Board Swearing In Script
[Chapter President], will you please rise and approach the podium? You have been constitutionally elected president of this chapter of the Society. It will be your duty to preside at meetings, to enforce impartially the bylaws of the chapter, to function in every respect as (your chapter's name) chief administrative, managerial and executive officer. You shall authorize all expenditures of the chapter funds upon approval of the Board of Directors. It will be your duty to guide the officers and directors in developing the chapter's aims and objectives. You are charged with the responsibility for the proper functioning of all committees. [Chapter President], you should at all times be watchful for activities, projects and programs which will be helpful to your officers, directors, chairpersons, members, chapter and the Society as a whole. You must become familiar with Roberts Rules of Order, the Society's and your chapter's bylaws. In the last analysis the ultimate success of this organization rests in your hands.
[Chapter President], are you prepared to take the oath of office as president of the [Chapter Name]
Please raise your right hand and repeat after me the oath of office. In the presence of honored guests and the members here assembled I, [Chapter President Name] do solemnly promise and pledge that I will faithfully execute the duties of president of ASHRM to the best of my knowledge and ability, to commit myself to the Society's Code of Ethics, further the objectives of this chapter and assume full responsibility for this honorable organization.
By the authority vested in me by the Society, I now proclaim you duly installed as president of the [Chapter Name].
I congratulate you upon your election.
Board Swear In
Will the rest of the board please rise and approach the podium?
You have been elected in accordance with your constitution to the important office of director(s). You are worthy of the honor bestowed upon you. Your business experience, your zeal and loyalty to the society constitute you an admirable executive board of directors. It will be your solemn duty to work with the president, other elected officers and the membership to advance the society and to faithfully perform the duties of your office as prescribed in your bylaws.
Are you prepared to take the oath of office as director(s) in the [Chapter Name]? Please raise your right hand and repeat after me the oath of office.
In the presence of honored guests and members here assembled - I, (director(s) name), do solemnly promise and pledge - that I will discharge the duties of my office to the best of my knowledge and ability.
I congratulate you upon your election.