New Perspectives Excel 2013

Tutorial 2: Formatting Workbook Text and Data

Key Terms

Average function An Excel function that calculates the average value from a collection or numbers. (EX 98)

cell style Predefined formatting options that you can apply to cells in a worksheet. (EX 97)

Comma style The number format that adds a thousands separator to numbers, adds two decimal places, and lines up values within a column by their decimal points. (EX 69)

conditional format Formatting applied to a cell when its value meets a specified condition. (EX 108)

fill color A background color that can be added to cells to help differentiate parts of a worksheet or highlight data. (EX 69)

font A set of characters that employ the same typeface, such as Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier. (EX 68)

font style Formats that can applied to a font such as italic, bold, bold italic, underline, strikethrough, and color. (EX 68)

Format Painter A feature that copies and pastes formatting from one cell or range to another without duplicating any data. (EX 96)

General format The number format that, for the most part, displays values exactly as they are typed. (EX 82)

legend A key that identifies the colors or the shapes used in a worksheet or a chart. (EX 112)

Live Preview A preview of how a workbook would be affected by an option in a gallery. (EX 70)

margin The space between the page content and the edges of the page. (EX 121)

merge To combine, such as several cells into one cell. (EX 68)

non-theme font A font that is not associated with a particular theme; non-theme fonts retain their appearance no matter what theme is used with the workbook. (EX 71)

print area The range or ranges in a worksheet that you specify to be printed. (EX 97)

print title Information that appears on every printed page; specified as rows or columns to repeat on the top or left of each page. (EX 96)

Quick Analysis tool A button that appears whenever you select a range of cells, providing access to the most common tools for data analysis and formatting for the selected range. (EX 110)

sans serif font A font that does not include extra strokes, such as Arial. (EX 71)

serif font A font that has extra strokes at the end of each character, such as Times New Roman. (EX 71)

style A collection of formatting options that include a specified font, font size, font styles, font color, fill color, and borders. (EX 99)