Ft Notes – 123.
N O T E S for the Barrington Male Family TREE Group 1.
NOTES FOR PARTS 1 to 3 of the TREE. Ft Notes 123. updated 08.07.02
#1…. Ruth McMahon lives in Mitchigan USA. Ruth McCaffery of NSW found that Ruth McMahon was researching John Doble’s line, and trying to link him into the Drayton TREE. A mention was made of a Phebe Male marrying a George Doble. Ruth McCaffery made a passing reference of this in a letter to her cousin Middy Sprouting. Middy told June Male of PIALBA, Qld. June told Jim Male. Jim Male wrote to Ruth McMahon. Result, Ruth McMahon and Jim Male are 5th cousins. Ruth steered Jim to her cousin Ethel Pink in S.A..
#2…. Jim and Joan Male were travelling back from Townsville when they stopped to change drivers at Home Hill, N.Q.. Joan saw a rock shop and went and investigated. Jim took out the Telephone Directory and went and looked up a couple with the surname MALE in Home Hill. Nobody home so he left his card. Eventually Graham Male got in touch and put Jim in touch with his cousin, Pamela Philip of Brisbane. This led to Rob and Lynda Male of Townsville. When the Tree was put together it became apparent that this branch of the family had lost contact with the rest of the Male clan. Because Graham’s grandparents had died at an early age, their children were put in orphanages, and this is when contact was lost.
#3…. When June Male of PIALBA, sent a copy of the Family Tree to Chloe, who now as a widow lives in Ilminster, Somerset, Chloe realised what the scandal was in the family. Her grandmother, Leigh Male had a base born daughter. Chloe now claims that the father of Leigh’s child was Mark Male, the husband of Leigh’s sister, Mary Ann Male. By the time the child was born, Mark and his wife and Mary Ann were in Australia.
#4…The family TREE and a story about this branch of the family along with a Group photo appear on Pages 242 and 243 of Seventeen Cum Sunday.
#5… There is a problem of just which child is Sandford and which one is Stamford. The Census have them different. One has Sandford the eldest and then the following Census, 10 years later has them the opposite way round. Just do not know which one actually married Elizabeth MALE. For the sake of getting this Tree up and running, I have taken the liberty of giving the second of the boys the name Stamford and have him married to Elizabeth. Later information. 16.01.01.. The marriage records from Barrington show the eldest, b. 1831 as being Sandford, who married his cousin Elizabeth Male. No records appear for a marriage by Stamford.
#6 … Simeon and Ruth arrived in Australia in 1865 on board the “Thunderbolt”. It appears that they put their age back 10 years in order to qualify for passage. Their daughter, Phyllis was already out here, living with George Evans the owner of the Bealiba Hotel.
#7 …. William and Anna and the family arrived in Australia on 12th March 1871, leaving England 10th December 1870 on board the “CosPatrick”. They paid their own passage. Their youngest daughter, Jane was the only child born in Australia. William had sent 500 pounds to his sister Phyllis to secure him a block of land prior to his arriving. William named his farm “Blueball Park” after a place back in England, I have seen a report that said that Anna was partially paralised by a stroke before coming to Australia. Another report said that Anna never ate with the family because the side of her face was paralised.
The St Arnaud MERCURY. 12.1.1989. Obit. William Male. A respected resident of the Avoca Valley of 27 years standing, and known as one of the most energetic and practical farmers of Kooreh South, succumbed to a complaint of the stomach on Saturday last, at the age of 71 years. The deceased, Mr. Wm Male, had been brought into St Arnaud for convenience, and placed in charge of his daughter ( Caroline ), Mrs Jack Parkinson, where good nursing, kind attention, and the best of medical skill for some 3 weeks proved un-availing.
The funeral took place at Bealiba on Sunday and was largely attended. The deceased leaves a wife, ( who has not spoken for 30 years following a paralytic stroke ); 2 sons and 5 daughters, all of whom are grown up and married, except the youngest, Jane, and well provided for. Deceased was a farmer from south of Devonshire and made great use of his experience in this colony.
Williams death certificate shows Wm Jasper as being deceased. Looks like only the one child, not two as has been suggested.
#8 In the effects of Jack Cameron was an envelope in which were 4 negatives. One of these negatives had a piece of paper attached which read ‘’ Betsy Males Uncle and cousin in South Australia”. The negative in particular when developed showed a man with a boy standing on a stool and leaning his head onto the man’s chest. Jim Male has had the 4 negatives developed and they sit in his Rogues Gallery. He believes that the man in the photo is Enos Male ( Betsy’s uncle ) and is also the William Enos Male of MANNUM. Jim also believes he has the proof from letters held by Leo Male of Mannum.. Laurice Sly, of Lockhart, a descendant of William Male writes ::: Eli Male settled at Mannum S.A. on the river Murray. He was a carrier and his family carried on the business. His sons were Enos, Eli, Levi, and a daughter Dorothy ( Mrs C. Stevens ).:::::::
#9 Jessie was Kens 2nd wife. Lorna died of cancer when Carole was 6 months old. Jessie was a divorcee with 2 daughters. Jessie took Carole and Kens mother took Dianne. Jessie and Ken married amongst strong opposition from Kens parents. Their only child brought up in strict methodist church principals marrying a divorcee. Ken and Jessie raised the 4 girls as a family unit. I may not have the next piece of information quite correct but I think it was this way. Jessie’s mother took in Lorna when her mother died. Jessie was the Research Officer of the St Arnaud Historical Society up until October 1997 when she had to have a foot amputated, followed by the other one in November. Jessie said that was 2 people she had to sign for to have both feet amputated. Hers and earlier on, her mother-in-laws. As both Jim Male’s paternal grandparents were born and raised in the St Arnaud area, Jessie was extremely helpful in setting that part of the tree on the correct path.
Extract from Wally Belcher’s EMU 1910-1940 :::: Mrs Postle, the mother of Harry Postle, Gippsland & Northern Wheat Pool agent. Mrs Postle later married Jim Wiggins and they built a nice tidy cottage on the left hand side of the road that runs down the store. They were the parents of Bella, Alice, Jessie and Jim Wiggins.
#10 .. In 1997, Frank and June Male on their trip around Australia, called in at MANNUM, S.A. and met Leo Male. Leo gave them photostat copies of 4 letters. The first was to Ruth Male from her cousin in MANNUM. 2 were letters sent by Ruth and one was a letter sent by Ruths daughter. Annie Patterson to a Dorothy Stephens, her 2nd cousin.. There is no doubt in peoples minds who have read these letters, that the Mannum Males and the St Arnaud Males are related. Most sgree that the Wiliam Enos Male of Palmer/Mannum is Enos Male from St Arnaud tribe. See Apendix E for a copy of these letters.
#11 …. Ann made George wait 4 years before she married him after agreeing to marry. Ann spent the time at home helping to nurse her father. After marriage they went and lived in Renmark, where the family had a butchering business. See Appendix E for a copy of the letter Ann sent to Dorothy Stephens.
#12 .. In 1995, Cal, aged 85, lived at Broadford and still made 50 Christmas Cakes a year to sell for the Church. IN 1998, Cal is almost totally blind and is very hard of hearing.
#13. Jane was the only child of William and Anna who was born in Australia. John was a widower with 3 sons and a daughter when they married. Jane also helped rare the children of one of her step sons.
#14 Cassie and Jane reared Jack and Roy CURNOW, sons of Percival Curnow, after Percivals wife died. Percival was a son from John Curnows 1st marriage.
#15 This Enos I am sure is William Enos Male of MANNUM. S.A.. So sure am I, that I have included him and his descendants into the Tree. I believe the dates on his headstone is 15 years earlier than the actual death date. Since I discovered a copy of the cemetry records, Ron Male of Adelaide has confirmed that the headstone date is wrong. He also tells me that there are 4 graves there, not one. The headstone is erected over one for them all. See Appendix E for a copy of the letters that make me sure that this Enos and William Enos are the one and same.
#16 Here we have a problem. Both William and Simeon are registered as being born on the same day in 1870. The burial details have William as being 13 when he died in 1890. The present day Males in Mannum believe that William was about 20 when he died from diptheria. Ron Male says that his uncle, Simeon, was quaint and very precise and english. He always referred to a match as a LUCIFER. He’d say to his brother, Eli, “ Dear brother, could I have a Lucifer to light my pipe “, to which Eli would reply “ Brother Simeon, with pleasure I will give you a Lucifer “.
#17 Alfred Eli MALE. I can only find in the S.A. births register an Eley Male born 25.5.1876 a son of William Enos Male and another son Alford Samuel born in 1879. At this stage I can only presume that Eley is the one who called himself Alfred Eli, and that Alford Samuel died as a child. I have presumed this in order to keep the Tree going. If anyone can help out with this problem, I will be grateful. Ron Male tells me his grandfather was Alfred Eli k.a. Eli b. 4/11/1979. ( 1999 ).
#18 June has Kevin as being single. I have information saying he once was married. Frank and June when they met Kevin in 1997 were struck as to how much he resembled Franks elder brother John. Not quite so much in looks as to his characteristics.
#19 Leo and Russell do not seem to get along real well together. I wonder if this is the male history repeating itself. In my dealings with other members of the MALE clan, I hear that Leo is very proud of the achievements of Russell and I also hear that Russell speaks real well of Leo. Prior to Leo going into hospital to have knee surgery, Leo was going to do the history of MANNUM. June and Frank Male visited Leo on their 1997 trip around Australia. It was Leo who gave June a copy of the 4 letters that I published in Appendix E.
#20 Stan was one of the first from MANNUM to enlist in the RAF for WW2. Stan was given a full RAAF funeral.
