Assignment 0

1) How many nodes are there in this circuit? How many loops? How many meshes?

Answer: 4 nodes, 3 meshes, 7 loops

2) Find the equivalent resistance between terminals a and b in the circuits below:

Answer: 4.7 Ohms

3) Find the current through the 5 volt source by simplifying the resistors to a single equivalent resistance

Answer: 30||20 = 12 Ohm , 10||40=8 Ohm, R=20 Ohm, I = 250 mA

4) What voltage does the voltmeter measure in the circuit below? (Hint; use the voltage divider rule):

Answer: 3||6=2kOhm, 4V*2/(2+2+3+1)=1V

5) Use Kirchoff’s Current Law to determine the unknown currents in the circuit below. Assume that I0=-2A, I1=-4A, IS=8A and VS=12V


Node A: -I0-I1-I2=0

Node B: I0+IS+I1=I3

Know that I0=-2A, I1=-4A, IS=8A

