Sudan NFI and Emergency Shelter Sector Monthly Update #1

January 2007



With fluctuating security conditions, the ability to carry out assessments and hence distributions has been severely hampered, particularly in North Darfur where no distributions were carried out in January. However, using windows of opportunity UNJLC was able to participate in some of the NFI assessments in North, West and South Darfur. Interagency assessments have taken place in; Fanga Souk, Birmaza, Wad’ah Kafot, Bahr, Um Durman and Gabr Ghanam in North Darfur, Kass in South Darfur and in Kulbus in the northern corridor of West Darfur.

West Darfur: An interagency mission composed of WFP, OCHA, CRS, Concern and COSV visited the Kulbus area on 17 January. The aim was to assess the security situation of the northern sector of West Darfur after intermittent military action through November and December 2006. Subsequent to this assessment, WFP scheduled a food convoy, with UNJLC coordinating with implementing partners CARE, CRS, Concern and commercial transporters to take advantage of this opportunity to provide humanitarian assistance. The next WFP convoy leaving Geneina to the northern Sector is tentatively scheduled for early February 2007, and UNJLC will once again coordinate to ensure all can take advantage of this opportunity.

North Darfur: An interagency assessment (OCHA, UNICEF, WFP, GAA and UNDSS) took place in the Birmaza, Birdik and Bakaore area. It was concluded that NFI items were looted following military activity, leaving the population in need of NFI items, with blankets given high priority. As yet the security situation has not proved stable enough for a distribution to be carried out, although UNJLC and partners are in a position to react when this opportunity arises. On 25 January an Inter agency mission to Gabr al Ghanam took place (conducted by UNJLC, OCHA and UNICEF). Many IDPs had left the area due to military action. The need for NFIs was required but difficult to assess. In discussions with the community leaders the priorities were blankets, food, water and health facilities (reproductive). It was concluded that a further assessment would be required to ascertain exact needs and numbers when IDPs begin to return. However, no exact date can be given due to the continued security situation.

South Darfur: In South Darfur, an assessment to Kass area (Abu Jazu, Dalal Angara, Bulbul Timbesco), was conducted on 18 January, leading to a distribution of humanitarian supplies through implementing partner CHF. Finally, an assessment conducted by WFP, OCHA and Samaritan’s Purse in Golubei, Sharq Jebel Marra (north of Kass) found an estimated 35 000 IDPs gathered in two main spots. An additional assessment will be carried out in February to ascertain real number and needs. No assistance has been provided before in the area.

Distributions of Common Pipeline NFIs

The following agencies reached 10,832 households (approximately 57,825 individuals/persons) with Common Pipeline NFIs in January - CHF International, Humedica, PODR, Samaritan’s Purse, SPCR, Solidarite, Triangle, CRS and UNICEF.

The number of households served in January 2007 has dropped by 75% compared to December 06. This however was to be expected as the bulk of the “cold snap” distribution of blankets and sleeping mats has taken place the months before. Commodities distributed were 28,671 blankets, 13,876 jerry cans, 10,115 pieces of plastic sheeting, 17,705 pieces of sanitary material and 20,683 sleeping mats. The majority of these commodities were distributed in South Darfur (Jebel Mara, Kass, Mukjar and Nyala) while only 2,200 blankets were distributed in West Darfur due to insurity.

January distributions by State and Commodity

State / Item Description
Blanket / P Sheeting / Sleeping Mats / J Cans / Sanitary mats
West Darfur / 2,200 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
North Darful / 31 / 0 / 50 / 0 / 0
South Darfur / 22,900 / 8,695 / 11,232 / 10,507 / 10,045
Total / 25,131 / 8,695 / 11,282 / 10,507 / 10,045

The Darfur NFI Common Pipeline is also supporting community projects by providing items to schools, women’s centres, clinics and to rehabilitate latrines.

Distribution Reports

Organisations distributing CP NFIs are reminded that they are required to complete Distribution Reports and submit them to UNJLC.

Monitoring and Evaluation

CARE has as yet been unable to provide NFI Monitoring Reports for December 2006 or January 2007 due to insecurity. Once these become available, they will be available on: http://www.unjlc.org/sudan/supply_chain/reports/monitoring

NFI Common Pipeline Stocks

In Stock in Sudan as of 27 January
El Obeid / Geneina / Nyala / El Fasher / Total
Blankets / 94,811 / 31,280 / 42,320 / 69,445 / 237,856
P Sheeting / 47,800 / 20,370 / 35,311 / 22,783 / 126,264
S Mats / 140,160 / 15,250 / 27,175 / 81,916 / 264,501
J Cans / - / 50,178 / 188,304 / 40,196 / 278,678
S Material / 77,023 / 10,930 / 50,502 / 66,209 / 204,664
Clothing / - / 3,769 / - / 19,307 / 23,076

Donations/Loans to the Common Pipeline (CP)

Organisations are reminded that if they donate NFIs to the Common Pipeline, the cost of transportation from El Obeid to distribution points will be covered. Agencies/NGOs can then access the NFI CP for distribution if the target populations meet CP standards.

Other Pipelines

Information on other NFI pipelines and distributions is vital to ensure comprehensive coverage. All agencies are encouraged to contact Neil Barriskell at with information on their NFI activities.

