Composition & Structure / Grammar, Punctuation & Vocabulary
Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Gaining confidence when evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others' writing and can suggest improvements to grammar and vocabulary.
Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Read aloud their writing to a group, using appropriate intonation, tone and volume to ensure meaning is clear.
Organise writing using features such as paragraphs, headings and subheadings appropriately.
Narrative writing has a clear and logical beginning, middle and end. / Tense is mostly consistent in writing.
Begin to vary the use of perfect (I have, you have, we have, they have) and progressive tenses (was/were + -ing).
Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Basic punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas after fronted adverbials and in lists) is used correctly.
Possessive apostrophes are used accurately for singular and plural nouns.
Inverted commas are used to correctly mark speech and are beginning to include punctuation within.)
Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Can create settings and develop characters and plot through:
Expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases including age appropriate adjectives.
Begin to experiment with positioning of adjectives in sentences for meaning.
Broadening range of age appropriate adverbs.
Begin to experiment with positioning of adverbs in sentences for meaning.
Developing confidence when using a range of literary devices such as similes, personification, onomatopoeia and metaphors.
Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Nouns and pronouns are used appropriately to avoid repetition and aid cohesion.
Continue to develop and apply a broad range of vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses.
Discuss writing using grammatical terminology taught in years 3 and 4.
Writing is legible and consistent.
Writing is joined.
Continuing to develop fluency in handwriting.
Upper and lower case letters are the correct size and sit on the line.
Yr 4 Autumn term:
Term 1 – I am Warrior (6 weeks)
Type / Unit Title / Time guide / Composition & Structure / Grammar, Punctuation & VocabularyNarrative / Stories with Historical Settings
Dark Eagle / 3 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Narrative writing has a clear and logical beginning, middle and end. / Y3 - Express time and relationships in writing through conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions (then, after, later that day, suddenly).
Y3 - Fronted adverbials are mostly followed by a comma.
Y3 - Basic punctuation (capital letters and full stops) is used accurately.
Y3 - Commas are used in lists.
Y3 - Inverted commas are used to mark speech accurately.
Y4 – Tense is mostly consistent in writing.
Y4 – Continue to develop and apply a broad range of vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses (Archaic language)
Non-Fiction / Recounts: Newspapers
Romans / 3 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Organise writing using features such as paragraphs, headings and subheadings appropriately. / Y4 - Basic punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas after fronted adverbials and in lists) is used correctly.
Y4 - Tense is mostly consistent in writing.
Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Inverted commas are used to correctly mark speech and are beginning to include punctuation within.
Y4 - Broadening range of age appropriate adverbs.
Y4 - Expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases including age appropriate adjectives.
Yr 4 Autumn term:
Term 2: Blue Abyss (7 weeks)
Narrative / Stories set in Imaginary Worlds
The Green Ship / 4 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Narrative writing has a clear and logical beginning, middle and end.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently. / Y4 - Begin to vary the use of perfect (I have, you have, we have, they have) and progressive tenses (was/were + -ing).
Y4 - Begin to experiment with positioning of adjectives in sentences for meaning.
Y4 - Begin to experiment with positioning of adverbs in sentences for meaning.
Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Discuss writing using grammatical terminology taught in years 3 and 4.
Non-Fiction / Information Texts / 4 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Organise writing using features such as paragraphs, headings and subheadings appropriately.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently. / Y4 - Tense is mostly consistent in writing.
Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Possessive apostrophes are used accurately for singular and plural nouns.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Nouns and pronouns are used appropriately to avoid repetition and aid cohesion.
Y4 – Continue to develop and apply a broad range of vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses
Yr 4 Spring term:
Term 3: Burps Bottoms and Bile 6 weeks)
Type / Unit Title / Time guide / Word/Sentence/Punctuation focus / Text levelNon - fiction / Explanation Texts / 3 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Gaining confidence when evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others' writing and can suggest improvements to grammar and vocabulary. / Y4 - Tense is mostly consistent in writing.
Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Possessive apostrophes are used accurately for singular and plural nouns.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Nouns and pronouns are used appropriately to avoid repetition and aid cohesion.
