1) How much blood does an average-size man have?
a. 1-2 liter b. 3-4 liter c. 5-6 liter d. 7-8 liter
2) The circulatory pathway containing two consecutive capillaries are called ___.
a. arteriovenous anastomosis b. portal system c. arterial anastomosis
3) Which of the following hormones is not produced by the kidneys?
A. Aldosterone B Renin C. Erythropoietin D. calcitrol
4) Which of the following cells have the longest life span?
a. RBCs b. the majority of WBCs c. memory leukocytes
5) Where does the blood pressure fluctuate significantly?
a. arteries b. capillaries c. small veins d. all of a, b, and c
6) Nitrogenous waste products are ____.
A. safe to human body B. normally accumulated in the blood without generating any adverse effects C. toxic and need to be excreted
7) Leukocytes are manufactured in ____.
a. yellow bone marrows b. red bone marrows c. the liver d. the spleen
8) By adjusting ____, blood flow to a organ can be regulated quickly.
a. blood viscosity b. blood vessel length c. blood vessel diameter
9) Which of the following is the correct route of blood flow in the kidneys?
A. renal artery Þ … Þ afferent arteriole Þ glomerulus Þ efferent arteriole Þ peritubular capillary Þ …Þ renal vein
B. renal artery Þ … Þ efferent arteriole Þ glomerulus Þ afferent arteriole Þ peritubular capillary Þ …Þ renal vein
C. renal artery Þ … Þ glomerulus Þ afferent arteriole Þ efferent arteriole Þ peritubular capillary Þ …Þ renal vein
D. renal artery Þ … Þ afferent arteriole Þ peritubular capillary Þ glomerulus Þ efferent arteriole Þ …Þ renal vein
10) Blood clotting factors are ___.
a. always active in normal blood stream b. activated when blood flow is sluggish
c. still inactive if left in a test tube at room temperature for a few minutes
11) Plasma components penetrate capillary wall through the following routes except ___.
a. intercellular cleft b. intercalated discs c. fenestration d. endothelial cell body
12) Glomerular filtration rate refers to _____.
A. the blood flow into the two kidneys per minute B. the amount of filtrate formed per minute by the two kidneys combined C. the amount of filtrate formed per minute by a single kidney
13) Which of the followings plays a more important role in regeneration of blood vessel wall after a blood clot seals the hole?
a. RBCs b. WBCs. c. platelets d. the plasma
14) A decrease in plasma protein content would increase ____.
a. filtration b. reabsorption c. diffusion d. transmission
15) To which of the following blood components are glomerular filtration membranes least permeable?
A. urea B. uric acid C. electrolytes D. glucose E. proteins
16) Hemocytoblasts cannot differentiate into ___.
a. neutrophils b. erythrocytes c. lymphocytes d. plasma proteins
17) Under osmotic pressure, water flows from one compartment to another compartment that contains ___ solutes.
a. more b. less c. equal number of
18) The macula densa is able to detect the salinity of the tubular fluid in ____.
A. proximal tubule B. the distal tubule C. the collecting duct D. the loop of Henle
19) Which part of a RBC does oxygen binds to?
a. alpha globin b. beta globin c. heme group
20) If mean arterial pressure decreases, the compensatory responses include ____.
a. an increase in heart rate b. peripheral vasodilation c. a decrease in cardiac contractility
21) What percent of nutrients in the filtrate is normally reabsorbed by the entire tubular system?
A. 50% B. 65% C. 70% D. 80% E. 99%
22) Where are natural pacemaker cells located?
a. AV node b. SA node c. ventricles d. His bundle
23) Which receptor is the least likely involved in the compensatory responses to a sudden drop of mean arterial pressure?
a. baroreceptors b. chemoreceptors c. proprioceptors
24) Solvent drag, one of the mechanisms for reabsorption, is driven by ___.
