Mrs. W. Nugent SoundtrackProjectLiterature and Film
Description: The student will choose 5 songs to create a soundtrack for ONE of the texts read in class. In the liner notes (inside cover), with the lyrics, the student writes an explanation of why or how the song relates to the novel in terms of theme, setting, conflict, character, or mood. DUE DATE: ______
The student will design the CD jacket insert, and pitch the CD to the production company (the class). IT MUST LOOK LIKE A CD SOLD IN STORES. Points will be deducted if the liner notes do not fit inside the CD case!
Objective: The students will perform a literary analysis, using their ability to find and apply their own analysis of literary elements, such as theme, setting, conflict, character, and mood, etc.
Materials: markers, pens/pencil, paper, staples, rulers, scissors, and a plastic CD case.
- Choose ONEliterary work (One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, A Streetcar Named Desire, orThe Body) for which you will create a soundtrack for a modern version of the original source. OPTION: You may choose to complete this project with a partner.
- Put yourselves in the role of a music director for the film version of the novelyou have chosen. Create and design the CD jacket insert and choose 5 songs that will be included.
- Analyze the text in order to choose 5RELEVANT SONGS that you feel would be used in the soundtrack for the film if it were made today. (NOTE: You may not use any songs that have been used in previously produced films of any of the texts.)
- Write an explanation for each song that you choose (at least 5 sentences in length) discussing how it fits a contemporary adaptation of the novel. You must also identify WHERE in the film each song would be played (which scenes) and WHY. These paragraphs must be typedafter the lyrics---where they would normally be in a CD insert. All important information (i.e. the title of each song, name of the artist, etc.) MUST be included with the lyrics for each song.
- Decorate the CD jacket insert with some kind of CREATIVE illustration or artwork.
- Convince, or sell to, the producers (your classmates) that this is the soundtrack that they need to purchase for the film. ROLE PLAY!This presentation must include playing a portion of ONE song that is included on your soundtrack.PLEASE BE SURE THAT THE SONG YOU PLAY IS THE LAST SONG IN YOUR PRESENTATION.
Presentation must be 3-4 minutes in length. Students MUST incorporate a visual element (such as, but not limited to a Power Point presentation). The visual aid must consist of at least 5 slides – one for each song and must include RELEVANT lyrics from each song.*The presentation element is worth 40 points of overall project! *
- Extra Credit Slide: Cast the major roles for a contemporary version of the film for at least 5 characters. (Include a photo, his/her name, and name of one other film/television program in which this actor has performed; one bullet point explaining why you would cast that particular actor to play the role of each character.)MUST BE ALL ON ONE SLIDE!
PRESENTATION: ______/40 pointsTime: ______(3-4 min.)RUBRIC
Introduction (10 points)
name of Production Company ______
role-play; creative pitch/sell of soundtrack to film’s producers
Oral Presentation (10 points)
eye contact (not reading from the PowerPoint)
strong voice & clearly spoken
obviously rehearsed
a portion of the last song presented (at least 30 seconds)
complete lyrics for last song displayed while it is played
Visual/PowerPoint (20 points)
concise/font size is readable
title page with name of your production company
5 slides
title & artist for each song
relevant analysis of selected lyrics
states specific scene where each song would be played
creative presentation (images, animation, transitions)
songs chosen matched with scenes from the original work
WRITTTEN PORTION ______/60 points
Liner Notes
Cover (Creative)
Neatness & Effort
Fits into CD case
5 Songs (Title & Artist, Complete Lyrics)
- Includes the scene in which song would be played
- Why & how the lyrics relate to scene
- Insightful & Interesting
- Songs matched with scenes from the original work
- At least 5 sentences
A = 52-60
Analysis & Support for Topic: Relevant, telling, quality details - all give the reader important information from the text that shows deeper level thought in the song selection and reasoning. The student(s) show(s) clear connections to character and theme.
Soundtrack Paragraph’s Grammar and Spelling: Writer makes no, or very few, errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Liner Notes: Students work is neatly presented, shows thought and creativity; it is well-displayed and reflects outstanding effort. Liner Notes includes all of the requirements (including a VISUAL AID) as outline in assignment. VERY creative presentation to class.
Meets ALL project requirements with outstanding effort
B =44-51
Analysis & Support for Topic: Relevant, some details give the reader important information from the text that shows deeper level thought in the song selection and reasoning. The student shows some connections to character and theme.
Grammar and Spelling: Writer makes some errors in grammar and spelling that distracts the reader from the content.
Liner Notes: Student presents work in an average presentation; it is well- displayed and neat. Presentation includes most of the requirements as outlined in the assignment. Reflects good effort. Creative presentation to the class.
Meets ALL project requirements with good effort
C = 36-43
Analysis & Support for Topic: Supporting details and information are relevant, but several key issues or portions of the soundtrack are unsupported; connections to character and theme are present, but are weak.
Grammar and Spelling: Writer makes several errors in grammar and/or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Liner Notes: Lacks neatness. Presentation includes some of the requirements as outlined in the assignment. Reflects minimal effort. LACK of creativity in presentation.
Meets ALL project requirements with minimal effort
D = 28-37
Analysis & Support for Topic: Supporting details and information are typically unclear or not related to the text.
Grammar and Spelling: The writer makes several errors in grammar and spelling that greatly distract the reader from the content.
Liner Notes: Sloppy handwriting. Presentation includes very few of the requirements as outlined in the assignment. Reflects poor effort.
Does not meet ALL project requirements (INCOMPLETE)
F = 0-27Student failed to turn in the project