District 12

Reviewed or Revised 2007

This manual constitutes the policies andprocedures for District 12 of Zonta International and shall remain in effect until rescinded or changed by majority vote of the delegates at a future conference. In the interim between conferences, the District Board may adopt rules of policy and procedureand shall inform the clubs inDistrict 12 of these rules and their rationale. Interim rulesmay remain in effect until the next district conference by which time they shall be rescinded by the Board or be presented to the conference delegatesfor ratification.

Approved by Conference

September 28, 1996

Revised: 1997, 1998, 1999,

2000, 2002, 2005,2008


District 12

Revised March 2008



Page No.

A.District 12 Mission Statement:

Zonta District 12's purpose is to build, develop and maintain strong clubs through support, leadership and communication in order to further the objectsof Zonta International.

B.District 12 Clubs and Areas:

District 12 is an official administrative unit of Zonta International. District 12 is divided into four (4) administrative areas based on the geographic location of the clubs.

Area 1
Black Hills
Pierre-Ft. Pierre
Southern Black Hills
Area 2
Fort Collins
Laramie / Charter #
257-1951 / Area 3
Denver II
Area 4
Pikes Peak / Charter #


-Fulfill District 12 Mission Statement

-Promote the programs of Zonta international within the district

-Inspire and assist clubs to implement the goals and

programs of Zonta international

-Promote International sense of unity by serving as administrative link between clubs and International

-Uphold International Bylaws

-Carry out Program Resolutions as adopted at International Convention

-Promote International Service Projects

-Meet International budget obligations as adopted at International Convention

-Uphold membership standards and promote growth in membership

-Unite the Zonta World with the International President's Theme (District themes are not sanctioned)

D.Board of Directors:

1.The Board of Directors of District 12 shall consist of:

GovernorElected at District Conference preceding

International Convention.

Lt. GovernorElected at District Conference preceding

International Convention.

Area DirectorsElected at District Conference preceding

International Convention. They are elected

by the delegates of the clubs in their areas only.

Vice Area Directors Elected at District Conference preceding International Convention. They are elected by the delegates of the clubs in their areas only. In the absence or inability of the Area Director to serve, the Vice Area Director shall then perform the duties of the Area Director and shall be entitled to a vote on the District Board or at a conference.

TreasurerElected at District Conference preceding

International Convention.

SecretaryAppointed by the Governor immediately following the District Conference preceding International Convention.

2.Voting members of the District 12 Executive Board are the Governor, Lt. Governor, Treasurer and Area Directors.

3.The Governor shall appoint a Parliamentarian immediately following the District Conference. The Parliamentarian shall attend pre-Conference Board Meeting and serve as District Conference Parliamentarian. Other regular meetings of the Board are attended atthe Parliamentarian’soption or upon request of the Governor.The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all district meetings in cases in which they are not inconsistent with these rules of policy and procedure or with the bylaws ofZonta International.

4.In addition to Standing Committees the Governor may appoint ad hoc committees and consultants. Such appointees may, by request of the Governor, meet with the Board for the purpose of planning programs and promoting the work of Zonta International and its clubs.

E.District 12 Board Meetings:

1.The District Board shall meet at least three (3) and not more than six (6) times each fiscal year, to include a pre-Conference Board Meeting (1) and a post- Conference Board Meeting (1).

2.Meeting arrangementsshall be the responsibility of the Governor or her designee and may include room assignments for Board Members. Any member of the Board who desires a single room shall be responsible for payment of the difference between the charge for a single room and a double room.

3.Special meetingsof the District 12 Board will be held when requested by three members of the Board of Directors. Such meetings shall be at a time and place convenient for Board Members.

4.The Governor shall be responsible for preparing the proposed agenda for the Board. Any Board Member or Committee Chairwishing to place an item on the agenda should contact the Governor prior to the Meeting.

5.A majority of the elected members of the district board shall constitute a


6. A majority vote of the elected members of the district board shall be required for action.

7.The district board may transact business by mail, or through the use of a conference telephone, e-mail or other communication equipment.



A.Scope of Work:

The Governor is the chief executive officer of District 12 and shall administer the affairs of the district.

B.The Governor (Specific Duties):

1. Shall promote the Zonta ideals of service and the objects and programs of Zonta International.

2.Shall serve as the Chair of the District 12 Board. The Governor shall schedule the Board Meetings and prepare and distribute the agenda and preside at all meetings.

3.Shall appoint standing committees, ad hoc committees, conference committees and consultants for the District andpresent these appointees to the District 12 Board for approval.

