




Academic Handbook 2014/15 – Volume 2 - 01.2 – DDLT’s Submission Document Checklist – modified 25.10.11, 03.11.11, 03.09.12, 02.04.13, 06.01.14, 19.03.15

PERIODIC REVIEW/ ELECTIVE REVIEW (delete as appropriate)
Programme Title(s) ______
Date of Review Event: ______ / Deputy Dean(Learning & Teaching):
Tick the boxes below to confirm inclusion
Documentation :
The date and issue number of the
document must be clearly stated on cover /
Documentation comprising the QA audit trail should already be in existence (APRs, external examiner reports, programme committee minutes etc).
All documents should be organised for ease of reference and reading and the quality and scope should satisfy Academic Handbook guidelines.
  1. Self Evaluation Document
/ Succinct and concentrating on a critical review of the programme, changes made & proposed. See Academic Handbook, Vol 2, Section 06.2, Appendix for guidance.
Identification of any short course proposals for approval
if appropriate, identification of any delivery via flexible and distributed learning
  1. The programme document, incorporating programme specification*, module descriptors* and CVs of all staff who teach on the programme
/ *Standard templates are in the Academic Handbook
The programme specification must include a module
Matrix and full set of relevant appendices; details of
all permitted part-time full- time modes; all award
calculations; the number of re-assessments
permitted (1 or 2). All parts of each module
descriptor must be completed

  1. Current Student Programme Handbooks
The content to comply with information requirements of current edition of Systems and Responsibilities Handbook
  1. Annual ProgrammeReview Reports
For last 2 years.
  1. All External Examiners’ /Verifiers Reports
For last 2 years, including responses to external examiner reports.
  1. Records of all Programme Committee meetings
For last 2 years.
  1. Last review or validation report
Whichever is most recent.
  1. Evidence that changes to the programme have taken place through the correct mechanism and that external examiner and PSRB (and moderator and partner if franchised) have been consulted about proposed new changes
/ Identify the effective date of any proposed changes
  1. Any reports from external bodies e.g. teaching quality assessment, professional bodies
For period since last validation or review event.
  1. A copy of the relevant benchmark statement
For HE programmes(a mapping to the QAA subject benchmark should be included in the appendices to the programme specification).
  1. Selection of students’ work
Examination examples, assignments should be made available during event.
  1. Placement Learning Handbook and Learning Contract
/ Where relevant
  1. URL to KIS data sets
/ Both University and Unistats
14. Collaborative Provision / List all collaborating institutions delivering the
Programme on the cover of, and include reflection
within, the SED.
Define any differences in modules or programme structure in an appendix to theprogramme specification.
Identify the effective date at the partner of any
proposed changes
List number and date of intakes.
Moderator/Link Tutor reports for last 2 years.
Partner(s) APRs for the last 2 years.
External Examiner reports for the last 2 years.
Memoranda of Programme Agreement


I confirm that the submission documentation for the above review has been subject to my scrutiny and I am satisfied that it is of acceptable quality. The form, content and quality of the documentation complies with the requirements of the Academic Handbook. All programmes and pathways due for review have been included in the submission documentation.

Approved by School Deputy Dean(Learning and Teaching):Signed: ______

Date:______Name: ______

Programme Title(s): ______
Date of Event: ______ / Deputy Dean(Learning & Teaching):
Tick boxes below to confirm inclusion
Documentation :
The date and issue number of
the document must be clearly
stated on cover / All documents should be organised for ease of reference and reading and the quality and scope should satisfy Academic Handbook guidelines. See Vol 2, Section 03.1 ‘Validation of NewProgrammes’ Academic Handbook.
1. Brief background to the programme and its development. / Incorporating:
  • The programme’s location within and endorsement of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Mission, the L&T strategies and School Plans;
  • Evidence of need/market research/relationships with industrial partners;
  • Details of facilities;
  • Programme Director;
  • Anticipated month/year of intake;
  • Anticipated student numbers;
  • Whether programme will be offered across more than one School.

  • if appropriate, identification of any modules that will be offered as short courses

  • if appropriate, identification of any delivery via flexible and distributed learning

2. Programme Specification
/ See the Academic Handbook for template and guidance.The programme specification must include a module matrix and full set of relevant appendices; details of all permitted part-time full- timemodes; allaward calculations; the number of re-assessments permitted
(1 or 2).
3. Appendices to the Programme Specification
Demonstrating mapping exercises referred to in the Programme Specification e.g:
  • Learning outcomes and modules;
  • Assessment methods and modules;
  • Key skills and modules;
  • QAA subject Benchmark statements;
  • PSRB requirements
  • Links between research and teaching.

4. Additional appendices to the Programme Specification
Expanding on issues such as:
  • Assessment Strategy/Regulation – a school-wide or programme specific document;
  • Placement Learning Handbook.

5. Module Descriptors
See Vol 2, Section 01.of Academic Handbook for template/
All parts of each module descriptor must be completed
6. Curriculum Vitae
/ Of all staff who will teach on the programme.
7. Diagram/Map /
Relating module tutors to module titles.
8. DraftStudentProgramme Handbooks / The content to comply with information requirements of current edition of Systems and Responsibilities Handbook
9.Collaborative Provision / Identify the collaborating institution clearly on the cover of the
submission document. Define any differences in modules
or programme structure from the home programme in an
appendix to theprogramme specification.
List number and dates of intakes.
Initial Vetting Visit Report, draft Memorandum of Programme Agreement.
For validated programmes at a collaborative partner please confirm that the proposal has been reviewed by a subject specialist in the School and the School is satisfied with the academic content.


I confirm that the submission documentation for the above validation event has been subject to my scrutiny and

I am satisfied that it is of acceptable quality. The form, content and quality of the documentation complies with

the requirements of the Academic Handbook.

Approved by School Deputy Dean(Learning and Teaching):Signed: ______


Academic Handbook 2014/15 – Volume 2 - 01.2 – DDLT’s Submission Document Checklist – modified 25.10.11, 03.11.11, 03.09.12, 02.04.13, 06.01.14, 19.03.15