Final Paper (Worth up to 100 points):Imagine yourself years in the future at age 98, with all the skills and theoretical foundations you learned in your Butte College Lifespan Psychology class back in 2017. What advise would you give yourself? What would you look out for and what would you have gone easier or more strict on yourself about? Here’s your chance to show off several Lifespan Developmental Theories you have learned and (hopefully) integrated! Some of your letter will be like "looking back" to give your younger self advise on what is to come and some of it will be "pretend" because you are not any older than you are at this moment. So...just act as ifyou are 98 years old now, looking back on your life, and give yourself advise and recognition for all the ways you have grown.
For this Final Paper (counts as your Final Exam),Write a 5 page letter to yourself,(approx. 1200 words),pretending that you are NOW 98 years old and looking back on your life. Outline at least 5 completely differenttheories of development that we have studied that you navigated throughoutyour life from birth to age 98.AGAIN,you need to name at least 5 specific theories we have studied and then give personal examples of how they relate to your own journey. For full points,you need to label, define and give personal examples of each of the 5 theories clearly, not just write about them. Don't assume I know what theory you are referring to unless you name it and define it clearly.
IMPORTANT: They must be 5 completely different theories that we have studied this semester. So, for example, you could not name 5 stages of Erik Erikson'stheory to count that as five differenttheories, as that would still only count asjust one theory.
Your letterdoes not have to be APA or MLA format but I do expect a professional, college-level paper with perfect spelling and grammar.Below are some questions to help guide your letter, but it just a guide to help you...You may wish to add, subtract or change any of them.
You may submit your Final Paper by clicking on the link to submit your paper but be sure to write your letter into a word document and save it in case Canvas goes out on you for any reason.
Note: I am sensitive to the fact that some people do not live into older age, and this assignment is in no way meant to ignore this fact. This assignment is meant as a respectful way to measure your learning this semester. I appreciate your maturity in this assignment and I honor your path and your growth.
Why are we doing this assignment? Benefits of Letter Writing:
- Expands your views on your own development.
- Allows you to connect and grow your relationship with your authentic self.
- Reminds you of how far you have come.
- Outlines goals and dreams you want to achieve.
- Provides confirmation to trust your own judgment.
- Helps you to be confident in the life lessons you learn.
- Helps illuminate what is important to you.
- Provides motivation to keep going.
- Outlines where you already are and where you could use more support and guidance.
Remember, you are pretending you are 98 and giving your younger self some life advice
(Please see Grading Rubric below for grading details)
Questions to ConsiderWhen Writing Your Letter (these are ONLY suggestions and you may choose any areas of Lifespan Development from the textbook to focus on for this letter):
- What were some of the personal, societal and global factors that promoted your identity development?
- What would you like to tell yourself about how your own development has shaped you?
- What would you guess your Attachment Style to be? How can you work with your Attachment Style to be the healthiest version of yourself?
- How about the ways in which it made you stronger, as an individual?
- In which areas did you grow emotionally, that you are proud of?
- Where would you have made changes if you could, that would help make you a more integrated and well- adapted individual?
- Was adolescenceastressfulperiod for you?Which Developmental theories seem to fit where you were at adolescence?
- Does your identity status vary across the domains of sexuality, close relationships, vocation,spiritual beliefs, and political values?
- Describe factors that may have influenced your identity development in important domains across your life.
- What do you hope for yourself?
- What do you love about yourself?
- Where do you identify “Cohort effects” in your life?
- Which Developmental “stages” were you apprehensive about and why?
- What fears would you encourage yourself toovercome?
- What goals would you haveaccomplished if fear wasn't in the way?
- Explainthecloselinkbetweenyouradolescent, early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthoodidentitydevelopmentsandcognitiveprocesses and how they shaped you (Remember, you are pretending you are 98 and giving your younger self some life advice).
- Were you fearful of aging or were you looking forward to it? What factors contributed to your feelings about ageing?
- Did you age in the way you had hoped?
- What final words of encouragement would you like to tell your future self?
Have fun with this and just remember to clearly label, define and give personal examples of the 5 theories you are outlining.