4.Shall keep the district calendar and clear all dates for meetings to ensure maximum attendance at District events. Priorities for scheduling District events are: Fall Conference, Spring Area Meetings, New Club Charter events, Club’s major anniversary, events to promote Zonta, and social events.

5.Shall periodically distribute a newsletter to the members of all District 12 clubs. Copies will be sent to the International President, International President-Elect, International Liaison, Executive Director, and to all District Governors.

6.Shall provide leadership and leadership programs for District 12 clubs.

7.Shall timely file reports to International Liaison as scheduled by the Zonta International Board.

8.Shall work with the District Boardand host club in planning the District Conference.Shall send the Call to Conference to every member in District 12,at least 60 days prior to the event. The Governor will preside at the District Meeting.

9.Shall visit or send a designee to visit, every club in the District at least once in thebiennium.

10.Shall provide election bylaw information and deadline dates to the District Nominating Committee.

11.Shall present the Governor's pin to the incoming Governor at the International Convention. The pin shall be passed from Governor to Governor. The outgoing Governor shall be presented a pearl Governor’s guard by the incoming Governor.

12.Shall appoint a District Historian, Secretary and Parliamentarian to serve during thebiennium and at District Conferences.

13.Shall receive the Annual Officer Report from clubs and compile a list of current club officers. This list shall be distributed to the District Board, clubs and the Past Governors with the Governor’s newsletter and/or at Conference.

14.Shall supervise the preparation of the district budget and shall authorize expenses in accordance with the approved budget. Shall approve all expense vouchers and bills; except that the Governor’s expense vouchers and bills shall be submitted to the Lt. Governor for approval.

Lt. Governor

A.Scope of Work:

The Lt. Governor is the second ranking elected officer in the District and reports to the Governor. The Lt. Governorshall prepare to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Governor in the event the Governor is unable to do so. The Lt. Governor alsoserves as a member of the International Organization Membership and Classification Committee.

B.The Lt. Governor (Specific Duties):

1.Shall attend all Board Meetings and official meetings of the District.

2.Shall serve as the Chair of the District Organization Membership and Classification Committee and shall maintain membership records for the biennium, provide mailing labels for all District mailings to the total membership, and work closely with the District Treasurer.

Shall encourage growth and retention with the District Clubs and promote new club organization within the District.

3.Shall be the resource contact for club membership growth and retention information.

4.Shall participate in planning activities that promote the objects and programs of Zonta International and that promote the growth in the District.

5.Shall receive from a proposed club the membership applications of all the proposed members and review for diversity, qualifications and number needed to charter.

6.Shall develop and submit reports as requested by the Governor.

7.Shall be the contact person for District 12 members at International Convention.

8.Shall approve all expense vouchers and bills for the Governor within budget limits.

9.Shall perform other duties as assigned by the Governor.

Area Directors

A.Scope of Work:

Area Directors are voting members of the District Board elected by those clubs within officially established boundaries in the District. Area Directors serve as the liaison between the District 12 Board and the individual clubs.

B.The Area Director (Specific Duties):

1.Shall attend all Board Meetings and official activities of the District.

2.Shall visit every club in designatedArea at least once each biennium.

3.Shall assist clubs to develop programs to advance the work of Zonta International, encourage growth within each club, and identify localities within designatedArea that may be sites for new club organization.

4.Shall complete the Club Visit Report Form after each club visit and send it to the Governor in a timely manner, within two weeks of visit.

5.Shall support and strengthen rapport with clubs in the Area by attending events and promotions of the clubs.

6.Shall act as a troubleshooter for clubs of concern in the Area upon the request of the Governor and/or Zonta International.

7.Shall plan an Area Meeting annually. Other leadership meetings are discretionary with the approval of the Governor.

8.Shall be responsible for working with the Area Meeting Hostess Club and shall be responsible for assisting the club to make all local arrangements and for chairing the Area Meeting.

9.Shall assist the Area Meeting Hostess Club in preparing the Area Meeting Report to be mailed to the Governor within 20 days of the meeting with a check for the excess or for a request for reimbursement.

10.Shall collect Reports from club presidents in the Area, summarize these reports and prepare Area Reports to be submitted to the Governor.

11.Shall participate in planning programs for the District 12 Conference.

12.Shall keep the Governor informed of any special meetings and events scheduled by clubs in designated area.

13.Shall perform other duties as assigned by the Governor.

14.Incoming Area Directors will be presented with an Area Director’s guard.


A.Scope of Work:

The Treasurer serves as the chief financial officer of the District and is entrusted with the receipt, care and disbursement of funds and as such shall keep or oversee the keeping of such records as are in keeping with good accounting practices. The Treasurer reports to the Governor.