Y4 – Continue to develop and apply a broad range of vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses
Fiction / Narrative
Bill’s New Frock / 3 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Narrative writing has a clear and logical beginning, middle and end.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Gaining confidence when evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others' writing and can suggest improvements to grammar and vocabulary. / Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Inverted commas are used to correctly mark speech and are beginning to include punctuation within.
Y4 - Broadening range of age appropriate adverbs.
Y4 - Expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases including age appropriate adjectives.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Discuss writing using grammatical terminology taught in years 3 and 4.
Yr 4 Spring term:
Term 4: Playlist (6 weeks)
Poetry / Creating Images
Sound Collector / 2 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Read aloud their writing to a group, using appropriate intonation, tone and volume to ensure meaning is clear. / Y3 - a' and 'an' are used correctly.
Y4 - Developing confidence when using a range of literary devices such as similes, personification, onomatopoeia and metaphors.
Y4 – Continue to develop and apply a broad range of vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses.
Y4 - Begin to experiment with positioning of adverbs in sentences for meaning.
Y4 - Begin to experiment with positioning of adjectives in sentences for meaning.
Narrative / Plays / 3 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Organise writing using features such as paragraphs, headings and subheadings appropriately.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Read aloud their writing to a group, using appropriate intonation, tone and volume to ensure meaning is clear. / Y3 - Express time and relationships in writing through conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions (then, after, later that day, suddenly).
Y4 - Basic punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas after fronted adverbials and in lists) is used correctly.
Y4 - Possessive apostrophes are used accurately for singular and plural nouns.
Y4 - Nouns and pronouns are used appropriately to avoid repetition and aid cohesion.
Yr 4 Summer term:
Term 5: Road Trip USA (6 weeks)
Type / Unit Title / Time guide / Word/Sentence/Punctuation focus / Text levelNon-Fiction / Information Texts / 2 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Gaining confidence when evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others' writing and can suggest improvements to grammar and vocabulary. / Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases including age appropriate adjectives.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Discuss writing using grammatical terminology taught in years 3 and 4.
Fiction / Myths & Legends
Native American Myths / 4 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Narrative writing has a clear and logical beginning, middle and end.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Gaining confidence when evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others' writing and can suggest improvements to grammar and vocabulary. / Y4 - Basic punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas after fronted adverbials and in lists) is used correctly.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Developing confidence when using a range of literary devices such as similes, personification, onomatopoeia and metaphors.
Y4 - Inverted commas are used to correctly mark speech and are beginning to include punctuation within.
Y4 - The grammatical difference between plural and possessive –s Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms
Yr 4 Summer term:
Term 6: Traders and Raiders (6 weeks)
Type / Unit Title / Time guide / Word/Sentence/Punctuation focus / Text levelPoetry / Kennings / 1 week / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Read aloud their writing to a group, using appropriate intonation, tone and volume to ensure meaning is clear. / Y4 - Developing confidence when using a range of literary devices such as similes, personification, onomatopoeia and metaphors.
Y4 – Continue to develop and apply a broad range of vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and thesauruses.
Y4 - Begin to experiment with positioning of adverbs in sentences for meaning.
Y4 - Begin to experiment with positioning of adjectives in sentences for meaning.
Y4 - The grammatical difference between plural and possessive –s Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms
Narrative / Stories from Other Cultures
Mufaro’s beautiful daughter. / 4 weeks / Y4 - Plan writing with appropriate awareness of the audience and purpose, using features of the chosen form appropriately and consistently.
Y4 - Draft writing, applying text features and appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Y4 - Begin to use suggested changes to edit and improve their writing.
Y4 - Narrative writing has a clear and logical beginning, middle and end.
Y4 - Gaining confidence in recognising spelling and punctuation errors independently.
Y4 - Gaining confidence when evaluating the effectiveness of their own and others' writing and can suggest improvements to grammar and vocabulary. / Y4 - Use multi-clause sentences to develop and extend ideas, using a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Y4 - Begin to use commas for parenthesis.
Y4 - Add variety to writing through a range of sentence openers.
Y4 - Developing confidence when using a range of literary devices such as similes, personification, onomatopoeia and metaphors.
Y4 - Inverted commas are used to correctly mark speech and are beginning to include punctuation within.
Y4 - The grammatical difference between plural and possessive –s Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms