Morgan County Primary School

School Governance Team

March 8, 2017


Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:02pm by Megan Morris. In attendance: Holly Copelan, Lisa Daniel, Nicole Harris, Barbara Ingram, Megan Morris, Shasta Tillery, and Brooke Carroll. Katie Sadler-Stephenson and Melissa Martin were not in attendance. Nicole Harris took minutes in the absence of Melissa Martin.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda – A motion to approve the agenda was made by Holly Copelan with a second provided by Barbara Ingram.

Approval of Minutes – A motion to approve the February 8, 2017minutes was made by Nicole Harris with a second provided by Holly Copelan.

Principal’s Report–Mrs. Daniel provided an update on the K-Roundup currently in progress with information about registration. Math Night has been rescheduled due to the Basketball State Championship game.

Parent Survey’s available until March. Results will be discussed in the April meeting.

School Operations – A motion to approve the new MCPS vision/mission statement was made by Shasta Tillery with a second provided by Holly Copelan. The new vision statement was adopted from the system wide vision/mission statement.

Finance – Mrs. Daniel provided a general budget overview. Brooke Carroll presented a proposal for media center purchases to be made using Innovative Funds. She is asking for $50,000 to create an outdoor classroom and purchase collaborative furniture.

Nancy Willis is the new Finance Director and is working with the schools to align programs/account numbers.

Personnel –Mary Duvane and Lori Ricks are retiring. 3 Pre-K positions and one 1st Grade teacher positions will need filling. Interviews begin next week.

Curriculum and Instruction – Teachers have submitted Project Based Learning topics. Students can select preferences via a survey. The PBL will take place the last week of school from 12:30pm till 02:30pm.

School Improvement Goals – Disciplining goals down the month of February. Attendance-absences, tardies, and early checkouts are all down the month of February.

Policy Review – The BOE is still eliminating out of date policies. School specific policies are not being created if a State policy exists.

Old Business – SGT Bylaws were reviewed and elections will be needed to replace Megan and Melissa for the 2017-18 school year. Nicole, Shasta, Holly, and Barbara will remain for the 2017-2018 school year. Nominees and elections will take place at a later date.

New Business- Bids for the Career Academy are higher than configurated, pushing groundbreaking back a couple of months. Reconfigured dates for new schools to open are 2018 for the high school and 2020 for the middle school.

Executive Session- None

Adjourn – A motion to adjourn was made by Holly Copelan with a second by Nicole Harris.

*Minutes were submitted by Nicole Harris

The mission of Morgan County Primary Charter School (MSPCS) is to maximize the personalization of instruction by supporting and challenging students as they develop their academic and social potential.