#21. Ron on a trip to England called into the church at Kingsbury. The rector gave him the MALE family bible. Since misplaced. The Rector also asked Ron why he pronounced his surname mail instead of mar-lay as they do in Kingsbury. The story there is that the Males were originally from Flanders where religious persecution forced them to flee across the channel. There they were known as Van Male with a dipthong over the (e), pronounced Van Marlay. The rector gave Ron the motto of the Male family which was in Latin. A close translation into English was ::” Thou of the unchanging Mind “ ::::. Ron has misplaced the latin script, but I took the words, Thou of the unchanging mind; to a historian who deals in Latin and asked him to transcribe it back into Latin. The closest he could get was :: “ TU MENTIS IMMUTANIS “ :::
#22. St Arnaud MERCURY 12 Jan 1918. Obituary --- A well known and highly respected resident, Mr William Frederick Bantz, died at St Arnaud on Thursday last, aged 72 years. He was born at Schleswig, Holstein, Germany, and came to Victoria as a boy of 8 years. He lived most of his time in this district and was for a number of years engine driving at the Lord Nelson mine, St Arnaud, also mines in Emu, and Goldsborough.
Of later years followed the occupation of farmer. He married the eldest daughter of William Male. A family of 8 daughters and 3 sons, of who, 7 daughters and 1 son survive. Mrs Dargy, N.T.; Mrs Zueschner, St Arnaud; Mrs Haslam, Emu; Mrs Creighton, Mansfield; Mrs Lyndon, Korong Vale; Mrs Jack Jones, Emu; and Mr Simeon Bantz, Emu.
Deceased was operated on for an internal malady and did not rally. A large attendance from all parts of the district at his funeral. Bealiba Cemetery.
# 23 Joyce’s death notice gives Coralyn’s surname as Boscovic. Joyce’s grandchildren named as Damien; Rochelle; Melaine; Scott; Clinton; Natasha; Bradley. It would appear from the notice that Colin’s wife was Julie; Rodney’s was Noelene, and Coralyn’s husband was John.
#24. MERCURY. 19.07.1911.. The friends of Mrs Caroline Parkinson, wife of John Parkinson, of Emu, formerly St Arnaud and Kooreh South, will regret to hear of her death on Saturday last. Deceased was greatly respected. The Rev. Wellard conducted the service.
# 25 . SOCIAL MERCURY. 7.11.1914. MALE -- BELCHER... A very pretty wedding was celebrated on October 14th at the Methodist Church, Kooreh South, the officiating clergyman being the Rev. J.T.Field, of the Methodist Church, Dunolly. The contracting parties were Mr. A. Male, 2nd son of Mr J. Male, Kooreh South, and Miss B. Belcher, of Emu. Much interest was taken in this social event, as both bride and bridegroom are widely known, and are extremely popular -–held in every warm regard and esteem -- and the familes with which they are connected are very prominent, enjoying general respect and regard. The church had been most tastefully decorated by many friends of the bride. As the bridal party entered the church the choir sang, “ A Voice That Breathed O’er Eden “. The bride wore a beautiful dress of white silk crepe de chene, with courttrain, horse shoes, and orange blossom, with the customary wreath and veil, and she carried a shower bouquet with white streamers. The bridesmaids were Miss Belcher, and Miss F. Belcher, sisters of the bride, who wore very pretty dresses of white silk, trimmed with Limerick lace, and white mop caps, and carried beautiful shower bouquets with pink streamers. The train bearer was Miss Sadie Belcher, cousin of the bride, looking very pretty in white embroidered voile and wearing a white mop cap. At the close of the ceremony Mr. Field presented the newly-wedded couple with a handsome Bible, this being the first wedding celebrated in the church. As the bridal party left the altar the Wedding March was played by Miss Doris Belcher, cousin of the bride. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests drove to the residence of the bride’s parents, where a great spread had been prepared in a large marquee, about 75 partaking of the handsome repast. The usual toasts were honored. The bridegroom’s gift to the bride was a beautiful aquamarine and pearl pendant; bride to bridegroom, handsome travelling case; bridegroom to bridesmaids, gold cable bangles; to train bearer, gold broach and bangle. The newly wedded couple left by express for the city amid showers of confetti and good wishes. The bride’s travelling dress was a navy tailor made costume with white tagel hat and lancer plumes. Many valuable and useful presents were received, also several cheques. In the evening the birde’s parents entertained a large number of young people, dancing being kept up till the small hours of the morning.
Note # 26. Pamela says her father can remember an Uncle Jim Male wanting to take him and raise him when he was a child. Thinks Jim was a Post Master. This would have been Henry James Male, the father of Bunty Deal ( nee Male ).
Mark aged 25, Ann aged 23 left London 10.3.1888 on board the “Scottish Lassie”, and arrived in Bundaberg 10.8.1888. Chloe Male of Ilminster believes that Mark is also her grandfather having sired a child to Ann’s sister Leigh Male.
Family of Honey Male believed that Honey’s father was a local minister. Frank Male of Pialba had a brother John, who left Hughenden aged 9 in 1941. Just prior to John’s death in 1999, he told us that he could just remember Honey Male in Hughenden
Note # 27 Emma King lived in Spitalfields, London and was a life long friend of Lizzie Patten. Emma died at DULWICH. Emma and Lizzie grew up in the period and location of “Jack the Ripper”. She was much involved in church work and kept house for C.G.G.Male of Selsey after the death of Maude. Emmas mother , Mary ( nee Male) was born at Hambridge but lived at Spitalfields She had the Alms Rooms in Puma Court. At one period kept a cats home nearby.