YUL Manuscript Cataloging Committee


Oct 26, 2009

Present: Joan Swanekamp, Francis Lapka, Nancy Lyon, Karen Spicher

Absent: Toby Appel, Ellen Cordes, Martha Smalley

Minutes recorded by: Karen Spicher

Yufind testing

Karen reported that Katie Bauer conducted testing with students earlier this month. Katie plans to present results to YUL staff soon, probably in early November. She can attend one of our meetings, but was unable to attend today.

Yufind development

We reviewed comments recently sent to Daniel, and a regression testing script that Daniel shared with us. We discussed problems with display of 300 subfields, noting that subfields are displaying in alphabetic order, and repeated subfields are not displaying. As other fields with a preferred subfield order (544, 6xx, 7xx) are displaying correctly, it is unclear why 300 subfields are a problem. Karen will find out more from Daniel.

Francis noted that Yufind records found through Google lead to a search of Yufind that seems to search on arbitrary keywords in the record, yielding confusing results. Francis will ask Daniel about this.

OCLC Reclamation Project

Joan reported that she, Audrey, Steven, and Rick are developing specs with OCLC, and plan to request input from our committee.

Single item and small collection draft

Karen reported that Brbl will change procedures for local headings for binders, to conform to RBT’s procedures. Francis decided that BAC can do the same. Karen will update our draft, and resume efforts to update orbis help pages.

Karen has completed editing of fields, per the committee’s review. We discussed design of the manual, and decided to maintain instructions specific to single item/small collection in a separate document, and link to these from each field in the manual, as applicable. Introductory sections and the manual title will be revised to include all collections and single items. Karen will draft these changes.

As our Nov and Dec meetings conflict with holidays, we will try to reschedule these to either Nov 16 or 30, to discuss Yufind testing, and Dec 14, to complete the manual. Karen will email all committee members to find out which dates will work, request room scheduling, and confirm the dates with everyone.