Swimming Towards Excellence since 1979

Killer Whale’s CompetitiveRegistration Package 2014– 2015

Welcome to the Killer Whales’ 2014/15swimming season! All documents and information pertaining to the Killer Whales’ competitive programs for the swimming season are enclosed.

Competitive Registration Checklist:

All of the following documents are to be completed in order for an athlete to be registered in the Killer Whale’s Competitive Program for 2014/15; (PRINT PAGES 6-10)

  1. Competitive Registration Form; (p. 6)
  2. Fee Calculation Sheet; (p. 7)
  3. Team FIOP Consent Form; (p. 8)
  4. SwimBC Personal Consent Form; (p. 9)
  5. Fundraising/ VPS Commitment Form; (p. 10)
  6. All Required Cash or Chequespayable to “CRKW”

Completed Forms/Documents and Fees

In order to participate in all activities, completed registration documents and fees (cash or cheque) need to be:

Handed into the club registrar. Please get ahold of Coach Sarah to arrange a time to drop the forms off at the pool

Sarah Rudolf phone:250-895-0817

****Please note that spaces in groups are limited and that you can only hold a

spotby completing theregistration process, including payment.

CRKW Competitive

2014-2015Group Structure and Standards

CRKW Group Structure and Standards

Mini-Whale White:

Mini-Whales White is our entry level into the competitive program. The main objective is to teach the fundamentals of competitive swimming, including stroke technique, rules of competition, as well as “Swim Skills”. Swimmers are introduced to the four competitive strokes, as well as the spirit of competition in a fun, engaging and supportive atmosphere. The main focus is on developing a strong technical base across all four strokes, while continuing to develop their fundamental movement skills, in a fun and engaging setting.

Mini-Whale Blue:

Mini-Whales Blue builds on what was learnt in Mini-Whales White, with an emphasis on stroke technique and “swim skills”, as well as getting ready for competition. Starts and Turns, stroke technique, rules of competitive swimming, team spirit, and the traits that make a great swimmer are all things that are focused on daily in Mini-Whales Blue. At this level the goal is to instill a love for sport in each and every athlete, through the introduction of new skills, daily challenges for each individual swimmer, as well as developing each individual’s competitive edge.

Mini-Whale Black:

Mini-Whales Black is the top group of our 10 and under program. Swimmers in this group have the goal of reaching the Swim BC AA Standard by the end of the long course season. Fundamental technical skills continue to be reinforced at this stage, with an emphasis on the transfer of technical skills into competition. “Swim Skills” continue to be a focus and athletes are challenged on a daily basis to develop themselves as an athlete as well as a person. Dedication and commitment to sport become important at this stage, as the work that is put into each individuals training, directly reflects the level of improvement throughout the season.

Orca Blue:

The Orca Blue group is the start of our youth program, and will be made up of swimmers that are ages11-13. Swimmers in this group have the goal of reaching the Swim BC AA Standard by the end of thelong course season. Fundamental technical skills continue to be reinforced at this stage, with anemphasis on the transfer of technical skills into competition. “Swim Skills” continue to be a focus andathletes are challenged on a daily basis to develop themselves as an athlete as well as a person. Dedication and commitment to sport become important at this stage, as the work that is put into eachindividuals training, directly reflects their level of improvement throughout the season.

Orca Black:

Swimmers in the Orca Black group are AA/AAA level swimmers with the goal of reaching their Swim BC AAA Standard or their AGN Standard. In this group the focus is still on technical development and fundamental skill development, with an introduction to different training techniques. This is a competitive group, and all areas of competition will be covered, including goal setting and nutrition. Thefocus will be on developing IM swimmers, with development continuing over all four strokes. Swimmersin the Orca Black group have shown dedication to the sport. Commitment to the full Orca Blackprogram including practice schedule, meet schedule and camps throughout the season is asked of bothswimmers and parents at this level.

Provincial Black 2:

Swimmers in Provincial Black 2 are working towards achieving their AA and AAA standards, but may also be focused on other commitments outside of the pool. The Provincial Black 2 program has a large focuson technical development, as well as learning how to carry the work that is done in practice over to thecompetitions. Swimmers at this level may be participating in other activities outside of the pool, but adedication to the program is still asked of each individual swimmer. Swimmers are encouraged toparticipate in the full meet schedule, as well as any extra training opportunities that come up throughoutthe season. Dedication, commitment, consistent work ethic, and a desire to learn and improve are alltraits that will help swimmers excel at this level in CRKW.

Provincial Black:

Swimmers at the Provincial Black level are working towards their AAA and AGN standards, making second swims at peek meets throughout the season, as well as being selected for specific Swim BC camps. Swimmers are continuing to develop their technical and tactical skills, with a huge focus being on learning how to put together technically sound races. Attendance at all training times and a commitment to the full meet schedule are mandatory at this level, along with being able to manage school commitments without significant and ongoing misses to the training program. Dedication, commitment, consistent work ethic, and a desire to excel are all traits that will help swimmers to be successful at this level of sport. Swimmers at this level should be starting to commit fully to the sport, with a goal to swim at their highest level, and to be applying for the Provincial Gold group in seasons to come.

