00:00:43:02 , 00:00:47:17, During the Spanish Civil War,
the Republican Government
00:00:47:18 , 00:00:50:04 , commissioned Picasso to create a painting
00:00:50:05 , 00:00:52:15 , for the Paris International Exposition
00:00:58:01 , 00:01:00:15 , In April, German planes
00:01:00:16 , 00:01:03:09 , attacked the town of Guernica
00:01:07:10 , 00:01:10:08 , Picasso created a painting
00:01:10:09 , 00:01:13:01 , to remember the tragedies of war.
00:01:30:08 , 00:01:33:00 , The same year, Eugenio Arias
00:01:33:01 , 00:01:35:18 , was hurt in the battle of Teruel
00:02:10:20 , 00:02:13:14 , The exile joined Picasso
and Eugenio in France
00:02:14:21 , 00:02:16:14 , For 26 years Eugenio Arias became
00:02:16:15 , 00:02:18:13 , his barber and his friend
00:02:40:17 , 00:02:43:00 , Opening of the Picasso Museum
00:02:43:01 , 00:02:46:16 , in Buitrago de Lozoya with the drawings
00:02:46:17 , 00:02:49:13 , objects and memories that
00:02:49:14 , 00:02:51:07 , Picasso gave to his barber
00:03:10:22 , 00:03:13:07 , Enrique Morente edited Pablo de Málaga
00:03:13:08 , 00:03:18:17 , adapting poems of Picasso to the flamenco.
00:04:41:13 , 00:04:44:02 , I planned on being a musician…
00:04:44:17 , 00:04:48:13 , when I saw that it was possible, or well
00:04:48:14 , 00:04:51:00 , that it was difficult
00:04:51:01 , 00:04:53:02 , but at least being in Madrid
00:04:54:07 , 00:04:57:22 , I really liked to sing,
liked flamenco very much
00:05:00:09 , 00:05:02:11 , and I would buy lyrics, songs
00:05:02:12 , 00:05:05:03 , I would sing them so
many times in the street
00:05:07:07 , 00:05:10:00 , without realizing it, right?
On Gran Via.
00:05:23:23 , 00:05:29:18 , I was already gathering
with Andalusians
00:05:29:19 , 00:05:32:11 , they would sing there for a living
00:05:32:12 , 00:05:35:15 , I started to get into it as a professional
00:05:52:05 , 00:05:57:17, I dreamed of becoming a flamenco singer
like I dreamed of being a bullfighter.
00:05:57:18 , 00:06:02:04 , At that time they still hadn’t thought
of forbidding bullfights.
00:06:14:22 , 00:06:18:16 , We, I, as soon as he found out that
there was a hairdresser
00:06:18:17 , 00:06:21:02 , in Vallauris that was Spanish
00:06:21:03 , 00:06:24:03 , then he was interested in meeting me
00:06:24:04 , 00:06:27:01 , and then I gave him a hug
00:06:27:02 , 00:06:31:10 , and from then on we were
friends and inseparable.
00:06:31:11 , 00:06:32:20 , Perhaps even more
00:06:32:21 , 00:06:35:22, because he considered me like a son
00:06:35:23 , 00:06:38:22 , and I considered him like a father
00:08:45:16 , 00:08:51:23 , Long procession of eyes
00:08:54:17 , 00:09:02:14 , Walking on tiptoe
00:09:06:02 , 00:09:08:05 , On the open fan
00:09:08:06 , 00:09:15:00 , Throw water on the bed
00:09:26:03 , 00:09:32:11 , Lake on the shadow of a jasmine forest
00:09:46:11 , 00:09:50:14 , On the skin of fresh-baked bread
00:09:50:15 , 00:09:54:22 , They went to sing
00:09:55:15 , 00:09:58:08 , Through heavens of clouds and pastries
00:09:59:15 , 00:10:02:09 , And jasmine bouquets
00:10:04:06 , 00:10:05:19 , They stood up
00:10:05:20 , 00:10:09:03 , And knocked about by clouds
00:10:09:04 , 00:10:10:23 , And handfuls of roses
00:10:10:24 , 00:10:13:09 , They were stripped bare
00:10:14:16 , 00:10:24:03 , Seated on the staircase
00:10:25:04 , 00:10:28:15 , Waiting for the future
00:10:28:16 , 00:10:33:20 , And the future never comes
00:10:34:07 , 00:10:35:19 , Hey! You’re missing a rap!
00:10:42:22 , 00:10:47:08 , Well I like where it is, huh!
I...pardon, I…Don’t worry!
00:10:47:09 , 00:10:49:14 , If you leave it there, I like it
00:10:51:00 , 00:10:53:10 , If you leave it there it’s valid, ok?
00:10:54:06 , 00:10:55:11 , Bam bam! No problem
00:10:55:12 , 00:10:59:07 , and if you hit it again it’s also good
00:11:22:14 , 00:11:27:03 , Alright, I think you’ve got to do
things not just
00:11:29:09 , 00:11:32:15 , Well now either fusion or
mixing are in fashion
00:11:32:16 , 00:11:35:10 , I’m going to start making
something interesting too
00:11:35:11 , 00:11:39:09 , I think you’ve got to start doing
when a job is done
00:11:39:10 , 00:11:48:13 , is be as consistent as possible
with the topic with which you’re dealing
00:11:49:04 , 00:11:52:20, If you’re dealing with
the topic of Picasso
00:11:52:21 , 00:11:56:14 , You’ve primarily got to remember
Guernica, of course!
00:11:56:15 , 00:12:00:03 , And Guernica was genocide.
00:12:00:04 , 00:12:04:10 , How do you sing about genocide?
In Cuban folk songs?
00:12:04:11 , 00:12:07:21 , Cuban folk songs are wonderful…
00:12:07:22 , 00:12:12:08 , it’s another concept,
and that gives fusion or innovation
00:12:12:09 , 00:12:15:14 , good…but better, but no!
It mustn’t be the priority
00:12:15:15 , 00:12:20:04 , but rather, be faithful to oneself.
00:12:57:11 , 00:13:02:12 , They ordered me
00:13:14:15 , 00:13:29:22 , To serve God and the King
00:13:59:05 , 00:14:02:13 , This is a street,
they are all amazing
00:14:02:14 , 00:14:05:07 , This belongs to the lower Albaicin
00:14:05:08 , 00:14:09:13 , This is Zafra street, which will also
lead to Carrera del Darro street
00:14:09:14 , 00:14:13:04 , Over there is where the Maravilla procession
is held in the church of San Pedro
00:14:13:05 , 00:14:15:21 , and here the Concha procession
00:14:16:13 , 00:14:19:07 , Is this one of the more typical
neighbourhoods in Granada?
00:14:19:08 , 00:14:20:12 , I think so! I think so!
00:14:20:13 , 00:14:24:12 , The Realejo Jewish quarter,
is also important, Antequerela
00:14:24:13 , 00:14:27:04 , and Sacromonte, which is
the gypsy neighbourhood.
00:14:27:11 , 00:14:30:08 , What kind of people live
in the Albaicin?
00:14:31:00 , 00:14:35:18 , Well uh…creatures live there,
they’ve got hair, a mouth
00:14:35:19 , 00:14:40:18 , Human beings. As if they were the
most similar to human beings
00:14:40:19 , 00:14:42:16 , …extraordinary people, very good
00:14:44:02 , 00:14:48:02 , You’re from, you were born here in
this neighbourhood?
00:14:49:02 , 00:14:53:23 , I was born in the little Porras Square
00:15:01:21 , 00:15:05:01 , Yes, the great international dancer
Aurora Carbonell now,
00:15:05:02 , 00:15:09:12 , aside from making the best salmorejo
00:15:09:13 , 00:15:13:03 , she’s taken to painting and
they’ve found a great facet in her
00:15:13:04 , 00:15:19:00 , for the art of painting, and
I’m encouraging her to show it.
00:15:19:01 , 00:15:23:02 , I’m afraid that so much
will be taken away from me that
00:15:23:03 , 00:15:25:19 , I’ll start to disappear and
she’ll stand out even more!
00:15:26:15 , 00:15:28:08 , For me Enrique, well look…
00:15:29:09 , 00:15:33:20 , Someone who respects people so much,
who teaches you so much
00:15:37:08 , 00:15:41:11 , He feels love for everything!
Not just towards women.
00:15:42:02 , 00:15:45:03 , A person who respects everything so much
00:15:47:02 , 00:15:52:03 , I don’t know. You have to thank life
for being at his side!
00:15:53:03 , 00:15:55:20 , My career is his career, right?
00:15:55:21 , 00:16:00:20 , I feel like his career is my career,
both of our careers.
00:16:00:21 , 00:16:07:14 , It’s to be there to fight,
and help him with everything.
00:16:07:15 , 00:16:11:00 , I’m telling you, I never left my career;
He’s my career!
00:16:12:03 , 00:16:16:12 , No! No my dear Eugenio,
I’ve got Eugenia
00:16:16:13 , 00:16:20:02 , Eugenia Carbonell, whose name is
Aurora Carbonell
00:16:20:03 , 00:16:24:11 , who cuts my hair.
But of course, when she’s mad
00:16:24:12 , 00:16:27:22 , my ears are in danger,
my ears are at risk
00:16:27:23 , 00:16:31:13 , I’ve got to put a cover over
my ears sometimes
00:16:31:14 , 00:16:35:02 , The cover is made of iron.
She’s got a temper,
00:16:35:03 , 00:16:38:18 , she’s a good girl, and
a great and wonderful mother
00:16:38:19 , 00:16:41:07 , But, she’s…tricky, you know?
00:16:41:08 , 00:16:45:19 , She’s got personality,
and she’s a good person
00:16:46:16 , 00:16:50:11 , Well, my contribution towards…it’s…
00:16:50:12 , 00:16:55:10 , well just to be there and
make his life as, Oh look! So pretty
00:16:56:19 , 00:17:00:12 , The sky is crying, but maybe
they’re tears of joy, right?
00:17:00:13 , 00:17:02:09 , Because it’s a lovely night.
00:17:02:10 , 00:17:10:00 , He’s a very natural person,
very truthful, very simple
00:17:10:01 , 00:17:12:16 , and at the same time he’s a genius.
00:17:12:17 , 00:17:18:02 , A person who is always creating!
And this bird passing by…
00:17:18:03 , 00:17:19:20 , he listens to it and
00:17:19:21 , 00:17:22:15 , you’ve also got to know
how to deal with that person
00:17:22:16 , 00:17:24:22 , But for me, he’s a delight!
00:17:25:04 , 00:17:29:18 , Thank you very much.
Lots of kisses, thanks.
00:17:32:21 , 00:17:36:01, If I were born again,
I would be a hairdresser again
00:17:36:02 , 00:17:39:14 , because it’s one of
the most beautiful trades in the world
00:17:39:15 , 00:17:42:16 , The doctor in my village used to say:
00:17:42:17 , 00:17:46:09 , Arias, we have an advantage over the rest
00:17:46:10 , 00:17:50:05 , because we work on living matter”,
and it was true
00:17:51:00 , 00:17:54:22 , Well all three sing, but of course.
00:17:54:23 , 00:18:00:06 , above all, jokes aside,
it’s a wonderful joy.
00:18:00:07 , 00:18:03:08 , All three sing better than me!
00:18:03:10 , 00:18:04:04 , Well yeah!
00:18:04:09 , 00:18:09:24 , I would define him as
a very good person.
00:18:11:15 , 00:18:13:16 , It’s obvious that she’s my daughter
00:18:24:09 , 00:18:27:09 , The name of a man
00:18:27:10 , 00:18:30:15 , That she embroidered like
a madwoman
00:18:30:16 , 00:18:33:17 , On silk sheets
00:18:33:18 , 00:18:37:16 , Passionately
00:18:42:07 , 00:18:45:01 , As night falls
00:18:45:02 , 00:18:48:19 , Her pain flows
00:18:48:20 , 00:18:51:14 , Into a wordless song
00:18:51:15 , 00:18:54:20 , Yellow and painful
00:18:54:21 , 00:18:57:14 , And into the mirror’s sea
00:18:57:15 , 00:19:01:14 , She touches up her smile
00:19:01:15 , 00:19:06:04 , Just in case that man
00:19:06:05 , 00:19:11:10 , Were to suddenly return
00:19:15:12 , 00:19:18:01 , Miss
00:19:20:13 , 00:19:25:17 , malicious people say
00:19:27:04 , 00:19:30:06 , When they catch sight of her
00:19:30:07 , 00:19:32:15 , Haggard and withered
00:19:34:10 , 00:19:36:01 , Miss
00:19:36:22 , 00:19:44:13 , says the postman, seeing her blush
00:19:44:14 , 00:19:46:14 , As she asks for the letter
00:19:46:15 , 00:19:50:02 , Which she so badly needs
00:19:54:04 , 00:19:59:19 , And seeing her so sad,
with dark circles under her eyes
00:20:05:11 , 00:20:12:20 , And with a painful fury
00:20:14:10 , 00:20:17:11 , Calls to her, calls to her
00:20:18:14 , 00:20:25:14 , Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss,
00:20:27:03 , 00:20:29:21 , There is where I have my heart
00:20:29:22 , 00:20:35:14 , Stronger than the columns
in Solomon’s temple
00:20:35:16 , 00:20:41:18 , Stronger than the columns
in Solomon’s temple
00:20:41:15 , 00:20:47:13 , Let us go to the river
to catch shrimp in our clothes
00:20:47:14 , 00:20:52:02 , To catch shrimp in our clothes
00:20:52:03 , 00:20:53:15 , let us go to the river
00:20:53:16 , 00:20:58:10 , To catch shrimp in our clothes
00:21:06:00 , 00:21:08:15 , I believe so, they’ve done a restoration
00:21:08:19 , 00:21:10:12 , There were grilles before.
