2013 CITYNET Seoul Congress: CITYNET Disaster Cluster Report
- Introduction
1.1. Cluster Mission and Objectives
In order to carry out CITYNET’s thrust towards building resilience, CITYNET Disaster Cluster trains city managers and staff in disaster risk reduction and management approaches, facilitates urban risk profiling activities and disseminates best practices of cities in disaster risk management. The creation of the Cluster is basically anchored on three (3) overall goals, namely:
- To mainstream disaster risk reduction in the overall urban planning and management
- To implement the Hyogo Framework for Action
- To increase the resiliency of communities to disaster risk
For 2013-2016, the Disaster Cluster aims to:
- Leverage city and community-based sound practices at the national and regional levels.
- Mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in periodic plans;
- Strengthen and institutionalize the capacity of local authorities and communities through training and development of knowledge tools, training and city-to-city exchange; and
- Develop/implement more member-led programmes and projects for the network.
1.2. Creation of the Cluster
The 2005 CITYNET Congress in Hanoi, Viet Nam gave birth to the CITYNET Disaster Cluster. The series of natural disasters occurring in the Asia Pacific region, particularly the 2004 tsunami and earthquake in Pakistan, paved the way to the establishment of the Cluster.
1.3. Disaster Cluster Then and Now
Since its creation, the Cluster organizes programs and activities on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM). DRRM, responses to climate change impacts, and urban planning and management are integrated into one unified whole.
The Disaster Cluster has created, and is continuously creating, a strong network of Cluster member cities exchanging knowledge and best practices on DRRM building upon CITYNET’s mission to connect local governments, civil society, and the private sector aimed at building people-centered, sustainable, and resilient cities across the Asia Pacific.
- 2010-2013 Accomplishment Report
2.1 Cluster Meetings
The Disaster Cluster regularly meets during CITYNET Congress and Executive Committee Meetings. The most recent one was in November 2012, where the Disaster Cluster convened for a strategic planning workshop and sharing of best practices on disaster risk reduction and management in Makati City, Philippines. The output of the said planning workshop was the Disaster Cluster Action Plan for the period 2013-2016.
2.2. Cluster Programs, Projects and Activities
For 2010-2013, the Disaster Cluster, in cooperation with the CITYNET Secretariat, accomplished a number of programs, projects and activities as follows.
2.2.1. Climate Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) Capacity Building Program (2010-2011)
The CDRI Capacity Building Program involves training on disaster risk reduction and development of knowledge tools for the formulation of a climate change action plan.
In partnership with Kyoto University, Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC), and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), the City Government of Makati conducted a Climate Action Planning Workshop held last January 21, 2011 involving all of the city’s barangay. This was a follow-up to the CDRI Capacity Building program at the city level implemented from February to April 2010, from which the City Climate Action Plan was developed. The 2011 workshop was intended to determine the urban resilience level of the city based on the data gathered from the barangays.
CDRI Climate Action Planning Workshop - January 2011, Makati City, Philippines
2.2.2. United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Asia-Pacific Refresher Course
Cluster Objective Achieved: Strengthen the capacity and competency of local authorities and communities through development of knowledge tools.
The City Government of Makati hosted the UNDAC Asia-Pacific Refresher Course on May 16-20, 2011, in cooperation with the members of the Field Coordination Support Section (FCSS) of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs(OCHA) based in Geneva, Switzerland.
UNDACwas designed to aid United Nations (UN) and governments of disaster-affected countries in coordinating for international relief during the first-phase of a sudden-onset emergency.
The Makati City disaster response team was given the privilege to participate and observe in the refresher course together with national government disaster response team and private sector partners.
Atty. Violeta S. Seva, Senior Advisor to Makati City Mayor, represented the CITYNET Disaster Cluster.
The following were undertaken in the five-day course:
- Mobilization of humanitarian response units to the New Zealand and Japan earthquakes
- Familiarization with the Internal Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) guidelines
- 7.2-Magnitude earthquake simulation in Makati City
2.2.3. Support to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Making Cities Resilient Campaign
Cluster Objective Achieved: Leverage sound city practices at the national and regional levels.
Makati City has played a vital role in the development and continuous enhancement of the UNISDR Making Cities Resilient Campaign since its inception. In 2011, it was recognized as a Champion for making cities resilient with its numerous initiatives in encouraging participation of various cities, within and outside the Philippines, to join the campaign and promote the Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LGSAT) developed under the campaign.
Through the efforts of Makati City, component cities of the Metropolitan Manila in the Philippines received trainings on accomplishing the LGSAT. Philippine cities, in cooperation with the League of the Cities of the Philippines (LCP), had likewise pledged their commitments to the Campaign evidenced by the enactment of an LCP General Assembly Resolution.
At the regional level, other CITYNET members have likewise signified their commitment to the Campaign. The list as of July 2011 is shown below.
- Banda Aceh, Indonesia
- Hanoi, Viet Nam
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Hai Phong, Viet Nam
- Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
- Danang, Viet Nam
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Marikina, Philippines
- Galle, Sri Lanka
- Mumbai, India
- Guntur, India
- Visakhapatnam, India
2.2.4. World Bank-Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery City-to-City Sharing Initiative for Disaster Risk Reduction (C2CSI for DRR) amongst Makati (Philippines), Kathmandu (Nepal) and Quito (Ecuador
In partnership with Quito (Ecuador) and Kathmandu (Nepal), Makati City (Philippines) embarked on a city-to-city sharing initiative for disaster risk reduction funded by the World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR). Makati serves as the focal city in-charge of project implementation and financial management.
The project, dubbed as the GFDRR C2CSI for DRR, aimed to provide a platform for city-to-city knowledge exchange on disaster risk reduction through a series of study visits. Its main objective is to promote knowledge dissemination, adaptation and innovation, technical cooperation, resource sharing and capacity building among Makati, Quito and Kathmandu, in the field of disaster risk management.
After less than a year of implementation, the following model templates were developed based on consultation with and inputs from the three cities:
- Disaster Risk Management Profile
- Sound Practices
- Basic Plan of the Emergency Operations Plan
- Public Awareness Campaign Plan for DRR
- Risk-Sensitive Land Use Plan/Risk-Sensitive Zoning Ordinance
Three areas for peer collaboration were also agreed to be formulated even beyond the project duration:
- GIS Atlas of hazards and risks, per city (Technical lead is Quito)
- Guidance Note on Building Code Enforcement (Technical lead is Makati)
- Guidance Note on the Creation of Community Emergency Response Teams (Technical lead is Makati)
The rapport between and amongst the three cities established through their membership in international organizations, like CITYNET and EMI (Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative) has proven to be a good foundation for the sustainability of this specific cooperation.
During its 25th Anniversary Celebration in Surabaya, Indonesia, CITYNET recognized this Project with a C2C Award under the Cooperation Category.
2.2.5. Asset Revitalization by CITYNET and Kuala Lumpur Regional Training Center
Cluster Objective Achieved: Strengthen the capacity and competency of local authorities and communities through development of knowledge tools.
CITYNET, in partnership with Kuala Lumpur Regional Training Center, introduced the importance of asset revitalization-based planning and its link to disaster management. Asset revitalization is defined as “the process of bringing old assets back to a normal and satisfactory operational efficiency.”(City Voices, Spring/Summer 2012). The efficiency of new assets could “contribute to greater confidence in city infrastructure and support timely controlling measures, while minimizing loss and cost” during disasters. (City Voices, Spring/Summer 2012)
The effectiveness of asset revitalization-based planning to ensure strengthened disaster management planning, financing and programme operations may be assessed with the experience of the Society for Development Studies (SDS) - India in the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). Using SDS-prescribed revitalization strategy, MCGM’s focus “shifted from the creation of new assets or outputs for increased service provision, to ensuring that existing and new assets are effectively utilized.”(City Voices, Spring/Summer 2012)
2.2.6. Yokohama’s Crisis Management
Cluster Objective Achieved: Develop/implement more member-led programmes and projects for the network.
