Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.21
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation / Date: 10/1423/1109

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide: Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation

CC 6486

Version 5.21

CAISO2019 / Page 1 of 10
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.21
Configuration Guide for: Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation / Date: 10/1423/1109

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



Prior to MRTU, CT 4481, Excess Cost for Instructed Energy, included Bid Cost Recovery (payment uplift) for Economic Instructed Imbalance Energy (Economic IIE), Hourly Pre-Dispatched Instructed Imbalance Energy (IIE Predispatch) and Residual Imbalance Energy for costs above the CAISO’s Bid Ceiling or costs for Energy bid below the CAISO’s Bid Floor (capped at the bid floor); and Out-of-Market Energy (OOM Energy) payment for costs in excess of the Resource-Specific Ex Post Price.

“Charge Code (CC) 6482 Real-Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement” replaces CT 4481 in MRTU. Bids over the Bid Ceiling or below the Bid Floor are hard-capped as of April 1, 2009in MRTU. In CC 6482 there remains the need to settle Excess Cost Payments for incremental IIE priced above the Resource-Specific Settlement Interval Real-Time LMP are settled (this includesing cases where the Exceptional Dispatch price is above the Bid Ceiling). However, the Settlement settlement of Excess Cost Payments for decremental IIE priced below the Resource-Specific Settlement Interval Real-Time LMP is not required since the entire Exceptional Dispatch price is settled completely (without any excess cost breakdown) in CC 6470 (without any excess cost breakdown).

CC 6482 settles the Excess Cost Payments for Energy transactions where the Settlement type is one of the emergency “exceptional” Energy types (“SYSEMR” or “TEMR”) as defined in CAISO Tariff Section and, respectively. The SYSEMR Exceptional Dispatch Energy type represents Energy, including Energy from forced Start-Ups and Shut Downs that is delivered as a result of an Exceptional Dispatch for System Emergency conditions, to avoid intervention in market operations, mitigate Overgeneration conditions, or to prevent or relieve an imminent System Emergency. TEMR represents Energy purchased by the CAISO from a utility in another Control Area as a result of a CAISO request for assistance in System Emergency conditions, in order to avoid an intervention in market operations, or to prevent or relieve an imminent System Emergency. TEMR Energy excludes Energy from Exceptional Dispatches.

CC 6482 does not cover Excess Cost Payments for IIE associated with transmission and other various reasons not related to emergency conditions, as they are covered in other charge codes (for instance, CC 6488 – “Exceptional Dispatch Uplift Settlement”).

Emergency Energy for either SYSEMR or TEMR will be settled at the higher of the Resource-Specific Settlement Interval LMP, Energy Bid price or, if applicable, the Default Energy Bid price for Energy that does not have an Energy Bid price, or, as applicable to System Resources, the negotiated price. The negotiated System Resource Energy price may exceed the Bid Ceiling.

The allocation for Real-Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement will remain unchanged in MRTU. The costs will be allocated in twotiers based total negative Uninstructed Imbalance Energy in CC 6486 Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation and Measured Demandexcluding Demand served through transmission rights in CC 6480 Excess Cost Neutrality Allocation.


The allocation of costs paid to Scheduling Coordinators in the Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement is split into two tiers. The first tier of costs is collected in this CC 6486, Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation. This charge type collects the total costs associated with CC 6482 Real-Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement to the extent that the total Energy procured with price above Resource-Specific Settlement Interval LMP is less than or equal to total Net Negative Uninstructed Imbalance Energy quantity in the corresponding interval. If the total quantity of Energy procured in CC 6482 is greater than the quantity of Net Negative Uninstructed Imbalance Energy, only the portion of Excess cost up to the Net Negative UIE is allocated in CC 6486, the remaining amount is recovered in CC 6480 Excess Cost Neutrality Allocation.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / Excess Cost Payment calculated in CC 6482 where the price was in excess of the Resource-Specific Settlement Interval LMP is allocated in two tiers.
2.0 / CC 6486 allocates the Excess Cost Payments to Scheduling Coordinators the lesser of (a) the pro-rata share of Excess Cost Payments based on the ratio of each Scheduling Coordinator’s Net Negative UIE to the total CAISO Net Negative UIE or (b) the product of the Scheduling Coordinator’s Net Negative UIE and a weighted average price for that interval.
2.1 / The weighted average price is equal to the total Excess Cost Payments to be allocated divided by the MWh of Exceptional Dispatch Energy associated with the Excess Cost Payment.The weighted average price is calculated as the total Excess Cost Payments paid in CC 6486 divided by the Energy quantity associated with the Excess Cost Payments in CC 6486.
3.0 / Eligible PIR units shall receive daily Excess Cost Payment allocations under Payment Acceleration. CAISO will then reverse these charges and credit on the month-end invoice and access the net of the deviation charges to the PIR units as required under the PIRP program..
4.0 / Resources that have Energy Bids available in the Real Time Market, but are not dispatched by CAISO for that interval are exempt from Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy allocation to the extent their Energy Bid quantity covers their Net Negative UIE.
5.0 / The formulas adopt the convention that payments made by CAISO to BAs will be negative, while payments received by CAISO from BAs will be positive. The signs reflect the flow of money from the point of view of CAISO.
6.0 / This Charge Code must be computed daily on a 10-minute basis.
7.0 / PIRExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmountmdis passed to Intermittent Resources Net Deviations Allocation (CC 721) for account balancing purposes.
8.0 / The calculation of Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation includes MSS Load Following Energy, HASP Self-Scheduled Energy from Load following resources and the associated Operational Adjustments when used for purposes of applicable CAISO Settlements allocation.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Real Time Energy Quantity Pre-calculation
Real Time Price Pre-calculation
Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Settlement (CC 6482)

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Excess Cost Neutrality Allocation (CC 6480)
Intermittent Resources Net Deviations Allocation (CC 721)

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / PIREligFlagBrtdh / PIR eligibility flag for PIRP Business Associate B per Resource r for Trading Day d and Trading Hour h. Y identifies a PIR unit that is eligible to receive monthly netting treatment. N identifies PIR unit that is NOT eligible to receive monthly netting treatment.
2 / AvailableUndispatchedBidQuantity Brthi / Available Bid quantity for a resource that was undispatched in a Settlement Interval.

