05/23/11 Middletown Schools Association Meeting Summary
Meeting 6:35-720p Refreshments provided by WWMS
In Attendance: Carla Hass, Kellyann McConnell, Jackie Kozlowski, Shiela Giardina, Lisa Schuerholz-Winters, Colleen Alleyne, Dawn Baker, Donna Marino, Stephanie Alderman, Cindy Lastrina, Melinda Brainerd, Luette Hansen, Gladys Hattzell,
Secretary’s Report : March meeting reviewed
Treasurer's report: $96.38 current balance
President’s Report:
· BOOK MOBILE Project is a GO!: The district courier van will be utilized this summer distributing books and promoting reading. Principals will be driving vehicle to areas once a week performing outreach. We have over 900 books.
· REFLECTIONS wrapup: 20 students competed. A dancer from Woodrow Wilson went on to place third at the state level.
· SINCERE APPRECIATION: Stephanie thanked everyone for their support and hard work this year. She acknowledged Deb Stanley’s many years of service not only as MSA treasurer but to MPS in general as well as Kevin Williarty who reluctantly steps down as Secretary due to work conflict.
Nominations: Donna Marino announced that Melinda Brainerd would like to take on the position of treasurer, Morad Haouchine, Secretary, Colleen Alleyne, VP and that Stephanie was staying on as President. There were no other nominations from the floor. All were voted in.
Group Discussion:
· On proposed calendar changes: Why is it not on website?; Many parents are still unaware; Issue is proposed vs actual changes; Major complaint was presentation of changes and vote at same BOE meeting; confusion of MSAA (Middletown Schools Administrators Association vs MSA; Some parents are all for getting rid of FEB vacation; some teachers reported to PTA/O’s unhappy saying that they did not endorse as reported in paper, that they foresee problems with shortened days in November; Conflicts w/sports and events,trips especially at MHS; Welsey will be sending out info notice; reiterate that parents should feel free to contact the BOE members (contact info is on the district website)and if possible go to the next BOE meeting.
· On ideas for next year: Update distribution list; Have each PTA/O assign at least 2 people to be MSA reps for that school, take turns attending-Cindy Lastrina will stay on as wwmsMSA rep; invite BOE to take turns attending meetings; ? change of time 7p vs 6:30p; ? webinars (sheila giardina will f/u)? partnering w/CTPP; Early planning on location of Mtgs: WWMS=SEPT; MHS -OCT and BIELEFIELD -NOV
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