In the crisis management program, the City of Yokohama formulated their disaster prevention plan with the following objectives:
- Strengthen measures such as evacuation shelters and proper inventory of relief goods
- Forge agreements for mutual support with other cities and private sector for disaster countermeasure
- Reinforce infrastructures such as earthquake proofing of bridges, lifelines, waterworks, and sewerage system
- Speed up government response system that involves installation of:
- Communication/Information gathering
- Disaster Prevention Wireless System
- Computer system to grasp the situation of damages, etc.
- Real-time earthquake countermeasure system
- Disaster prevention camera and fire-fighting helicopter aerial footages
Part of the program was the cultivation of human resources wherein crisis management seminars were held monthly and disaster prevention drills were participated by a total of 5,290 people and 55 organizations.
Yokohama shares its best practices to other CITYNET members.
2.2.7. Development of the Disaster Cluster Brochure
Cluster Objective Achieved: Leverage sound city practice at the national and regional levels.
A CITYNET Disaster Cluster brochure was designed to introducethe cluster to prospective and current CITYNET members and partners. The brochure is comprised of the cluster’s objectives and plans for 2010 to 2013, major programs and projects in the last four years, and member list.
CITYNET Disaster Cluster Brochure, 2010
2.2.8. Yokohama Resolution for Action on Disaster Prevention by Asia-Pacific Cities
On the CITYNET 25th Anniversary Commemorative Seminar: “Mega Disaster in Cities – What Communities and Networks Can Do” on October 31, 2012, cities from the Asia-Pacific region have convenedand expressed a common sense of urgency in dealing with natural disasters.
The Yokohama Declaration promotes building resilient communities through self-help and mutual assistance, as well as cooperation among cities, NGOs, and international organizations. Yokohama’s concept is to go beyond national frameworks and share information and experience.
2.2.9. Community Based Adaptation and Resilience Against Disasters (CBARAD)
Cluster Objective Achieved: Strengthen the capacity and competency of local authorities and communities through development of knowledge tools.
The CBARAD project, piloted in Iloilo, Philippines,was designed to complement capacities of the city and the barangays in terms of equipping them with the knowledge and resources for disaster mitigation. Supported by CITYNET, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the City of Yokohama,the three-year project includes training sessions, seminars and awareness activities for city officials, barangay leaders, and resident. The project is now on its second year.
2.2.10. Disaster Cluster Strategic Action Planning Workshop 2013-2016 and Best Practices Sharing on DRRM
To continue the efforts of the disaster cluster and meet the continuing needs of the cluster members, the City of Makati hosted the Strategic Action Planning Workshop for the Period 2013-2016 and Best Practices Sharing on DRRM. This was held on November 12 to 13, 2013 in Makati City, Philippines. Disaster Cluster Members involved in the strategic action planning workshop are Banda Aceh, Indonesia; Colombo, Sri Lanka; and, Hue, Vietnam. Sukabumi, Indonesia and World Bank Manila also participated.
The workshop is a follow-up to the Disaster Cluster Meeting and International Seminar in Sidoarjo, Indonesia on July 13 to 14, 2012 where the cluster members raised capability and capacity building needs including the establishment of early warning systems, guidelines on mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in land use plans and other preparedness programs and tools such as the Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LGSAT) and Climate Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI).
This workshop focused on the overall strategic action plan of the cluster for the period 2013-2016 and the proposed merging of the Disaster and Climate Change Clusters, among others. During the workshop, the members agreed to retain the existing clusters objectives for the next period.
- Cluster Challenges
As the Cluster Lead, Makati City experienced administrative and technical challenges as follows:
- ensuring the commitment and active participation of the cluster members in the cluster activities
- limited financial resources in carrying out projects and activities
- difficulty in identifying technical experts/resource persons for the needs of the member cities
- language barrier, geographical location, time difference
- Cluster Plans 2013-2016
Anchored on the CITYNET’s thrust, the Disaster Cluster Planfor 2013 to 2016 was formulated with city-to-city cooperation as the general methodology for implementation. The Plan consists of programs and activities mostly based on the following DRRM components: (1) prevention and mitigation; (2) preparedness; and (3) recovery and rehabilitation.