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration
1 / SettlementIntervalRealTimeUIE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi / CG PC RT Energy Pre-calculation
2 / CAISOTotalExcessCostIIESettlementAmount hi / Total Excess Cost payments made to Scheduling Coordinators in CC 6482 for the Settlement Interval. This variable will not be found in the configuration guide for CC6482. Rather a CAISO subtotal current amount is used.
3 / SettlementIntervalIIEExcessCostQuantity Brthi / CG CC 6482 Excess Cost for Instructed Energy
4 / SettlementIntervalMSSIIE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi / CG PC RT Energy Pre-calculation
5 / SettlementIntervalSystemResourceMSSLFEngy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi / CG PC RT Energy Pre-calculation

3.6CAISO Formula

3.6.1ExcessCostIIEAllocationAmount Bhi

ExcessCostIIEAllocationAmountBhi= (ExcessCostAllocationDeviationQuantityBhi+PIRExcessCostAllocationDeviationQuantity Bhi) * ExcessCostAllocationPricehi

ExcessCostAllocationPricehi = (-1)*CAISOTotalExcessCostIIESettlementAmounthi / max (CAISOTotalExcessCostIIEQuantity hi, CAISOTotalNetNegativeUIEQuantity hi)

CAISOTotalNetNegativeUIEQuantity hi= ABS (NetNegativeUIEQuantity Bhi) Bhi = MIN(0, PIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi)

+ MIN (0,NonPIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi ) hi = (SettlementIntervalIIEExcessCostQuantity Brthi) Bhi = (-1) * MIN ( 0, PIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi) Bhi = (-1) * MIN (0,NonPIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi )

PIREligFlag Brtdh = ‘Y’

THEN NonPIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi = 0


NonPIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi = ( BASettlementResourceNetUIEQuantity Brthi)

END IF Bhi = (PIREligFlagBrtdh * BASettlementResourceNetUIEQuantity Brthi ) Brthi =

( SettlementIntervalRealTimeUIE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi

+ AvailableUndispatchedBidQuantity Brthi

+ SettlementIntervalMSSIIE BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi

+ SettlementIntervalSystemResourceMSSLFEngy BrtuT’I’M’F’S’hi)

3.6.2PIRExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount md

PIRExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount md = PIR10MExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount Bhi hi = PIR10MExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount Bhi

PIR10MExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount Bhi = PIRExcessCostAllocationDeviationQuantity Bhi * ExcessCostAllocationPricehi





Output ID / Name / Description
1 / ExcessCostIIEAllocationAmount Bhi / Daily allocation of Excess Cost Payments up to the amount of net-negative UIE for non-PIR resources.
2 / PIRExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount md / Daily accrual amount for monthly allocation of Excess Cost Payments for PIR units only.
3 / CAISOTotalExcessCostIIEAllocationAmount hi / Total market sum of Excess Cost Payment allocation.
4 / PIRExcessCostAllocationDeviationQuantity Bhi / PIR deviation quantity for the Settlement
5 / ExcessCostAllocationPricehi / Excess Cost Payment allocation price used to calculate the BA’s allocation amount for the Settlement Interval
6 / ExcessCostAllocationDeviationQuantity Bhi / Excess Cost Payment allocation quantity charge in the BA’s allocation amount for the Settlement Interval
7 / CAISOTotalExcessCostIIEQuantity hi / Energy Quantity associated with the Total Excess Cost Payments made to Scheduling Coordinators in CC 6482 for the Settlement Interval
8 / CAISOTotalNetNegativeUIEQuantity hi / The absolute sum of Scheduling Coordinator’s Net Negative UIE quantities in the Settlement Interval
9 / PIR10MExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount Bhi / 10-minute Settlement Interval amount of Excess Cost Payments for PIR units only.
10 / NetNegativeUIEQuantity Bhi / Net Negative UIE quantity for the settlement interval
11 / NonPIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi / Non-PIR Unit Real Time UIE and MSS IIE (MSS Load Following) for the settlement interval
12 / PIRUnitRealTimeUIE Bhi / PIR Unit Real time UIE and MSS IIE (MSS Load Following) for the settlement interval
13 / BASettlementResourceNetUIEQuantity Brthi / Settlement Interval Net UIE Quantity per BA, Resource r, Resource Type t, and Settlement Interval I for Trading Hour h
14 / CAISOSettlementPIRExcessCostIIEAllocationAccrualAmount hi / CAISO 10-minute Settlement Interval amount of Excess Cost Payments for PIR units only.
15 / In addition to any outputs listed above, all external inputs shall be included as outputs.

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document
Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
CC 6486 – Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / 10/31/09 / Documentation Edits Only
CC 6486 – Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation / 5.1 / 11/01/09 / Open12/31/11 / Configuration Impacted
CC 6486 – Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation / 5.2 / 1/1/12 / Open / Configuration Impacted
CAISO2019 / Page 1 of 10