B.The Treasurer (Specific Duties):

1.Shall present a financial statement and report at each District 12 Board Meeting and an Annual Financial Report at Conference and furnish the Governor with copies prior to the meeting.

2.Shall send the reviewed financial report to International by August 31 of each year.

3.Shall attend all District Board Meetings and report at its meetings.

4.Shall work closely with the Lt. Governor to keep accurate updated membership records at all times.

5.Shall recommend types of accounts and investment plans for District 12.

6.Shall prepare a biennial District budget, under the supervision of the Governor, to be reviewed by the District Board and presented to the membership at the first District Conference of the biennium for approval.

7.Shall prepare a Proposed Budget for the next biennium and present it at the second District Conference of the present biennium.

8.Shall pay approved vouchers and bills.

9.Shall serve as financial advisor to clubs and as a resource person for information on non-profit status, IRS990 Forms, etc.

10.Shall order a pearl Governor's Guard with the District number, and shall order the Area Directors’ guards.

11.Shall at all times allow the Treasurer’s books to be open to inspection by the District Board and any auditors named by the District Board. At least at the close of the biennium, the District Board shall cause the district financial records to be audited or reviewed by certified/chartered public accountants or by a qualified individual independent of the District Board. For purposes of the audit or review, the books shall be closed May 31st. The audited or reviewed financial statement shall be presented at the District Conference together with the audit orreview report.

12.Shall turn all records over to the successor no later than forty-five (45) days after the term of office closes.


A.Scope of Work:

The Secretary is appointed by the Governor and shall keep an accurate record of all business transacted at Board Meetings, District Conference and such special meetings as may be called by the Governor, and of all correspondence deemed necessary to preserve.

B.The Secretary (Specific Duties):

1.Shall attend all Board Meetings, District Conference and official meetings of District 12, and shall participate in all Board activities as a non-voting member.

2.Shall take minutes at all Board Meetings and official meetings of District 12 and is responsible for keeping official records of the District.

3.Shall send a copy of the minutes of Board and other minutes to the Governor as soon as possible following the meeting.

4.Shall send copies of the minutes, in a timely manner, to each member of the Board of Directors, and to others as directed by the Governor. The District Board shall have the authority to approve the minutes of the District Conference.

5.Shall maintain up-to-date address and telephone lists of all District Officers, District Committee Chairs and District Club Presidents.

6.Shall submit names and addresses of new District Officers to Headquarters immediately following election at District Conference.

7.Shall be responsible for such correspondence as may be required by the Governor.

8.Shall assist the Governor in providing information for the Newsletter.

9.Shall assist the Governor in filling out the Conference Report and send a copy of it to the President of each club in the District, all District Officers and Zonta International Headquarters within 60 days after the Conference. The copies sent toZonta International headquarters shall be signed by both the Governor and the Secretary.

10.Shall submit Conference commendations and resolutions to Headquarters.

11.Shall send proposals to amend Zonta International Bylaws adopted by the Conference to the Zonta International Bylaws and Resolutions Committee at Zonta Headquarters, within 30 days after Conference.

12.Shall perform other duties as requested by the Governor.

13.The term of office of Secretary shall coincide with the term of the Governor who made the appointment.

Other Board Obligations

1.All District Officers shall report their Zonta activities at each Board Meeting for the purpose of continually working to communicate with and to improve all clubs in the District. Clubs with areas of concern should be identified early and strategic plans developed to assist such clubs.

2.The Governor shall summarize the Area Directors' Reports and file a report of the District with Zonta International. Reports of the Area Directors, the Lt. Governor and the Governor shall be shared with all of the members of the Board and placed on file with the District.

3.Annual Committee Reports are due to the Governor by May 10. The Governor also may request reports from any District Officer as needed.

4.The District Board shall revise the Policies and Procedures Manual and present revised copies no later than the June board meeting prior to the first District Conference of the next biennium.

5.All officers, other than the Treasurer, shall deliver to their successors their binders and all properties belonging to their respective official positions within 30 days after their terms of office close.

Terms of Office

1.Officers’ terms shall officially commence after the close of the International Convention following their election. The term of office shall be two (2) years or until a successor takes office. No member who has served previously as an elected officer is eligible to serve in the same office again except the Treasurer who is eligible to serve two (2) consecutive terms in that office. An officer who has served more than half a term is considered to have served a full term in that office.


1. Governor.In case of a vacancy in the office of Governor, the Lieutenant

Governor shall become Governor.

2.Lieutenant Governor. In case of vacancy in the office of Lieutenant governor, the

office may remain vacant until filled by election at the next district conference, or the

vacancy may be filled by mail ballot provided the candidate receives a majority vote

of clubs in the district, or the vacancy may be filled by appointment of the District