The Disaster Cluster Plan identified the following five priority projects.
- Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LGSAT) Promotion
- Upscaling of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) City-to-City Sharing Initiative for Disaster Risk Reduction (C2CSI for DRR)
- Climate Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) Expansion
- Knowledge Management: Compendium of Best Practices
- Capacity Development Program
These priority projects were based on the following cluster action plan, which may be subjected to review and updating, if necessary.
Disaster Cluster Development Program
This program aims to strengthen Disaster Cluster as the disaster risk reduction and management arm of CITYNET. It includes activities such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Merging of the Disaster and Climate Change Clusters
- Mainstreaming of DRR in three (3) CITYNET Clusters such as the Infrastructure, Climate Change and MDGs
- Ensure active involvement of cluster member cities through the:
- implementation of strategies to engage cluster members actively;
- development of regular reporting system for the Disaster Cluster members
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Program
This program aims to address challenges of CITYNET member cities in preventing and mitigating the impacts of disasters. It includes activities such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Development of DRR-CCA Action Plans
- Collection of various tools for Planning including guidelines and framework
- Mainstreaming DRR and CCA in city land use and development plans
- Development of a standard tool which can be promoted by CITYNET
- Explore new/alternative tools for land use planning such as the consideration of the geographical characteristics of the area (e.g. Tropical design; flood plain location, etc.)
- Preparation of DRR-CCA Plan thru the following:
- Situational Assessment such as Town Watching
- Risk Profiling
- Actual Plan Preparation:
- Use of Planning Tools such as CDRI, LGSAT and Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment
- Include implementing mechanisms and financing strategies (e.g. cooperation with neighbouring cities/municipalities for a more holistic approach in addressing DRR & CCA concerns)
- Knowledge Management: Development of Compendium of Best Practices on DRRM
- Climate Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) Capacity Building Program Expansion
Potential Partners: TDLC (World Bank), Kyoto University
- Scaling up of GFDRR (Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery) City-to-City Sharing Initiative (C2CSI) knowledge products through:
- dissemination of the following model templates for possible adoption by CITYNET member cities:
- Emergency Operations Plan
- Public Awareness Campaign Plan for DRR
- Risk-Sensitive Land Use Plan and Risk-Sensitive Zoning Ordinance
- Pilot testing of the applicability of the following guidance notes:
- creation of community emergency response teams
- development of GIS atlas of hazards and risks
- Building Code enforcement
- Expansion of the UNISDR Making Cities Resilient Campaign – Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LGSAT)
Potential Partner: UNISDR
- Establishment of partner organisations to support the implementation of DRR and CCA (Mutual Cooperation)
Disaster Preparedness Program
This program aims to capacitate the CITYNET member cities in preparing for and responding to disasters. It includes activities such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Pre-emptive and Emergency Evacuation Planning
- Creation of Skills Training for Community Emergency Response Team
- Early warning education at the community level
- Strengthening volunteerism towards collaborative coordination/response actions
Potential Partner: VSO
- Strengthening of Public Awareness Campaign and Information Dissemination for DRR
- Health Emergency Management Systems (HEMS)
Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation Program
This program aims to efficiently prepare for the application of the build-back-better / build-back-smarter principle after a disaster. It includes activities such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Strategies for Eco-Redevelopment of disaster-affected/prone areas (e.g. conversion of disaster-prone areas into green/open spaces) and rehabilitation of heritage districts
- Development of Mental and Psychosocial Programs for Disaster Victims
- Managing Economy in disaster-prone areas
- Capacity Building on Recovery and Reconstruction
- Damage Needs Assessment
- Risk Financing
The Cluster member cities are expected to implement the aforementioned projects and activities in their respective cities.