Hitler and the Rise of the Nazis Reading Guide.
Directions - Using your reading from yesterday, answer the below questions with specific text based answers

What specific issues led to the rise of the Nazis?
Treaty of Versailles- warcrimes and 32 Billion in reparations. Anti- Semitism antigovernment feelings that the gov. let them down
What year did Hitler rise to government power?Hitler becomes German Chancellor elected in 1933

Describe Hitler’s life, ideas and events from 1919 – 1921
Post WW1 Germany unstable Hitler inspired by Germans worker party. Nationalism and anti-Semitism
Rails on Treaty of Versailles. Becomes a strong public speaker.1921 leads the National Socialist Part or the Nazis.

What were problems in Germany Hitler was addressing in his speeches?
Hunger, unemployment, Hyperinflation. Most problems can be solved with the elimination of Communists and Jews.
Who did he blame for Germany’s problems?”Communists and Jews.

When and what was the Beer Hall Putsch? 1923 Munich Hitlerattempts a takeover (Coup d’état) of the WeimarRepublic..
He is arrested and sentenced to Jail. There he wrote Mein Kamph or My Struggle (outlining his full vision of his Nazi Germany.
Starts building a democratic party to come to power democratically
What did Hitler do when he was sentenced to prison?
Wrote Mein Kamph

During the Depression how did Hitler gain government power? What position was he appointed to?
CriticizedWeimar Republic, Won elections by 1933 Appointed German Chancellor

What totalitarian actions did Hitler introduce? What was the purpose of Dachau?
Hitler controlled every aspect of daily life, all Politicalpartiesbanned (except Nazi)
Purpose of Dachau Concentration Camp a death camp.
What kind of people were sent to Dachau?
Eliminate Jews, mentally ill, homosexuals, politicalprisoners

From the Mid 30’s how did Hitler violate the Treaty of Versailles?
Built his military, reoccupied the Rhineland Annexed Austria, Invade Czechoslovakia, Would invade Poland starting WW2.
What lands did he want and why?
He wanted living space. Germany most populated European Country. Reunite German speaking people.
What event triggered the beginning of WW2?
The invasion of Poland. Sept. 1 1939

In Poland how did the Nazis kill their enemies?
Blitzkrieg or Lightning War.
Formed the Tripartite or Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan

what was the Final Solution when did it begin
was proceeded by eliminating Jews from economics, work, Moving to ghettos, Mass shooting.
The final solution was the systematic plan to Eradicate Jews from all Europe Soviet Union. Final solution Begins in full 1941
What happened to Jews between the years of 42 – 43? How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
Jews were deported by train carts and moved to concentration camps throughout EasternEurope. 6 million would be executed. Death camps ballooned during this time. The most infamous was Auschwitz

What was the outcome of WW2. What happened at Nuremberg?
Allies occupy Germany. End of Nazi Party. Hitler would kill himself in his bunker before the soviets would find him.
Nazi officials would be convicted of war crimes in Nuremburg from 1945 0 1949

The war is not over the pacific is still raging with the Allies v. Japan