Dress Code

Youth & GovernmentBehavior Contract

Due Sunday, February 10, 2008

As a participant in the Maryland Youth and Government Program, I am expected to become familiar with the rules stated in this contract and agree to the following standards.

  1. I understand that the use of the State House, legislative chambers, and committee hearing rooms is a privilege.
  2. I will be responsible for all rules set by the State Director and my advisor.
  3. I will attend all required functions and events of the program.
  4. I will respect the rights, viewpoints and feelings of others.
  5. I will respect all facilities.
  6. I will not eat, drink, or chew gum in any of the legislative buildings including lobby areas.
  7. I will wear my assigned identification badge at all functions and events.
  8. I will not use or possess any alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or weapons at any functions or events of the Program,.
  9. I will not use or possess any tobacco products of any kind even if I am 18 yearsor older .participant student.
  10. I understand that in the event I am allowed to drive a vehicle to any Session, I must relinquish the vehicle’s keys to my advisor.
  11. During the Legislative Session, I will be at the sessions on time and I will not leave the session at any time without the expressed approval of my advisor, and will leave enough time for meals so as not to be late.
  12. During the Legislative Session, I will be in my own hotel room and quiet by curfew.
  13. I understand that the penalty for violating the Behavior Contract or the Dress Code or any additional rules that the State Director and my advisor may establish, includes immediate suspension from the Program activities and notification of my parent/guardian.
  14. I understand that in the event of suspension I will be sent home immediately. Both my parents and I understand that they will need to pick me up immediately regardless of time, day or night.
  15. I will assume financial responsibility for damage to any property that I may cause.
  16. I understand that my presence during a violation of the Behavior Contract subjects me to discipline for the violation.
  17. Due to Security issues, cell phones, pagers and any other mobile devices must be left in Hotel rooms. If caught in possession or using inside of the building, the device will be taken and returned only tomy parents.
  18. Also due to Security issues, I understand that I may not go outside the legislative buildings, even during breaks. I may only go outside after session has adjourned, and agree to travel with at least two other people at all times.

In accordance with the Standards stated above, I hereby agree to conduct myself in a mature, responsible and cooperative manner at all functions and events of the program. My conduct reflects upon myself, my Delegation, the YMCA, and the Maryland Youth and Government Program. I understand failure to comply will result in my being dismissed from the Youth and Government program without a refund of the program fee and that my parent/guardian will be responsible for transporting me home from Annapolis.

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Dress Code

Due Sunday, February 10, 2008



Sports coat and slacks

Sweater and slacks to include shirt and tie

A tie (must be worn at all times)


Dress (length must be below the knees)


Skirt with blouse or sweater (length must be below the knees; no mid-drifts)

Dress slacks with blouse or sweater (no mid-drifts)

Closed toes and closed back shoes

Kick-pleats only in skirt (no less than 2 inches above the knee)

Must wear panty hose, tights or knee highs

All sweaters and shirts must have sleeves

All female participants must bring a pair of dress slacks to the conference

Prohibited Dress (in state buildings)

Denim Clothing


Jean type pants

Jean jackets



Sandals/Flip flops

Open Heel Shoes

Low riders and low rise pants

Tank or tube tops

Athletic Tennis Shoes or Sneakers (Except for pages & press)

Skirt/dress length less than 2 inches above the knee.

Cargo Pants

Spaghetti straps

Bare backs

Exposed mid-drifts

Slits 2 inches above the knee.

Capri Pants

In accordance with the Standards stated above, I hereby agree to comply with the stated dress code at all functions and events of the program. My dress reflects upon myself, my Delegation, the YMCA, and the Maryland Youth and Government Program. I understand failure to comply will result in my being dismissed from the Youth and Government program without a refund of the program fee and that my parent/guardian will be responsible for transporting me home from Annapolis.


Date: ______