Provincial Gold:

This is the top group in CRKW, with swimmers in this group working towards their National Standardsand being selected for specific Swim BC and Swim Canada teams. Swimmers in this group haveshown a huge dedication to the sport by organizing their school schedule to accommodate theirpractice schedule, with practices starting at 1:30pm each day. Swimmers in this group are continuingto develop their technical and tactical skills, with a large focus being on training to perform at peekmeets throughout the season. Attendance at all training times and a commitment to the full meetschedule is mandatory at this level, along with being able to manage school commitments withoutsignificant and ongoing misses to the training program. Dedication, commitment, consistent work ethic,and a desire to excel are all traits that will help swimmers to be successful at this level of sport.

CRKW Competitive

2014-2015Fees and Policies


(A) / Program Months / Training Fees Total / TrainingFee Payments
(B) / SwimBC
(C) / Fundraising
(E) / Volunteer Points
Mini Whale White / $40 / 9 / $495 / 9 x $55 / Based on age as of Dec 31, 2014
8 & under $73
9 & 10
15 & over $181 / $125 / 3
Mini Whale Blue / $40 / 9 / $675 / 9 x $75 / $175 / 5
Mini Whale Black / $40 / 9 / $990 / 9 x $110 / $250 / 8
Orca Blue / $40 / 9 / $1080 / 9 x $120 / $300 / 8
Orca Black / $40 / 10 / $1700 / 10 x $170 / $450 / 10
Provincial Back 2 / $40 / 10 / $1850 / 10 x $185 / $500 / 10
Provincial Black / $40 / 10 / $2200 / 10 x $220 / $525 / 12
Provincial Gold / $40 / 10 / $2450 / 10 x $245 / $625 / 12

Note: There may be other fees required. Athletes may be required to purchase training equipment for practices, and a team suit in addition to remitting additional swim meet entry fees to attend swim meets. Please review all policies and program requirements.

Team Membership

The annual team membership/society fee is required for each registered athlete on the team, and includes a team t-shirt and a team practice cap. The annual team membership is non-refundable, not pro-rated and is ineligible for multiple athlete discounts.

Training Fees

Training fees include both water and dryland components of training. They can be paid all at once or by multiple payments due the first of each month, and are eligible for multiple athlete discounts and refunds (please see Multiple Athlete Discounts and Refund Policy).

Fundraising Commitment

Like most non-profit organizations, fundraising is essential in being able to provide our great programs to the youth of our community at a reasonable cost. There are many opportunities for you to complete your commitment to CRKW. Some of these are: Sponsorship Signage, Tag days, Bottle drives, Swim-a-thon, flower bulb sales, smoked salmon sales, poinsettia sales. The club also has an incentive policy for those swimmers who raise more than their club commitment (see fundraising incentive policy). Swimmers have until June 15th to complete their commitment.

V.P.S. – Volunteer Points System

Our Volunteer Point System (VPS) was put into place to encourage families to participate in the running of the swim club. Many hands make light work! Volunteers are needed in order for the club to be successful. Timers, officials, executive members, swim-a-thon coordinators, chaperones are just a few ways that you can help out and be an important part of your swim club! Each swim group is assigned a certain number of points required as part of your commitment to the club. Each point is worth $30.00. We host at least 2 swim meets per year. Swimmers in Orca Black and above should have at least one parent who is certified as an upper level official (above timer).

*** The Club would rather have your HELP than your cheques! ***

SwimBC Registration Fee

This is a Mandatory and non-refundable fee and it covers your insurance. Swimmers who join the pod after March 31, 2014 will receive a 50% discount on this fee. There is a multi-swimmer discount for families with more than 2 swimmers.

Multi Swimmer Registration

The following applies to families with more than one child:

SwimBC Fee: reduced by $10 for swimmer #3, and $20 for swimmer #4 or more

Training Fees: reduced by 50% for swimmers #4 or more

VPS: Fulfill only the points for the highest swimmer in the family

Fundraising: reduced by 50% for swimmers #3 or more

NSF Cheques

A service charge of $20.00 will be applied to all NSF cheques.

Early Withdrawal Policy

In the event that a swimmer leaves the program prior to the end of the season, a 30 day Notice of Termination must be received in writing by the Club Registrar and/or the Treasurer. If the member gives notice after the 15th of the month, this month will be assessed as time in the club and a further month’s swim fees will be required. Members will also be responsible for a percentage of the fundraising and VPS as follows:

Prior to January 1st,2015 –responsible for 50% of all fundraising and VPS

Prior to March 1st, 2015 – responsible for 65% of all fundraising and VPS

After March 1st, 2015 –responsible for ALL fundraising and VPS

Joining after Registration Date

Swimmers joining the club after the start of the season are still responsible to make payments based on the following reduced rates.

