ZA Segment Explanation
This information is sent for every item/upc in the
852 - EDI Product Activity Data
/ UA / UPC code of the itemZA*QA*232*CA*007*20030909 / QA / Quantity on Hand
Current inventory quantity available for ship or sale # of cases and the effective date
ZA*QP*3200*CA*007*20030909 / QP / Quantity on order
not yet received # of cases and the effective date
ZA*QW*2*CA*007*20030909 / QW / Quantity withdrawn
from warehouse inventory
ZA*QO*0*CA*007*20030909 / QO / Quantity out of stock
quantity not available to fill store orders or store out of stock
ZA*QC*0*CA*007*20030909 / QC / Quantity committed
Expected store shipments
# of cases
ZA*QN*0*CA*007*20030909 / QN / Planned inventory quantity
Use of this code with a quantity of zero indicates product replenishment is to be discontinued
ZA*QN*2*CA*007*20030909 / QN / Planned inventory quantity
Use of this code with a quantity greater than zero would establish or re-establish a product
In addition to the above information if there is a promotion on an item we will send a QD segment (see below). Depending on how the buyer has flagged this item in the purchasing system:
a. A “za” segment will be sent for each promotion. There will be a maximum of (4) occurrences = this will include start and stop dates along with the quantities
b. A “za” segment will be sent for each promotion. There will be maximum of (2) occurrences= this will include quantities only.
ZA*QD*3*CA*007*20030909*20030920 / QD / Additional demand QuantityRequest for additional product to be added to supplier replenishment calculation upc, # of cases and the start and end date of the promotion
· Effective June 6, 2007Kroger implemented a change to the EDI 852 record (QK see below). The change involved the addition of certain Promotional Contract Start and Stop Dates (contracts that are active already or will be active within the next 6 weeks). The purpose of sending Promotional Contract Start and Stop Dates for “Off Invoice” and “Bill-back deals” is to help ensure products that have deals coming up are ordered at the correct times so Kroger gets the correct costassociated with the promotion. Kroger anticipates this will help in the reduction of deductions and post audit deductions. As the VMI analyst writes orders, these dates should be used to help assist in the decision as to the correct timing (orders need to be placed within the promotional start and stop dates) that buys should be made in order to support the upcoming promotions. There can be other promotional contract types, but they will not be part of the 852because these are based on DC Shipments or Store Scans. If you have any business related questions as to this information please contact your Kroger Co. buyer. If an adjustment is needed to the dates of the contract these requests should be directed to the appropriate Category Manager.
DTM*023*20061231~ DTM*024*20070721~ / QK / Quantity not listed
Please note Kroger will only send the 03 code in the G95 even though internally they are set up as different contract types. We feel the type of contract should not be the focus, but the promotional “ order- start” and “order-end” dates
Effective Nov. 5, 2010 Kroger implemented the OQ code in the ZA segment to send the planned order quantity (see below). The data is sent from our Kroger KMA’s/Divisions. There was no change to the shipped cases. The “AM” or Original Store Orders is being added for all items for all VMI vendors. OQ will not be provided when unavailable or zero. Peyton divisions will normally not provide OQ data. OQ will be more useful for fresh meat and produce vendors. Benefits of this data will include lower days-supply, fewer out-of-stocks, and fewer ‘excess inventory’ situations.
ZA*OQ*5*CA*007*20100910~ / OQ / Planned Order QuantityOQ= Planned Order Quantity
5= quantity
CA= Cases
007= Effective
20100910= Date