Summary of Darfur NFI Common Pipeline Distributions in 2006

In total the NFI Darfur Common Pipeline served 521,463 HHs over the course of last year and provided 2,454,138 IDPs with basket items. It also helped 186 community projects. The Darfur Common Pipeline provided a total of 534,738 blankets, 222.225 pieces of clothing, 410,776 jerry cans,186,652 pieces of plastic sheeting, 463,902 sleeping mats and 430,426 pieces of sanitary material.

In 2006, UNJLC worked with a total of 83 implementing partners[1].

Funding – CHF 2007

The first round of the CHF allocation process took place in January. The NFI and Emergency Shelter sector for Darfur was allocated $2,000,000. Through a process of meetings, a proposed allocation was made and returned to the CHF committee for consideration.

Proposed allocations – NFI and Emergency Shelter Sector

Darfur / Agency
UNJLC / UNICEF / CARE / CRS / CHF / Help Age / Concern / IOM / Total
Amount / $425,000 / $280,000 / $660,000 / $75,000 / $230,000 / $30,000 / $70,000 / $230,000 / $2,000,000

Rest of Sudan (ROS).

UNJLC is taking the common pipeline initiative set up for Darfur to the rest of North Sudan in order to facilitate planned and spontaneous returns alongside normal humanitarian interventions.

To this aim UNJLC is in the process of establishing an office in Kadugli, South Kordafan in order to provide a point of contact in terms of returns and coordination across the rest of RoS. It is planned, subject to funding and human resources, to base an international Field Logistics Officer in Kadugli along with a Senior Logistics Office that will have a roving logistics role across RoS.

UNJLC, CARE and UNICEF estimate that NFI commodities will be required for 50,000 household (returnees, vulnerable host communities and newly displace persons) for RoS during 2007. These are currently being procured and will be available through the normal process of assessment and NFI request as in Darfur. NFIs will be warehoused and delivered to point of distribution by CARE and procured by UNICEF.

NFIs for Joint Returns Planned for 2007;

An estimation of the possible amount of IDPs ready to return back to their place of origin was completed at the end of 2006. This estimation was based on figures available at the time and indications from a survey of intention carried out by IOM. The conclusion was that around 503,000 IDPs could return during 2007.

A planning assumption was made that of these 503,000 IDPs, 305,000 would return as spontaneous returnees, 48,000 would be part of the plan but with a departure for other places than Khartoum. The Joint Planning Task Force estimated that 150,000 returnees would be moved in 2007. So far 301,000 IDPs have registered in Khartoum, although this figure is based on those that intend to return at some point in the future to their place of origin.

UNJLC’s responsibility with its partners CARE, UNICEF and IOM, is to provide a basket[2] of NFIs at the point of departure. IOM is supplying a large heavy duty carrying bag.

It is estimated that the total amount of NFIs required for this year’s returns programme are as follows:

Blankets / P Sheets / Sleeping Mats / J cans / Mosi nets / Soap
80,000 Pcs / 400,000 Pcs / 80,000 Pcs / 80,000 Pcs / 80,000 Pcs / 450,000 bars

In terms of logistics, planning is taking place to move the returnees by road, rail, air and barge.

Funding – CHF 2007

The first round of the CHF allocation process took place in January. The NFI and Emergency Shelter sector for ROS was allocated $1,362,320. Through a process of meetings, a proposed allocation was made and returned to the CHF committee for consideration.

Amount / $200,000 / $334,000 / $513,320 / $75,000 / $150,000 / $90,000 / $1,362,320

UNJLC Contacts

Acting UNJLC Darfur NFI Coordinator - Neil Barriskell, available on and 0912172159.

ROS NFI Coordinator – Sarah McNiece, available on and 0912170728.

Senior UNJLC Logistics Officer (logistics coordination for organised returns – Patrick Baudry, available on and 0912168458.


[1] ACF, ACO, Al Basma, Ana-Elsudan, ARC, Ashab Azat, El-sudan Org, Almarhama Bader Bakhita, CARE Programme, CARE Warehouse, CHF International, Community Building Foundation, Concern, Cordaid, CRS, El-agiyal El-Ruhama, Fatma Elzahra Org, GAA, Gadam El-khair, German Red Cross, GOAL, Great Family, Helpage, Humedica, IMC, INTERSOS, IOM, IRC, IRW, Italian Cooperation, JRS Juvenile, Khawlla Bent Alazwar Malteser MDM, MERCY, Merlin, MSF-F, MSF-H, MSF-S, NCA, NOCD, NRC, OCHA, Org of Juvenile Qulification and Orphan Care, OXFAM ,PNDO, PODR, Rayahin, RDS, Rehaid El-Fursan, Rural Development, Relief International, ROD, Samaritans, SCF-US, SDCO, Solidarite, Spanish Red Cross, SPCR, SSO Social Solidarity Org, Sudan Red Crescent, SUDO, TDH, TDH/Triangle, Tearfund, Triangle, UMCOR, Um-Sadam Org, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNJLC, WAAD, War Child, WEO, WFP, WHO, Woman’s Improve Development, Women Initiatives Group, WVI.

[2] NFI basket consists of: 1 plastic sheet, 2 jerry cans, 2 blankets, 2 sleeping mats, 2 mosquito nets and 15 bars of soap