**Project Introduction: 21st Century artist and project report:
Objective: Investigation of the visual artists in the 21st Century; Through the process the student will be involved with analysis and critical thinking, and presentin written and oral formats.
Focus on one artist creating/working in the 21st Century, (and/or focus on Medium and/or New Media, Concepts, Objectives/goals/motivations of artists or other aspects of visual art/artwork being created in our contemporary world.)
Three Parts: 1. one page overview; 2. student analysis/reflection; 3. Presentation to class. [Research and writing will include- a. brief highlight of artist -listing of exhibitions, shows galleries presented or represented in; b. reference critiques, reviews, of the artist, exhibitions, body of work and/or specific artworks;include quotes-"translate" the "art speak" what is important, significant etc. about the artist and artwork; c. comparative analysis on relevance, impact and influence on art in the world; Personal perspective/reflection from the student; presentation to class.]
Project 21st Century - Written submission information
Part One - One page overview: (may extend to two pages if needed)
1. artists name and brief info/bio. ( name, date of birth and location, current residence/studio location; education - degree and institution(s); type of artist ie: painter, sculptor, digital/new media, etc.); how classified/what known for;
2. Three images of artworks representative of the artist. Try to place 3 across the page in chronological order oldest to newest; under each image include (title, date, medium, location/collection of.)
3. One paragraph highlight/overview: Information regarding the artist and his/her work; focus, concepts, ideas, objectives, goals, etc. behind the work; medium uses; special/unique aspects of the artist and work; influences upon the artist from the past; and impact and influence the artist has / is making on the art world today; (comparative analysis on relevance, impact and influence on art in the world.)
4. Researched quotes; include 3 in “quotes” with citations in correct URL/MLH Style format, each followed by your explanation/translation of what the quote means/is saying. (one by artist him/herself; two more from publications, curators, art critics, etc, assessing and validating the artist and his/her work, and putting the artist into context.; "Translate" the "art speak" what is important, significant etc. about the artist and artwork.)
5. Site all sources for research and quotes. (Must have minimum of 5 for research and quotes.)
6. A one sentence synopsis/summation of this artist, in your own words a statement that defines artist. (Be clear, can you identify this artist by your statement or is it too vague?)
* Research and edit carefully; please try to get onto one page, however items may go to two pages if needed.
Part Two -(page two) (writing one page / minimum 4 paragraphs. * may use additional page if needed.) Your analysis, evaluation and opinion of the artist and his/her work. Top of page; Class and day & hour meets; Your name; Your Major @SPSU; Artist name; classification/type. Include why you selected the artist - what drew you to the artist initially; Personal perspective/reflection from the student. Discuss how your opinion of the artist changed - your perceptions of the artist and the artwork altered, was enhanced or any other reactions you had as you learned more through your research. Include your one sentence statement that defines the artist. How did you arrive at this?
Identify the quotes and paraphrase the content (same info you included in Part One)- what are the "art experts" saying. Do you agree? why or why not?
Discuss ways/how more in-depth examination of one artist broadened your awareness of contemporary art and leads to / helps put into context other artists and in general your understanding of art today.
Identify the sources you used, the most useful and why, and any problems you may have had conducting the research and how you resolved them.
Tell why your project came out well.
Part Three - Presentation to class- Approx length 5 minutes*** you will need to submit a written outline of what you will present to class -Identify how will you be presenting. (What images using; video-you- tube 30 seconds to 1 or 2 minute clips; using 1 pg overview? using a pp? etc.) This is submitted with parts 1 & 2 on due date even if your date to present to the class is scheduled for a later day.
*Actual presentation to class: please have all info video clips etc. on a jump drive for easy access. Have sequence of visuals in a power point for ease of showing.