Lonsdale Spots

Your Weekly Update from Lonsdale Elementary School and the LPT

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Lonsdale Faculty and Staff would like to thank the LPT for the most wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week! We are both humbled and grateful for the show of appreciation we received.

Tonight, May 16th, is Family Movie Night!

Join us in the Lonsdale Community Room at 6 pm for a Sundae Bar followed by a showing of the Disney movie, Frozen. Be sure to bring a blanket or sleeping bag to relax on and feel free to come in your PJs! If you get there early, you can also get a jump start on the Buy One Get One Book Fair. The book fair will be open during tonight's event from 4:00 to 5:45 pm. Tonight's event is free of charge and open to all Lonsdale families. It is not a drop off event and all students must be accompanied by an adult.

Next Friday, May 23rd, is the Girls' Choice Dinner Dance

It will take place from 6:30 to 9 pm at Lincoln Middle School. Please be sure to get your RSVP in no later than Monday to reserve your spot. All Lonsdale ladies are encouraged to attend and bring an adult guest of their choice with whom to enjoy the evening. A photographer will be present at the event and forms will go home next

On Friday, June 6th, the boys will have the chance to spend the evening out during the Boys' Choice Event. Although this event will once again take place at North Bowl Lanes, the evening's schedule will be quite a bit different from last year. After enjoying a full hour of bowling, guests will then be able to enjoy pizza and cupcakes and use a complimentary game card to explore the arcade! All guests will also receive a complimentary 4x6 photo. Look for more information soon via backpack!

**The LPT firmly adheres to the belief that all Lonsdale students deserve to participate in all events. If financial constraints are ever an issue, we welcome families to speak directly to Mrs. Magliocco to ensure there is never a child who is unable to attend an event.**

Although multitasking is something we do all the time as parents, it can get a bit exhausting. That is why we are asking those of you who weren't planning on attending the Boys' Choice Event as a guest, to consider going as a volunteer. Volunteers are needed to help greet guests, pass out cupcakes, and assist with the photography station. If you are able to help out, even if for a small window of time, please e-mail Ally Gordon at .

The BOGO Book Fair is back! Students were allowed to preview items today and create their own shopping wish lists for next week. Anyone attending tonight's Family Movie Event can make a purchase between 4:00 and 5:45 pm. Students will be allowed to make purchases next week during school hours on Monday through Thursday.

Volunteers are greatly needed to staff the Book Fair. If you are available to help out for a couple of hours at any point during that week, please visit this link sign up.


Hurray!! Last call for Box Tops! The Box Tops contest has been extended through the weekend. The classroom that clips the most Box Tops will receive a $25 Target gift card to use towards games for recess!

Thank you to all who turned out for Wednesday's monthly LPT meeting. We appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas. If you are looking to volunteer some of your time before the end of the year, there are still opportunities available, on all levels. Feel free to contact Ally Gordon, Corresponding Secretary, to find out more.

Attention 5th Grade Parents!

* Next Planning Meeting: Tuesday, May 20th at 6pm

* Middle School Tour and Fun Night: Thursday, June 12th 6pm at Lincoln Middle School

* 5th Grade Celebration: Tuesday, June 17 at 6pm

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