Tahquitz High School
Advanced Placement European History
Course Syllabus 2014~2015
Teacher – Mrs. Abril
Course Description:
Advanced Placement European History is a ten unit, one year college prep course that allows students to receive credit for World History, a graduation requirement. In addition this course provides students an academic experience equal to a freshman/sophomore course in college. The course is designed to give students an in-depth look at European history from the 15th Century through modern day, while also developing their historical interpretation, analytical reading and writing skills. The course emphasizes the cultural and intellectual, political and diplomatic, economic and social developments that helped shape modern day Europe.
*The course is also designed to prepare students for the AP European History Exam in May. Students who pass the exam (3 or better out of 5) may earn college credits.
*It is an expectation at Tahquitz High School that all students enrolled in an AP course take the College Board AP test designed for that particular course in May.
*All AP courses will administer a mock college board AP test in April that will be counted as a final. Failure to take the College Board AP Exam in May will result in the loss of the weighted AP grade in your G.P.A.
Kagan, Donald, Ozment, Steven, Turner, Frank M. The Western Heritage Since 1300, 9th ed. Prentice Hall, 2007
Academic Grading System~
All coursework will be assigned to a category with a percentage value.
Categories/Percent of Grade
1.Homework/Classwork 30%
2.Tests/Quizzes/Essays/Projects 60%
3.Class Participation 10%
Grading Standards~
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59- F
Homework will be given in the form of book questions, identifications, essays (FRQ & DBQ), outside reading/handouts, etc.Homework will be given for every chapter of the book-as to prepare you for unit tests/quizzes as well as the AP exam at the end of the year.
Examswill be a combination of multiple choice questions and essays. Tests will be given as end of unit assessments, they will be cumulative and will include released AP European test questions and DBQ’s to provide students with an authentic testing experience each time. Questions will ask students to not only show what they have learned, but also show their analytical and interpretive abilities.
Quizzes will be given regularly to test students understanding of the reading as well as the identifications. Pop quizzes are not unheard of, be prepared for a quiz at any time.
Class Participation is given to students who answer/ask academic questions throughout the school year. Responses to journals also fall in this area.
Late Work Due to the heavy work load of this college level course it is very important not to procrastinate on assignments. If you happen to fall behind on assignments the following policy will come into play.
- 1-3 days late = assignments are worth 50%
- 4-5 days late = assignments are worth 25%
- Assignments will not be excepted after 5 days
No credit will be given for incomplete or sloppy homework. If you’re tardy, so is your homework.
• Cheating will not be tolerated. In addition to the consequences of the schoolwide policy, any violation forfeits ALL participation and extra credit points for the semester. DO YOUR OWN WORK!
Students: It is YOUR responsibility to obtain copies of any and all assignments missed due to an absence. You can find this information on the Edlio AP European History page.
*As a required assignment students and parents will have to subscribe to the AP European page that can be found on the Tahquitz Website, tahquitzhs.org. This will allow parents to receive emails regarding upcoming assignments and tests for AP European History. It will also be utilized by students for any missing assignments/information.
Directions to subscribe to the AP European History class:
Click on Academics
Click on the teacher assigned to your son/daughter
Click on subscribe (right)
Enter your email address, be sure the drop down box represents if you are a parent or a student
Click subscribe
The AP European History Exam: (May 2015)Length: 185 minutes (3 hrs, 5 min)
Format: / multiple-choice / document-based question (DBQ) / free-response question (FRQ)Time Frame: / 55 minutes
80 questions / 15 min read / 45 min write
1 DBQ with up to 12 documents / 70 minutes total
choose 2 of 6 (1 per 3)
Weight: / 50% / 22.5% / 13.75% + 13.75%
Note: That failure to complete summer homework is NOT grounds for dropping the course, you will just start the year off with an F "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it."
Course Units
Unit 1: The End of the Dark Ages and the Renaissance in Northern Europe and Exploration
Unit 2: Reformation and Division within the Church
Unit 3: Religious Wars
Unit 4: Absolutism and the Beginnings of Democracy
Unit 5: The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution
Unit 6: Early Colonialism
Unit 7: The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Age
Unit 8: The Industrial Revolution
Unit 9: Reaction, Revolution, Romanticism and European Nationalism
Unit 10: Imperialism, War and Revolution
Unit 11: Depression, Totalitarianism and the Second World War
Unit 12: The Cold War
Unit 13: Europe in the Modern Age
Dear Student and Parents/Guardians,
I just want to let you know how excited I am about this year. I firmly believe that all students are capable of academic success if sincere effort is put forth on their part and if they have the support and encouragement of their family and teachers. Achievement in the classroom is truly a team effort that requires the cooperation and diligence of everyone involved. It is of the utmost importance that we are dedicated to our work and committed to excellence in all of our endeavors. We have a lot to do this but if we all work hard and strive for success I am confident that we will achieve our goals. Feel free to contact me at (951) 765-6300 ext 40614, or via e-mail at .
Mrs. Abril
Please sign and return the following slip by Friday August 15th ~
Print Student Name: ______Period ______
I have thoroughly read and understand all of the classroom rules and procedures. I agree to follow all of the rules and guidelines set out in this syllabus and to make every effort toward academic success.
Student Signature and Date: ______
Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature and Date: ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Internet Access: Yes No E-mail Address: ______
*Do not forget to subscribe to the AP European page at Tahquitzhs.org in order to stay updated with your son/daughters assignments for AP European History. Directions are located at the end of the syllabus.