1. What is the benefit?
The Section 132 Transportation Benefit allows employees to reduce their salary on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified benefits such as work related Parking and Transit passes.
2. Who is eligible for the Section 132 Transportation Benefit?
All employees are eligible to participate. Expenses for spouses or dependents are not eligible in this Plan.
3.What does pre-tax mean?
Pre-tax means that your election will be deducted from your gross income prior to any Federal, State and FICA calculations. This means that you save money in current income taxes.
4. How does the Plan work?
Your elected amounts will be taken from your paycheck and sent to our Plan Service Provider on a semi-monthly basis. As you pay your qualified expenses, simply submit a copy of your receipt or other proof of payment along with a Section 132-reimbursement request form to Manley Services. As soon as funds are deposited into your account, they will issue a reimbursement check directly to you.
5. Is this different than our Flexible Spending Account Plan?
Yes, this is a separate tax code.
Differences include: (1) Funds left in the Plan at the end of the year may be rolled into the next year. (2) Upon termination funds remaining in the account will be forfeited.
6. How do I enroll?
Complete the enrollment form with the Human Resource Department. This must be done prior to the effective date.
7. If I drop the Plan, can I re-enroll?
You may drop the Plan at any time, however you may not re-enroll until the next Plan Year unless you have a change in status (qualifying event) as outlined below:
a. Change in worksite of employee for indefinite duration;
b. Change in hours of employee for indefinite duration;
c. Change in residence of employee; or
d. Other changes in a commute that fall within the intent of qualified changes under the IRS Code.
8. How do I make changes?
Go to the Human Resources department and complete a Change Form. This change will be effective in the next month.
9. How much can I contribute?
You may reduce your pay up to $200 per month for work related parking expenses, or up to $105 per month for a qualified TransitPass.
10. If the value of my pretax deduction does not exceed the limit in any month, may the unused portion be used in subsequent months?
Only if the amount requested does not exceed the Federal limits per month. In other words you will not be reimbursed more than the current maximum allowed by the IRS for parking in any one month. Unused portions may be rolled into the next Plan Year. It cannot be returned as taxable income.
11. How do I file a reimbursement request?
Reimbursement forms are available in the Human Resources department. To file a claim, simply complete this form and attach proof of payment in the form of a receipt or other proof of purchase that shows the amount and the date of service. Mail or FAX this information to Manley Services at P.O. Box 2797, Portland, OR97208-2797 or Fax (866)446-6090.
12. How long do I have to make claims?
Employees may submit requests for reimbursement at any time during the year, and have until 45 days after the Plan Year to make requests. Otherwise funds will be rolled into the next Plan year.
13. Who do I call for help?
Call the Human Resources department or Manley Services at 1-800-422-7038, they will be happy to assist you.