Prior to December 1st, 2014 -responsible for ALL fees, fundraising and VPS

December 1– March 15, 2015responsible for 75% of all fees, fundraising and VPS

After March 15th , 2015 -responsible for 50% of all fees, fundraising and VPS

CRKW Competitive

Registration 2014 - 2015

Athlete Information
Application Type: Returning Swimmer - Complete only things that have changed.
 New Swimmer Have you ever been a swimmer with another swim club?  Yes  No
First Name: Surname:
Gender: Female Male Birthdate: Year / Month / Day Age as of Dec 31, 2014 ______
Program (please circle) MWWhite MWBlue MWBlack OrcaBlue OrcaBlack ProvBlk 2 ProvBlack ProvGold
Family Email for notifications:
Health Care Number: SNC Number (office use only)
Please List and describe and medical concerns the coaching team needs to be aware of :
Parent/Guardian Information
 Mother  Guardian 1 /  Father  Guardian 2
First Name: / First Name:
Last Name: / Last Name:
Address: / Address:  same as left
City: Postal Code: / City: Postal Code:
Home Phone: / Home Phone:  same as left
Cell Phone: / Cell Phone:
Work Phone / Work Phone
Email: / Email:
Occupation: / Occupation:
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I agree to pay the membership and training fees as described for my child’s swim program. I understand that swim meet, equipment, and team uniform costs are in addition to these fees. I have read and understand the team commitments for my child’s swim program and the team policies. CRKW reserves the right to refuse and/or revoke registration applications and/or membership.
I have read and signed the Team Consent Form with respect to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act/Personal Information Protection Act (FIOP). I have read and signed the Fundraising Commitment and Volunteer Points System requirements.
I hereby consent to allow ______to participate in CRKW Competitveprogram (“the activity”) from on or about September1, 2014 to on or about August 15, 2015, and in the case of an emergency, I give permission for my child to be taken to the nearest medical facility for necessary care.
I acknowledge that the activity involves risk of injury, including the possibility of serious injury or death. Notwithstanding my acknowledgement of such risks, in consideration of CRKW agreeing to allow my child to participate in the activity, I hereby release and undertake indemnify and save harmless CRKW and its officers, directors, employees, volunteers and representatives from any and all claims for loss, damage or injury to my child arising from participation in the activity and from all actions, claims and demands of every nature whatsoever which I, my child, or my child’s heirs, administrators and assigns may now or at any time hereafter have resulting directly or indirectly from such loss, damage or injury.
Parent and swimmer(s) agree to the CRKW Code of Conduct, signed and dated here ______(initial) as well as on page 11/12 of the CRKW Competitive Package.
DATED in Campbell River, British Columbia this ______day of ______in the year ______.
Parent/Guardian (please print): ______Signature: ______

CRKW Competitive

Fee Calculation Sheet 2014 - 2015


DUE TODAY / Club Membership Fee / (A) $40
Training Fee First Payment
(or pay total amount today) / (B)
SwimBC Registration from Chart
(depends on age as of Dec 31) / (C)
PAYMENTS / Amount of each payment / (B)
***** Payments are to be made for the first of each month from
October through May (8cheques for MWhale andOrcaBlue,)
October through June (9 cheques for OrcaBlack, ProvBlacks, ProvGold)
POST DATED / Fundraising (June 15th, 2015) / (E)
VPS (June 15th, 2015) / (F x $30)


Multi Swimmer Registration

The following applies to families with more than one child:

SwimBC Registration Fee: reduced by $10 for swimmer #3, and $20 for swimmer #4 or more

Training Fees: reduced by 50% for swimmers #4 or more

VPS: Fulfill only the points for the highest swimmer in the family

Fundraising: reduced by 50% for swimmers #3 or more

Team FIOP Consent Form

Updated August 2014

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

The British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) requires that consent be obtained for the collection and use of personal information. This includes many activities which occur regularly with our team including the taking of individual and group photos and the use of names and description of athletes activities in newsletters and on the team website. We have listed below the types of activities where your athlete’s information may be used. These activities are important to the operation of the team and require your consent. Please read carefully and complete the appropriate consent section below.

Activities List

  1. The use of the athlete’s name and/or photos/video in the team newsletter and/or website and or brochure/ad.
  2. The taking of individual, program, or team photos/video within the swimming community for team purposes.
  3. The use of athlete’s name on artwork, written material or other creative work to be displayed at the pool or in the team newsletter and/or website.
  4. The use of athlete’s name and achievement information necessary to determine eligibility for provincial, national or other types of rewards or scholarships which the team applied for on the athlete’s behalf.
  5. The use of an athlete’s name, address or phone number for transportation/car pooling purposes.
  6. The use of the athlete’s name for birthday recognition purposes.
  7. The taking of photos/video of practices or swim meets and their use by the media where athletes are not identified by name. Please note that photos/videos of swimming activities that are open to the general public may be used for purposes outside the swim organization. The team does not restrict such activities at public events.

Consent (please complete either A OR B only)

A. I (parent/guardian) hereby consent to the collection and use of all the information of my child(ren) as listed and described in the above list.

1st Athlete’s Name / 2nd Athlete’s Name / 3rd Athlete’s Name

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date: