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Care & Repair England is offering free places at a forthcoming national conference, supported by the British Society of Gerontology, which will bring together researchers and those involved in shaping policy, commissioning and providing services in the field of falls prevention.

Falling through the Gaps?

Connecting research, policy and practice in the field of ageing, falls prevention and housing interventions

Date/Place - 15th July, 10am-3.30pm, Central London

At a time of unprecedented reductions in public expenditure, higher standards of evidence are being demanded of the cost benefits of even established services such as falls prevention. The housing related interventions to reduce the incidence of falls, such as low cost home adaptations & repair services, are at particular risk.

This event will showcase some of the latest policy developments and research in the field, including the Public Health perspective, NICE guidelinesand new cost benefit modelling by the Building Research Establishment, as well as hearing from those at the sharp end who are pioneering new approaches.

There is a fantastic line up of speakers, including Lord Filkin, Chair of the Centre for Ageing Better, and Professor Sheila Peace, President of the British Society of Gerontology.

The event will provide an opportunity to build links between academics, planners, commissioners,service providers and older people.

Apply for your place now!

There are a limited number of places available for each delegate 'group' (A: Academics & Researchers: B: Planners and Commissioners: C: Providers and service users). Email your reply (set out below) today to

Contact Details: / Email:
Telephone Number(s): / Land/Mobile
Are you an / Academic/ Researcher
Planner / Commissioner of services
Service Provider
Do you have any special dietary or access requirements with regard to attending the event?
Are you a member of the British Society of Gerontology (BSG)?
The personal data you provide is strictly confidential and will be stored in line with the Data Protection Principles and only used in connection with this event.
