Youth Suicide Reporting Form

Oregon Health Authority

Please provide the most information possible in compliance with applicable confidentiality and privacy laws.

Today’s date: Click here to enter a date.

Your Name: Click here to enter text. / Title: Click here to enter text.
Organization: Click here to enter text. / Email: Click here to enter text.

Date of suspected suicide death: Click here to enter a date. Decedent age: Choose an item.

City and/or county where suicide occurred and any other impacted counties:

Name of college/school attended, if known: Click here to enter text.

Crisis response and postvention services/supports provided (please indicate the entity or individual providing the service/support):[1]

  • Immediate crisis response(25 words)—
  • Near-term postvention (in coming months)—
  • Longer-term postvention (for as far as a year out)—

Would you like to request technical assistance from OHA? Choose an item.

Please provide as much of the information below with your request for technical assistance. The information will assist LMHAs in leading their communities in providing short- and long-term postvention and guide OHA in offering technical assistance.OHA suggests that LMHAs consult with local partners to gather the information.

  • Facility where the individual resided
/ Click here to enter text. /
  • Race/Ethnicity of Decedent
/ Click here to enter text. /
  • Sex of Decedent
/ Click here to enter text. /
  • Gender identity/sexual orientation of decedent
/ Click here to enter text. /
  • Means of Death
/ Click here to enter text. /
  • Was the youth in the custody of a government agency (e.g. DHS, OYA, etc.)?
/ Choose an item. /
  • If so, which agency?
/ Click here to enter text. /
  • Was the suicide in a public place?
/ Choose an item. /
  • Did the decedent leave a suicide note?
/ Choose an item. /
  • Is there evidence of bullying (cyber or in person)?
/ Choose an item. /
  • Was social media involved?
/ Choose an item. /
  • Have there been other suicides by children/youth/young adults in the decedent’s family or community in the past year?
/ Choose an item. /
  • Have there been other traumatic deaths in the community (e.g. accidents, prominent people, relatives/friends, etc.)?
/ Click here to enter text. /


Youth Suicide Reporting Form

[1] If not available at this time, you may contact OHA with your plans within 45 days of this report.