Spellings – Year 3 – Spring 1 –

Spellings Day is _WEDNESDAY_

Week beg / Sun / Moon / Stars / Rockets
Each week we will cover one spelling rule. There will also be 2 or 3 words from the Year 3/4 spelling list each week.
11.1.17 / Sun
The prefix re– meaning ‘again’ or ‘back’. / Moon
The prefix re– meaning ‘again’ or ‘back’. / Stars
The prefix re– meaning ‘again’ or ‘back’. / Rockets
  1. Reform
  2. Return
  3. Reject
  4. Refresh
  5. React
  6. Recycle
  7. Remove
  8. Heard
  9. Therefore
  10. Earth
  1. Revisit
  2. Refuse
  3. Revisit
  4. Refresh
  5. Reheat
  6. Rewrite
  7. Remove
  8. Rebuild
  9. Heard
  10. Earth
  1. Refill
  2. Repay
  3. Replace
  4. Redo
  5. Renew
  6. Sweet
  7. Bead
  8. Field
  9. Happy
  10. people
/ Spellings will be set on a weekly basis and tested on Fridays.
18.1.17 / Sun
Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt –gue. / Moon
Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt –gue. / Stars
Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt –gue. / Rockets
  1. league
  2. Intrigue
  3. Synagogue
  4. Fatigue
  5. Dialogue
  6. Analogue
  7. Remember
  8. Extreme
  9. Minute
  10. Natural
  1. League
  2. Colleague
  3. Tongue
  4. Plague
  5. Vague
  6. Remember
  7. Different
  8. Difficult
  9. Minute
  10. Soil
  1. League
  2. Tongue
  3. Dialogue
  4. Remember
  5. Different
  6. Light
  7. Cried
  8. Time
  9. Multiply
  10. Might
/ Spellings will be set on a weekly basis and tested on Fridays.
25.1.17 / Sun
Words ending with the /k/ sound spelt –que (French in origin) / Moon
Words ending with the /k/ sound spelt –que (French in origin) / Stars
Words ending with the /k/ sound spelt –que (French in origin) / Rockets
  1. Picturesque
  2. Critique
  3. Grotesque
  4. Physique
  5. Antique
  6. Mosque
  7. Technique
  8. Unique
  9. Opaque
  10. Beautiful
  1. Critique
  2. Mosque
  3. Technique
  4. Unique
  5. Opaque
  6. Children
  7. Everybody
  8. Beautiful
  9. Should
  10. Shouldn’t
  1. Unique
  2. Plaque
  3. Opaque
  4. Cheque
  5. Mosque
  6. Toe
  7. Bone
  8. Grow
  9. Throw
  10. oh
/ Spellings will be set on a weekly basis a tested on Fridays.
1.2.17 / Sun
Words with the /s/ sound spelt
sc (Latin in origin) / Moon
Words with the /s/ sound spelt
sc (Latin in origin)and Words with the /ay/ sound spelt ey. / Stars
Words with the /s/ sound spelt
sc (Latin in origin)and Words with the /ay/ sound spelt ey. / Rockets
10.February /
  1. Science
  2. Scientist
  3. Scene
  4. Scenery
  5. scissors
  6. discipline
  7. They
  8. Grey
  9. February
  10. Improve
/ 1.Science
10.Looked / Spellings will be set on a weekly basis and tested on Fridays.
8.2.17 / Sun
The suffix –ly is added to an adjective to form an adverb. / Moon
The suffix –ly is added to an adjective to form an adverb. / Stars
The suffix –ly is added to an adjective to form an adverb. / Rockets
  1. Suddenly
  2. Immediately
  3. Adventerously
  4. Definitely
  5. Anxiously
  6. Suspiciously
  7. immediately
  8. accurately
  9. Though
  10. Although
  1. Wisely
  2. Blindly
  3. Bravely
  4. Correctly
  5. Proudly
  6. Suddenly
  7. Patiently
  8. Joyfully
  9. Though
  10. Group
  1. Weekly
  2. Fairly
  3. Sweetly
  4. Sadly
  5. Loudly
  6. Party
  7. Can’t
  8. Father
  9. Parcel
  10. Asked
/ Spellings will be set on a weekly basis and tested on Fridays.
15.2.17 / Sun
The suffix –sure
The ending sounding like /zur/ is always spelt –sure. / Moon
The suffix –sure
The ending sounding like /zur/ is always spelt –sure. / Stars
The suffix –sure
The ending sounding like /zur/ is always spelt –sure. / Rockets
  1. measure
  2. treasure
  3. Enclosure
  4. Composure
  5. Enclosure
  6. Leisure
  7. Pressure
  8. Exposure
  9. Reassure
  10. Through
  1. Measure
  2. Treasure
  3. Pleasure
  4. Pressure
  5. Closure
  6. Through
  7. Threw
  8. Question
  9. Early
  10. Eight
/ 1.Unsure
10.Called / Spellings will be set on a weekly basis and tested on Fridays.