A. colloid osmotic pressure gradient between tubular fluid and the blood in the peritubular capillaries
B. hydrostatic pressure gradient between tubular fluid and the blood in the peritubular capillaries
25) What structure allows action potentials to be conducted from one myocyte to another?
a. mitochondria, b. pores in intercalated discs, c. sarcoplasmic reticulum, d. thick filaments
26) Renin has the following functions except ___.
a. converting angiotensinogen to angiotensin I b. converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II c. stimulating thirst d. stimulating aldosterone secretion
27) Sodium pumps (Na+-K+ ATPase) contribute directly or indirectly to the reabsorption of ____.
A. sodium B glucose C. amino acid D. all of the above
28). How many times is ventricular contraction triggered by one electrical impulse generated in SA node normally?
a. once b. twice c. three times d. many times
29) As the myogenic response, a sudden increase in the pressure inside a small artery would trigger ____ of this artery.
a. dilation b. constriction c. neither dilation nor constriction
30) The unique property of the thick ascending limb of nephron loop (loop of Henle) is that ____.
A. it reabsorbs two thirds of the filtrate B. it is the target of aldosterone and ANF
C. it helps establish a high extracellular osmotic concentration in renal medulla
D. it concentrates urine by reabsorbing water
31) QRS complex corresponds to ___.
a. depolarization of atria b. depolarization of ventricles c. repolarization of ventricles d. depolarization of AV node
32) Low oxygen content in the lungs causes pulmonary ____.
a. vasoconstriction b. vasodilation c. neither vasodilation nor vasoconstriction
33) The unique property of the collecting duct is that ____.
A. it reabsorbs two thirds of nutrients in the filtrate B. it is the primary target of aldosterone and ANF
C. it is not a target of ADH D. it concentrates urine by reabsorbing water
34) During ventricular ejection, ____.
a. ventricular volume increases b. ventricular pressure does not change
c. ventricular volume decreases d. AV valves are open
35) The driving force for the lymph flow comes from ___.
a. gravity b. contraction of the heart c. rhythmic contraction of lymphatic vessels
36) ADH ____.
A. enhances water reabsorption B. decreases water reabsorption
37) Can electrical impulses normally be conducted from the ventricles backwards to the atria?
a. yes b. no
38) Lymphoid tissue/organs are involved in all of the followings except ___.
a. detecting/destroying foreign microorganisms b. detecting/destroying cancerous cells c. detecting/destroying aged RBCs d. maintaining normal blood pressure
39) Patients of diabetes mellitus excrete abnormally high volume of urine because ____.
A. the glomerular filtration rate is higher than normal
B. the presence of glucose in tubular fluid increases the osmotic pressure of the tubular fluid and hinders the reabsorption of water
C. insufficient amount of ADH is present D. water permeability of the collecting duct is increased
40) If the heart rate is 70 beat/min and the stroke volume is 80 ml, how much is the cardiac output?
a. 1,500 ml/min b. 1,600 ml/min c. 4,900 ml/min d. 5,600 ml/min
41) Which cells do not secret inflammatory chemicals?
a. normal hepatocytes (liver cells) b. damaged tissue cells c. platelets d. leukocytes
42. The three body fluid compartments include all of the following except ___.
a. the kidneys b. plasma c. intracellular fluid d. tissue fluid
43) The preload of left ventricle is ___.
a. the end-diastolic ventricular volume b. pulmonary arterial pressure
c. aortic pressure d. the end-systolic ventricular volume
44) Pulmonary ventilation refers to ___.
a. gas exchange between the air and the blood b. air flow in and out of the lungs
c. oxygen transport by the blood d. gas exchange between the blood and tissue cells
45. Water loss via ___ can be avoided.
a. respiration b. urine c. sweating d. feces
46) Which of the following does not contribute to atheroma (atheroclerotic plaque) formation?
a.smoking b. hypercholesterolemia c. hypertension d. HDL
47) Provided the barometric pressure is 760 mmHg, a pulmonary pressure of 763 mmHg could likely be measured ___.
a. during inspiration b. during expiration
48. Edema can be caused by ___.
a. an increased capillary reabsorption b. a decreased capillary filtration c. occlusion of lymphatic vessels
49) Sympathetic cardiac centers are located in ____.
a. SA node b. medulla oblongata c. hypothalamus d. AV node
50) Airway resistance is against ___.
a. inspiration only b. expiration only c. both inspiration and expiration
51) Which of the following can be directly absorbed by the small intestines without chemical digestion?
a. fat b. proteins c. starch d. vitamin B6
52) Which hormone cannot be administered orally?
a. angiotensin II (peptide hormone) b. corticosterone (steroid) c. testosterone (steroid) d. estrogen
53) Food digestion and absorption occur mainly in the ___.
a. stomach b. small intestines c. large intestines
54) Which of the functions of the stomach is indispensable and has to be compensated by exogenous substitution?
a. storing food b. digesting proteins c. secreting intrinsic factor d. absorbing aspirin
55) Gastric glands secret all of the followings except ___.
a. HCl b. pepsinogen c. gastrin d. erythropoitin
56) Gastric acid has the following physiological functions except ___.
a. destroying pathogens b. producing gas c. activating pepsinogen d. breaking up plant cell walls
57) The mechanisms for the self-protection of the stomach from the destructive effects of acid and pepsin include all of the followings except ____.
a. The epithelial cells are immortal. b. A highly alkaline mucous coat covers the stomach.
c. The epithelial cells are rapidly replaced by new cells.
d. There are tight junctions between epithelial cells.
58) Gastrin is ___.
a. not a hormone b. able to stimulate gastric secretion c. not able to stimulate motility of the large intestines
59) The stomach ___ contract spontaneously.
a. can b. cannot
60) Gastric motility is primarily inhibited by signals from ___. (hint: considering the cephalic, gastric, and the intestinal phase)
a. the head b. the stomach c. the small intestines
61) Bile is produced by ___.
a. the pancreas b. the liver c. the gall bladder d. the duodenum
62) Bile is involved in the digestion of ___.
a. fat b. proteins c. carbohydrates d. vitamins
63) Which component of bile has important physiological functions?
a. cholesterol b. bile pigments c. bile acids d. neutral fat
64) After being secreted into the intestines, the useful component of bile ___ be recycled.
a. will b. will not
65) The pancreas secrets all of the following except ___.
a. active digestive enzymes b. insulin b. glucagon d. sodium bicarbonate
66) Both bile and pancreatic juice are not released into the duodenum if ___.
a. chyme enters the intestines b. hepatopancreatic sphincter
constricts c. gall bladder contracts
67) CCK (cholecystokinin) stimulates ____.
a. gall bladder contraction b. stomach contraction c. hepatopancreatic sphincter contraction
68) The small intestines have all of the properties except ____.
a. secreting CCK b. being shorter than the large intestines c. being able to contract d. absorbing nutrients
69) Digestion of proteins and carbohydrates is completed by ____.
a. pancreatic enzymes alone b. brush border enzymes alone c. both pancreatic and brush border enzymes
70) Which of the followings is not a product of carbohydrate digestion?
a. glucose b. maltose c. oligosacchrides d. glycerol
71) Which enzyme digests fat?
a. amylase b. lipase c. protease
72) Emulsification droplets are formed in the digestion of ____.
a. carbohydrates b. proteins c. fats d. vitamins
73) Chylomicrons are ___.
a. absorbed into lacteal b. able to penetrate blood capillary wall c. formed in the lumen of small intestines
74) The gastrointestinal tract receives ~ ___ of water per day.
a. 1 liter b. 2 liters c. 3 liters d. 9 liters
75) Most of water in gastrointestinal tract comes from ___.
a. food b. drink c. gastrointestinal secretions
76) An abnormal increase in the osmotic pressure of food residues in the intestines will most likely cause ___.
a. diarrhea b. constipation c. diuresis d. natriuresis
77) Segmentation is ___.
a. the most common type of movement of the small intestines b. the sequential contraction of various portions of the small intestines c. able to propel food residues toward large intestines.
