State of Connecticut
Department of Public Works
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106
“Working with the CT DPW”
I.]The CT DPW contracts with Consultant Firms in several ways:
[A.]Large Design-Build Projects - in which you might participate as part of a Team.
[B.] Large Design/Bid/Build Contracts - defined by the CT Gen Statutes as "Projects" [more than $500,00 in Construction Costs (or $50,000 in Fees) for most State Agencies or more than $2,000,000 (or $300,000 in Fees) for components of the State System of Higher Education].
Your Firm could participate in these large Projects by becoming the part of a Submitting Team, behind a Lead
Firm [possibly your Firm]. See Note #2 on the second page of any Advertisement.
By Connecticut General Statute [CGS], these “Projects” must be advertised in the Newspaper media.
At the DPW, we also post them on our Web-site [ double click Legal Notices then Consultant RFQS or Design Build RFQs then any Submission due Date that has not passed]; and, refer to them as "Formal Projects" in order to differentiate them from Work which falls below those threshold Costs
[ie: Informal Projects] and which are NEVER advertised.
[C.]Informal Project Work is an excellent mechanism for introducing your Firm and its capabilities to the
DPW. You should refer to Note #3 on the second page of the "Submission Requirements" included in any Advertisement - past or current.
After following those instructions, I would strongly advise you to make appointments to come in and meet with [again to introduce yourself] to the following DPW Senior Management:
1.]David O’Hearn, DPW Deputy Commissioner [860-713-5850]
2.]Bruce T. Bockstael, DPW Chief Architect & Administrator of Client Teams is also a valuable
DPW resource with whom you should become acquainted - [860-713-5632]; and, from whom
you can obtain our "DPW Consultant Procedures Manual".
The following Construction Services Selection Panel Assistant Chairmen:
3.]Allen V. Herring, DPW Chief Engineer - [860-713-5691]
4.]Ward Ponticelli, DPW Project Manager - [860-713-5944]
Also, byreferring to the Dept. of Administrative Services Web-site [www. state.ct.us/das] where the State Electronic Telephone Directory is listed, you may be able to contact the Facilities Management Groups of our various Client Agencies and Institutions.
“Working with the CT DPW”
[D.]On-Call Contractscomprise a process by which the DPW in essence "pre-qualifies" a few Firms in
various Disciplines and goes thru the complete Contracting Process with NO SPECIFIC WORK ASSIGNED.
However, these are coveted Contracts since when we require a very quick Response to any given Problem/ Situation
we can simply send the selected Firm [next in rotation] a Letter delineating a given Project Scope and Request a Cost and Schedule Proposal. With agreement and mutual signing of a “Task Letter”, the Work can be begun within a few days versus the normal 2-4 month Contract Development & Approval Process.
Please refer to Note #4 on the second page of the "Submission Requirements" included in any Advertisement - past or current – in which an On-Call Contract is listed.
[E.]The DPW also has care & custody of Public State Buildings in The Hartford & certain other Areas. Manuel Becerra, DPW Facilities Administrator [860-713-5660], leads our Facilities Management Group - which does much work via a Purchase Order Methodology.
[F.]Finally, if your Firm qualifies as a Small Business Enterprise [less than 10 million in business/year] and/or a Minority or Woman owned Firm you should contact Meg Yetishefsky at the Dept. of Administrative Services[860-713-5228]in order to obtain your State of Connecticut Certification. By CGS, a significant percentage of DPW Contracts must be awarded to SBE, MBE and/or WBE Firms.
Please address any further questions to:
Thomas C. Lowell, DPW Architect & Asst. Chairman CSSP
@ 860 – 713 – 5694
Address E:Mail to: