Names: ______
Date: ______
Step-By-Step Directions
- Click “EASY”
- Type in your group name.
- Click “START”
- Click “NEXT”
- Look at the left-hand side of the screen with all of the years. Click “NEXT”
- Click “NEXT”
- Look at the right-hand side of the screen with the Hat-O-Meter. Click “NEXT”
- As a class, read all seven hat descriptions. Click “NEXT”
- Click the “1793” switch on the left side of the screen.
- Click the red button.
- As a class, choose an answer.
- If our answer is correct, click “NEXT QUESTION”
- If our answer is incorrect, click “CHOOSE AGAIN” and choose another answer.
- Click the “1808” switch on the left side of the screen.
- Click the red button.
*Continue going through each year until you get to 2009
*Please go IN ORDER (from top to bottom)
*Make sure you are filling out the worksheet as you go
Names: ______
Date: ______
“The Seven Hat Challenge”
Example: 1793
Which president was this?
George Washington
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
1. ) 1808
Which president was this? ______
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2.) 1863
Which president was this? ______
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
3.) 1944
Which president was this? ______
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
4.) 1963
Which president was this? ______
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
5.) 1992
Which president was this? ______
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
6.) 2009
Which president was this? ______
1. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
2. What was your first guess? A B C
What was the right answer? A B C
Directions: Cut out the presidential “hats” below and place them with the correct year they correspond with.
George H.W. Bush Thomas Jefferson
Franklin Roosevelt John F Kennedy
Abraham Lincoln Barack Obama