September 2016
Policy version control sheetDocument Status / Current
Policy Number / Procedure
Version Number / 1
Date of Policy / 03/09/2017
Next review date / September 2018
Name of originator / Roz Simpson
Approved by / Nita Ellul
Date of approval / 03/09/2015
Target Audience / All staff involved with the administration of controlled drugs.
Links to other policies / Administration of Medication
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Changes to previous version
New procedure; Reviewed Sept 2017: No changes required
Intranet / Website / Email to managers
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September 2016
1.1The purpose of this policy is to interpret and apply the relevant legislation in such a way as to put the best interests of the child at the centre of the administration, storage and recording of controlled drugs.
1.2It applies to controlled drugs that need to be administered when the child is either at school or on an activity away from the children’s home.
2Legislation and Rationale
2.1The Children’s Homes [England] Regulations 2015 makes reference to Managing medicines in care homes [March 2014] as a guideline that applies across both health and social care.
2.2Managing medicines in care homes [March 2014] is a Care Quality Commission document with specific reference to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
2.3The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 provides guidance on the administration, storage and recording of controlled drugs in general settings. This has been interpreted by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in their publication The Handling of Medicines in Social Care.
2.43 Dimensions Care uses the information in The Handling of Medicines in Social Care to inform aspects of the following procedure in order that it conforms with best practice as far as is practicably possible in order that children in our care requiring controlled drugs can lead as normal a life as possible.
3Procedure for taking a controlled drug to school or on an activity.
3.1Stock will be kept in the children’s home with the Controlled drug book in a dedicated locked cupboard.
3.2When required to be taken out of the home rather than given immediately, the necessary dose will be removed and placed in a container that is:
- Securely closed
- Labelled with the child’s name
- Kept on the person of the designated member of staff responsible for the child at that time. [A container in a ‘bumbag’ would be a reasonable solution as this can be carried on physical activities]
3.3The Controlled drug book will be filled in stating that the drug had been removed for ‘school’ or ‘activity’ in the ‘Patients name’ column, signed and witnessed with the remaining total.
3.4If the dose is to be given at school the drug will be handed over to the designated member of staff responsible for the child at school who will have a record of the medication and will sign this record when they give it. This record will remain at school. The Medication Administration Record kept in the home will be completed with an ‘S’ to indicate that the dose has been given at school.
3.5Unless the child is leaving the school premises immediately, the drug will be stored in a lockable container and in a locked cupboard or office.
3.6If the dose is to be given away from home on an activity the designated member of staff will sign the MAR on their return.
3.7Once removed from stock the drug must be given as close to the prescribed time as is practicably possible. The drug must not be returned to stock and re- entered in the controlled drug book with a suitable explanation, unless it is in its original package and the name and strength can be clearly identified.
3.8Spoiled drugs will be dealt with as per the Administration of Medication Policy.
3.9When reviewing the medication both the school and home administration records will be looked at in conjunction with each other for a complete record.
September 2016
September 2016