Yr 10 Yearly PD/H/PE NotesFTM EC 

PDHPE Yearly Exam

Road Safety:

  • A hazard is a possible source of danger that could lead to an accident.

E.g.: Pedestrians crossing the road.

  • Young drivers are more likely to have a car accident because they have had less time and fewer opportunities to develop the good hazard perception skills.
  • Over-Representation of Young people in crashes:
  • Speeding is a major contributor to road crashes involving young drivers particularly boys.
  • Young people are likely to drink and drive than other drivers but those who do drink and drive are at greater risk of crashing possibly because of inexperience with driving and drinking.
  • Young drivers often drive at night, particularly for work, study and social occasions and can be affected by fatigue.
  • Some young drivers don’t wear seat belts which significantly increases their chance of injury in crashes.
  • Young drivers are less experienced than older drivers and this can lead to problems with hazard perception and risk assessment.
  • There is an increased risk of crashing when young drivers carry passengers in their vehicles.
  • 5 Hazard Perception Skills:
  1. How close is safe – Understanding the connection between distance and speed.
  2. Stopping distances – learning how long it takes to stop at various speeds.

-Driving at 60 kph in normal conditions

-Driving 60 kph in wet conditions

  1. Safe gaps when turning: learning to safely judge gaps when turning left and right at T intersections.
  2. Safe gaps at intersections - learning to safely judge safe gaps when turning right at traffic lights.
  3. Scanning for hazards - learning to react to hazards you encounter on the road.
  • Driver fatigue is the experience of being sleep, tired or exhausted.
  • Symptoms of driver fatigue:


-Poor concentration

-Tired/ Sore eyes



-Slow reactions

-Having difficulty in staying in lane.

-Feeling irritable

-Making Fewer & larger steering corrections

-Missing road signs

  • Strategies to avoid Drink and Drug Driving:

-Take a personal breath test before driving

-Stay at a friend’s house

-Tell a friend or someone you know that you have taken drugs and don’t feel right to drive.

-Take a taxi or public transport.

  • Consequences of unsafe road use behaviour:

-Possibility of going to jail

-Loos the license

-Innocent people suffer from other’s action



-Prison time

-Destruction of public property

-Car damage

-Car accidents

  • Strategies that promote safe road use attitudes and behaviours:

Drink Driving:

-Advertisement on TV

-Take a breath test

-Take a taxi


-Speed cameras

-Speed gun

-Speed pumps

Occupant Restraint:


-Fine double demerits points

-Click clock front & back

Loss and Grief (Blue booklet)


Categories of Loss:

-Loss of a significant person

-Loss of a part of self

-Loss of external objects

-Developmental loss

Strategies to cope with loss:

-Self talk


-Keep a diary

-Listen to music

-Strong support network


-See a counsellor


-Keep busy


Determinants of grief:

-Who the person was

-The nature of the attachment

-Mode of death

-History of losses

-Social environmental factors

-Concurrent stresses

Grief Reactions:

-Anxiety and fear








-Sleep disturbances

-Day dream

-Absent-minded behaviours

-Refusal to move forward

-Dreams of the deceased

-Searching and calling out


Strategies to help people to deal with loss and grief:


-Allow and encourage expression of feeling

-Talk to a counsellor

-Sit along and think

-Keep busy

-Avoid bad behaviours


First Aid:

  • First aid is the initial help given to a casualty before the ambulance arrives.
  • Priority in injury management:

-When helping a casualty it is important to prioritise injuries.



3-Spinal/Head injury


  • DR ABC:

D- Danger

-To you

-To others

-To casualty

R- Response

-Squeeze and shout

-Tell someone to call 000/112


-Look, listen and feel

-Check for signs of life


-Give 2rescue breaths

-Start CPR ( 30 compressions, 2 breaths)

4 Signs of life:

  • Colour: Pale skin indicates loss of life
  • Movement: any moving body parts indicate that the casualty is alive.
  • Body temperature: Very cold body temperature indicates dead. Normal body temperature alive
  • Breathing: when not breathing, casualty is dead... TRY DR ABC

Recovery Position:

1-Place arm closest to you on opposite side underneath the victim’s

2-Stretch the arm furthest away from you straight on the floor

3-Bend knee closest to you over the opposite leg.

4-Roll the victim onto the stretched arm

5-Tilt the head back and clean mouth

CPR rates and measurement:

Head tilt / Breath type / Hands / Depth of compression
Baby under 1 yr / Netural / Puff / 2 fingers / 2 cm
Child ( 1- 8 yrs) / Halfway ½ / ½ Breath / 2 hands / 3 cm
Adult >9 years / Full / Full / 2 hands / 4 cm

The trauma management model:

1-Call for an ambulance

2-Check for danger

3-Advice casualty not to move

4-Ask casualty can your breath ok? Get them to take a deep breath? Any pain?