78) Bacterial flora ___.
a. are harmful b. produce vitamins c. reside in the small intestines
79) Appetite is regulated by all of the followings except ___.
a. blood glucose level b. CCK c. hunger and satiety center d. the pancreas
80) An average adult needs ____ a day.
a. 100-1,000 kcal b. 5,000-10,000 kcal c. 2,000-5,000 kcal
81) The majority of cells use ____ primarily to make ATP.
a. glucose b. amino acids c. fatty acids d. vitamins
82) Which is the most important hormone in regulating blood glucose level in the absorptive state?
a. CCK b. gastrin c. insulin d. glucagons
83) Which is the most important hormone in regulating blood glucose level in the postabsorptive state?
a. CCK b. gastrin c. insulin d. glucagons
84) In the postabsorptive state, ___ will be the last material to be used to produce ATP.
a. glycogens b. fats c. proteins
85) Heat is generated by ___ .
a. all cells b. muscles only c. liver only d. heart only
86) The biological thermostat is located in ___.
a. medulla oblongata b. hypothalamus c. midbrain d. cortex
87) Sex is determined by ____.
a. primary sex organs b. secondary sex organs c. sex characteristics d. sex chromosomes
88) Sperm cells are produced by ___.
a. epididymis b. seminiferous tubules c. Leydig cells d. seminal vesicle
89) Testosterone is produced by ___.
a. epididymis b. seminiferous tubules c. Leydig cells d. seminal vesicle
90) Sperm cells are stored in ___.
a. epididymis b. seminiferous tubules c. Leydig cells d. seminal vesicle
91) Semen is a mixture of secretions from all of the following organs except ___.
a. epididymis b. seminal vesicles c. prostate d. urethra
92) Which of the followings is not normally found in semen?
a. glucose b. clotting factors c. spermine d. prostaglandings
93) Acrosome has all of the properties except ___.
a. It is covered by a thin lipid film b. It contains digestive enzymes. c. It is the outer layer of the sperm head. d. It contains DNA.
94) ___ after being deposited in female reproductive tract, sperm cells are able to fertilize an oocyte.
a. Immediately b. Two hours c. Five hours d. Ten hours
95) Sperm cells can survive in female reproductive tract for ~ ___.
a. 10 hours b. 24 hours c. 2 days d. a week
96) Where does a lucky sperm cell normally fertilize an egg?
a. uterus b. vagina c. ovaries d. uterine tubes
97) Progesterone is produced by ___.
a. uterus b. oocyte c. corpus luteum d. pituitary
98) Which of the hormones bind its receptors in the plasma membrane?
a. conticosterone b. insulin c. testosterone d. progesterone
99) After being exposed to a large amount of hormone X, the number of its receptors will likely ___.
a. increase b. decrease c. not change
100) Mental retardation can most likely result from an insufficiency of ___ in one’s childhood.
a. growth hormone b. insulin c. thyroid hormone d. erythropoietin
1C 2b 3A 4C 5a 6C 7b 8c 9A 10b
11b 12B 13c 14a 15E 16d 17a 18B 19c 20a
21E 22b 23c 24A 25b 26b 27D 28a 29b 30C
31b 32a 33D 34c 35c 36A 37b 38d 39B 40d
41a 42a 43a 44b 45c 46d 47b 48c 49b 50c
51d 52a 53b 54c 55d 56b 57a 58b 59a 60c
61b 62a 63c 64a 65a 66b 67a 68b 69c 70d
71b 72c 73a 74d 75c 76a 77a 78b 79d 80c
81a 82c 83d 84c 85a 86b 87d 88b 89c 90a
91d 92a 93d 94d 95c 96d 97c 98b 99b 100c