/ 20-1CoOcto October 2017booooooooooer 2017 ~ /
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat /
This month we are learning about… / 2 8:30- 3:30
Scholastic Book Fair – Oct. 2-6 / 3
Get 10 things to count. Line them up and count:
“First, second, third, fourth, fifth…” / 4
Tell someone your favorite story.
Why do you like it? / 5 Write and read these rhyming words:
cat sat
pat rat
hat bat
mat vat / 6 What is
matter? / 7
8 - Retelling familiar
stories, including
key details
- Identifying basic
similarities and
differences in texts / 9 Count how many in your house:
people, couches, beds, tables, chairs
/ 10 Tell about 3 jobs that people do at our school.
/ 11 Finish this sentence:
I like to ______.
Draw a picture of your sentence. / 12
What is the texture of your couch? How would you describe its shape? / 13 6:30 – 8:30 pm
YMES Haunted House / 14
YMES Fall Festival
15 Letters/Sounds:
Sight Words:
to, do / 16
Look around your house. Name all the things you see that start with “L”. / 17 Tell someone the story of
The Three Little Pigs
Remember key details / 18 Minimum Day
School starts at 11:00 / 19 What equipment does a firefighter need to do their job? / 20
Name 3 liquids in your house.
Name 3 solids in your house.
End of 1st quarter / 21
Size and Texture
Math Vocabulary: number, equal to,
greather than,
less than, count,
first, second,third, fourth…tenth / 23
Red Ribbon Week
Wear RED! / 24
Wear Sports clothes / 25
Wear Hawaiian
Clothes / 26
“Peace Out” tie dye / 27
Wear white / 28
Social Science
Community Jobs
Fire Prevention
Math Skills:
Counting, reading, writing numbers to 10 / 30
Count aloud as high as you can go. Our year-end goal is to 100! / 31
Have a safe and fun
evening! /
*** Our formal homework assignments will start in November. Please use this calendar to discuss learnings with your child and mark special events at school.

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