cherwell Conservation Team.
(g)Emergency Plan (GC and CB)
(i) Salt orders
ACTION: The Clerk to check with Councillor Crabb.
(h)Street Furniture (MC (Shenington) and CB (Alkerton))
(i) Bench on Village Green
It was agreed that we should ask the carpenter who mended the noticeboard for a quote.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward his details to Councillor Coles
9.To receive planning applications
(a)12/01303/F - Oriel Farm, Shenington
The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections to this application.
10.To receive results of planning applications
(a)12/00960/F - Land North West of Alkerton Oaks Business Park - granted
11.To receive any correspondence
(a)OALC October update
Circulated to councillors by email.
(b)RH buses
It was reported that this does not affect this parish.
(c)CDC Consultation; Statement of Licensing Principles
It was agreed that the Parish Council would not comment on this.
12.To agree a donation of £200 towards the hearing loop in the Village Hall
This was discussed and it was agreed that this is beneficial to the community and a donation of £200 was approved.
13.To agree updated Standing Orders
Draft standing orders had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed unanimously to adopt them. A copy is attached to these minutes.
14.Financial Report
(a)Bank balance
The Clerk confirmed the following balances:
Community Account - £1,909.93
Business Base Rate Tracker Account - £7,204.43
15.Second Open Forum
No questions from the public.
16.Passing of any accounts for payment:
The following accounts were proposed by Councillor Court, seconded by Councillor Coles and carried unanimously.
(a)Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s fee (September) - £158.90
(b)HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE) - £39.80
(c)SWAVHT - donation towards hearing loop - £200.00
(d)Mr. N. Brooks - reimbursement for mower fuel - £158.46
17.Closure of meeting
Date of next meeting - 14th November 2012
Meeting closed at 9.20pm.