
MS 11

Municipal Archives

Windsor Public Library

Acc. No. 1985/5Linda Chakmak

2 in./5.1cmAssistant Municipal Archivist

17 Jun 1988

Guillot Family Papers

MS 11
Historical Note

The Guillot Family Papers (1870-1951) lend insight into the life of turn-of-the-century Windsor Treasurer J.C. Guillot and his family. James Casimer Guillot, the son of Hilaire Casimer Guillot was born in Sandwich on 26 October 1845. He married Ellen Weaver in 1862 and in that same year joined the Second Infantry Company in Sandwich. From 1897-1902 he was commander of the 21st Essex Fusiliers and held the title of Lieutenant Colonel.

James and Ellen had four children: Henry Casimer, Elizabeth Erskine, Ida Stuart and Helen (Nellie). Henry married Alice Treble (a local teacher), became a physician in Pontiac, Michigan and was later mayor of that municipality from 1901-1903.

J.C. Guillot became Treasurer of the City of Windsor in 1893 and remained in that position until his death on 28 January 1905. He is buried in St. John’s churchyard in Sandwich.

Additional information on J.C. Guillot and the 21st Essex Fusiliers may be found in RG 3 (Finance Department Records) and MS 13 (Papers of the 21st Essex Fusiliers) respectively.

Guillot Family Papers

MS 11
Content Note

This collection is divided into two series. The first contains documents relating to land transactions, genealogy, education and the like and date from 1870 to 1951. Information regarding J.C. Guillot in particular can be found in units 2, 6 and 8.

The second series is comprised of five photographs, four of which depict Col. Guillot. The fifth is a photograph of his children. A portrait of Col. Guillot is included in this series.

Patrons wishing to research education, the military and Guillot genealogy are urged to consult this collection. The papers are in fair to good condition.

Guillot Family Papers

MS 11


Taps Sounded for Col. Guillot, Who Succumbed to Lingering Illness


Essex Fusiliers Will Honor Retired Commander by Military Funeral

Lt. Col. Guillot, H. O. answered the bugle call of death on Saturday evening after a lingering illness. The end came while he was surrounded by his relatives and his demise was not unexpected to them. He had suffered for some months from a complication of diseases, which of date attacked the brain, the deceased not realizing that his wife had died three weeks (previous, although the news was intimated him by the children.

Col. Guillot was one of the most prominent military officer in Western Ontario prior to his retirement after reaching the age limit. He had served on the personal staff of the minister of militia and was brigade major at Niagara and London ?campments. He was decorated with the long service medal and also received a medal and grant for participating in the Fenian raid.

For eleven years Col. Guillot efficiently discharged the duties of city treasurer. Urging to failing health, he was given three months leave of absence but resigned before the time expired on account of continued illness.


James Casimer Guillot was born in Sandwich in 1845 and educated there. Being fond of a solder’s life he joined the 2nd Infantry Company of his native town in 1862 at the time of its organization during the excitement resulting from the “Trent Affair.” In 1864 he attended the military school at Hamilton under Col. Lowdy of the 17th Regiment. During the Fenian Raids he was on active service with his company at Sandwich and later became Sergeant-Major of his Windsor Garrison Artillery under Capt. Worthington.

Upon the organization of the old LB rd “Base x” limitation under the late Col. Rankin, he was approved Adjutant, and on leaving the militia for three years shortly after he was forced to send in his resignation.

Guillot Family Papers

MS 11

He took no active part in military affairs until the Rebellion in the Northwest, when the Essex Fusiliers were organized. It was largely due to his efforts that this was accomplished and he received the appointment of Major in the new corps. He held this position until July 17, 1897, upon the retirement Col. Bouttie, he succeeded to the command of the Fusiliers. For five years he had the executive authority of the regiment and during his regime the Fusiliers attained a high standard of efficiency. At the expiration of his tenure of office he relinquished the command to Col. Bartlet, retiring after forty years of military life with the rank of colonel.

Col. Guillot married, Miss Ellen Weaver, daughter of the late John Weaver of Sandwich in 1862. Mrs. Guillot died on Saturday, Jan. 7th the surviving family are Mrs. Williams McC?, Toronto; Mrs. Van Hook, Pittsburg; Miss Nellie at home and Dr. Harry C. Guillot, ex-mayor of Pontiac. A brother, John of Tilbury, and two sisters, Mrs. Adams and Miss Guillot, also survive.


In Masonic circles no member was more highly regarded than the deceased. For several years he was an officer of Windsor Lodge, A. F. & A. M. The Masonic societies will attend the funeral, which will be held Tuesday afternoon at 8 o’clock from the late residence 156 Ouellette Avenue. The Essex Fusiliers will also turn out on parade to attend the last rites of the former commander.

Note: Article unknown as to its origin, which also shows his picture.

Date probably around the end of January 1905 or beginning of February 1905.


MS 11 I



1- Deed, Julia Verhoeff to Mary Woodthorp 3 May 1870Lot 79, First

for land in WindsorConcession, Lot 7,

Blk G

2- Release, James C. Guillot et at to Emma 3 Jan 1889Regarding will of

Wigle et alHilaire Casimer

Guillot. Photocopy

3- Council (?) to will of Emma Wigle10 May 1893Regarding Westaway

Estate. Photocopy

4- Education certificates of Alice Treble1883-1895

5- Correspondence, notes and mementos 1895-1900Regarding teaching

of Alice Trebleand n.d.experience

6- Correspondence between Harry C. Guillot,1895-1912

Alice Treble and James C. Guillot

7- Promissory note, Harry C. Guillot to1908

Nellie Guillot

8- Correspondence and notes1951 and n.d.Regarding family