5-IF YES: Shut down visible bleeding

NO: Priotise bwteen bleeding and breathing

6-Stabilise head and neck

7-Head to toe assessment

8-History: ask casualty what happened? Any allergies

9-Treat for shock?

Alcohol and drugs:

Reasons for drug use:


-Try it

-Family problems


-To feel good

-Showing off

Reasons for not using drugs:

-Not good to use

-Religious beliefs

-Slows the nervous system health promotion

-Past experience

Effects of drugs on individual:

Physical Effects:

-Poor sport performance

-Loss of coordination

-Decreased body temperature



-Reduced reaction time

Psychological effects:

-Poor mental health

-Mood swings




-Loss of inhibition

Social/ Economic/ Legal effects:

-Increased insurance rates


-Work place accidents


-Road accidents

-Violent crimes

-Aggressive behaviour

-Domestic violence

-Offensive behaviour

Classification of drugs:

-Hallucinogens:this drug may make you see things that are not really there

-Stimulants: speeds up the function of the central nervous system

-Depressants: slows down the function of the central nervous system

Prevalence of drugs:

-Tolerance: you need to take a larger amount of drug to achieve the same effect.

-Dependence: you need a drug to feel normal

-Withdrawal symptoms: your body may go through these when you stop taking a drug

-Recreational use: drug use in social setting.


Name / Signs and symptoms / How is it spread / Treatment / Prevention
Chlamydia / -Unusual discharge
-Burning when urinating / Unprotected sex / No treatment / Abstinence
Hepatitis A, B, C / - Pain in liver
- Nausea
- Fever
- Jaundice / Sharing needles
Unprotected sex / No treatment / Vaccination
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease / -Pain and tenderness in lower abdomen
-Heavy periods
- Painful sex intercourse
- Fever / Unprotected sex / Medication / Antibiotics, protected sex
Genital Herpes / Painful, itchy sores around the mouth, genitals or anus / Unprotected sex / Medication to relieve symptoms / Avoid any sexual contact when sores are present- most infectious
Genital warts / Look like warts but appear alone or in clusters around the skin on penis,v agina or anus / Unprotected sex / Liquid nitrogen or laser treatment can burn off warts / Safe sex
Gonorrhoea / Pain and burning when urinating
-unusual discharge from penis or vagina / Unprotected sex / Antibiotics / Protected x
Pubic lice / Infest pubic hair
Intense itching / Jumps easily from one person to another / Medicated soaps to wash body, clothes, bedding, towels. / Do not share clothes. One sex partner
No sex
Syphilis/Trichomoniasis / Rash on hand or soles of feet / Mothers pass it on to their unborn baby
Unprotected x / Antibiotics / Have x with on partner
Use condom
Vaginitis / Itchy, white discharge / X / Prescribed medication / Antibiotics, contraceptive pill
-Human immunodeficiency virus
-A virus that weakens the body’s immune system
-Found in blood, semen, fluids
- HIV is a virus
-Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
-HIV causes AIDS
-HIV weakens the body’s immune system leaving the body open to infections and cancers
- AIDS is an illness / -Sharing needles, syringes and other injecting equipment.
- Having a blood transfusion or receiving blood products in countries that do not have HIV screening.
-Unprotected oral x with someone who has HIV
- unprotected anal and vaginal sex. / -Flu-like symptoms
-Extreme and constant tiredness.
- Fevers, chills and night sweats
- Rapid weight loss for no known reason
-Swollen lymph glands in the neck, underarm or groin area.
- Skin marks or bumps
- Continuous coughing or a dry cough
- Diarrhoea
- Decreased appetite / -There is no cure or vaccination for HIV/AIDS
- Drug treatments that work against HIV / Safe sex using a condom.
Use female condoms.

Lifestyle Diseases:


Inhaling tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine.

Effects of smoking:

Smoking causes serious health problems. These may be referred to as lifestyles diseases due to the patient’s choice to smoke


-Smokers are ten times more likely to get lung cancer

-More smokers die of lung cancers than a non-smoker

Heart Disease:

-Smoking causes the hardening of the arteries

-This results in heart attacks and strokes.


-Women who smoke run a greater risk of osteoporosis.

Lifestyle diseases: a disease associated with the way in which a person interacts with their environment.



-Passive smoking

-Alcohol abuse

-Drug abuse

-Little physical activity

-Eating unhealthily


-Lung cancer

-Throat and mouth cancer

-Heart disease



-Type 2 diabetes


Netball: court:



-GS: goal shooter : 1, 2

-GA: goal attack : 1,2,3

-WA: wind attack: 2, 3

-C: Centre : 2, 3,4

-WD: Wing defence 3,4

-GD: goal defence : 3,4,5

-GK: Goal keeper 4,5




-P: Pitcher

-C: Pitcher

-1: 1st base

-2: 2nd base

-3: 3rd base

-SS: Short stop

-LO: left outfield

-CO: Centre outfield

-RO: right outfield

Ways a player gets out:

-Run out


-Get tagged

-Caught on fowl