00:21:12:06 , 00:21:15:22 , The town was well supplied
with water from the well.
00:21:15:23 , 00:21:18:02 , People used to come here
with their jugs…
00:21:18:03 , 00:21:19:09 , I remember, buckets…
00:21:19:21 , 00:21:23:21 , The water here comes from
the fountain of tears, from the Aynadamar
00:21:23:22 , 00:21:26:11 , between the towns of Viznar
and Alfacar
00:21:26:12 , 00:21:28:15 , It’s the purest of waters
00:21:28:16 , 00:21:33:10 , spring water that comes
directly from the Trillo well
00:21:33:11 , 00:21:35:14 , which is where the street got its name
00:21:35:15 , 00:21:38:11 , It’s one of the most ancient streets
in the Albaicin
00:21:38:12 , 00:21:40:20 , we’re going to be in luck
because it’s open
00:21:40:21 , 00:21:44:08 , You’ll be able to wet
your throat from the well
00:21:44:09 , 00:21:45:22 , Estrella, come here!
00:21:52:18 , 00:21:53:16 , Another!
00:22:08:00 , 00:22:10:21 , You’ve arrived at Plaza Nueva,
more or less
00:22:11:10 , 00:22:15:20 , Right, back then this water went down
below by the tin smith’s shop
00:22:15:21 , 00:22:21:04 , I remember that in the house where I used to live
we would drink water from the well
00:22:21:05 , 00:22:23:05 , There was a well in the patio
00:22:23:06 , 00:22:25:05 , And there are spirits here
00:22:25:06 , 00:22:29:03 , and this exact jasmine produces
flowers all year long
00:22:29:04 , 00:22:31:14 , spring, autumn, winter,
it’s surprising!
00:22:31:15 , 00:22:33:20 , There was everything in my house
00:22:33:21 , 00:22:36:19 , there were ghosts, there was everything
00:22:38:02 , 00:22:39:09 , We can go up towards…
00:22:39:10 , 00:22:42:19 , There was a poor little epileptic girl,
00:22:42:20 , 00:22:47:10 , She had epileptic attacks.
Yeah, yeah she had a real skill
00:22:47:11 , 00:22:51:09, As a little boy it would really leave
an impression on me and they put a spoon in her
00:22:51:17 , 00:22:52:12 , Wooden?
00:22:52:13 , 00:22:56:03 , What the hell! Whatever iron one there was
00:22:56:04 , 00:23:00:14 , and well…that poor girl suffered a lot
00:23:00:15 , 00:23:04:19 , and seeing them put the spoon in her mouth,
00:23:04:20 , 00:23:07:20 , that really leaves
an impression on a child!
00:23:07:21 , 00:23:12:20 , She was really used to it because when
she would come to she was super nice
00:23:12:21 , 00:23:17:22 , She’d send me to get a bottle and
she’d give me a penny to bring it
00:23:17:23 , 00:23:22:19 , a whole penny for white wine from
the tavern next door and two Camel cigarettes
00:23:25:10 , 00:23:28:07 , Very nice, very generous
00:23:28:08 , 00:23:34:10 , People who have more problems like
that are always more generous
00:23:43:22 , 00:23:46:08 , How can I explain what my father is for me