Apostolic Faith Church Worker Application

Private information will be kept confidential and stored in a secure manner.

Name ______DOB ______Social Security # ______


City, State, and Zip ______E-mail______

Home Phone: ______Work: ______Cell: ______

Emergency Contact Person: ______Cell Phone: ______

If you have lived at your current address for less than seven years, provide information on all addresses during that period.

Address ______City______State ______Zip______

Address ______City______State ______Zip______

Address ______City______State ______Zip______

1. How long have you attended the Apostolic Faith Church? ______

2. In what role do you desire to serve? ______

3. In what other departments do you currently serve? ______

4. Why do you want to serve in this ministry? ______

5. List any training or experience you have that additionally qualifies you for the position in which you seek to volunteer, including any professional license or certification.


6. Briefly describe how and when you became a Christian. ______


7. Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty to, or pled no contest to a crime or misdemeanor other than a minor traffic violation? If yes please explain.



8. Have you ever been the subject of a child abuse investigation? If yes please explain.



9. Are there any other facts or circumstances involving you or your background that could call into question your being entrusted with the supervision or care of children?



On the following page, give at least three references. Please include a professional reference (former or current supervisor or co-worker),* a personal reference (friend, pastor, teacher, coach, or a family member), and a person of the opposite gender. References must be over age 18, and must have known you for at least one year.

*If you are under the age of 18 and have no employment history, a professional reference is not a requirement.

Name ______How do you know this person? ______

Address ______City______State _____Zip______

Phone ______Email ______

Name ______How do you know this person? ______

Address ______City______State _____Zip______

Phone ______Email ______

Name ______How do you know this person? ______

Address ______City______State _____Zip______

Phone ______Email ______

To be filled in by individuals who provide transportation for events sponsored by the Apostolic Faith Church.

10. Do you have any restrictions on your driver’s license? Has it ever been revoked or suspended? If answer is yes to either question, please explain:______
11. Have you been involved in any motor vehicle accidents while driving in the past five years? If yes, please explain:______

12. Have you been convicted of any moving violations during the past five years? If yes, please explain.


13. What insurance company provides the liability insurance on your automobile?


I hereby certify that I have read the Apostolic Faith Church Volunteer Handbook, and agree to support and abide by the policies, procedures, and operating guidelines stated therein. I further certify that I have completed the training requirements of the Apostolic Faith organization for the area(s) in which I will serve, and have read the applicable Procedure Guidelines. I acknowledge that future service in other areas of ministry may require additional training and certification, and agree to comply with such requirements.

I hereby attest that the information contained in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize a representative of the Apostolic Faith Church to contact anyone listed on this form to request information regarding my character and fitness for service. Any person contacted by the church for this reason is authorized to provide information. I voluntarily release the Apostolic Faith Church from any liability involving the communication of information related to my background or qualifications. I also give full authorization and consent for a background records check to be conducted on me. I understand that I may request a copy of information gathered about me at any time. I hereby attest that I have read and understand the foregoing document, and that I sign this release as my own free act.

Signature______Date ______

Form last updated: 1/19/2015