Education for a United Cyprus: Perspectives and Challenges
Welcome Speech by MrGeorge Markopouliotis, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus
Tuesday, 13December 2016, 16:00
EU House, Nicosia
Check against delivery - Ισχύει μόνο ότι λεχθεί
Dear Minister,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
I would like to welcome you to the EU House for this very important public discussion. Andreas Kettis, the Head of the European Parliament's Office in Cyprus and the co-host of this event, is in Strasbourg today. However, he has asked me to relay his warmest regards and his wishes for a fruitful discussion.
In today's societies, informed dialogue on the issue of education is an integral part of democracy. And while EU countries are responsible for their own education and training systems, we all want an education system that overcomes prejudice and helps to shape active citizens.
One could say that this is particularly pertinent in the case of Cyprus. For the past decades, we have been discussing ways to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue, to reunite this beautiful island. But for a solution to be successful and sustainable, it must besupported and endorsed by the people, and education has to be an integral part of this approach.
Education can indeed be an invaluable tool towards fostering mutual understanding between the two communities. It also has a special role given the multi-cultural, multi-lingual,and multi-faith nature of a reunited Cypriot society.
This is why we are organizing today's event: we want to facilitate an open, honest dialogue on the role education can play towards the true reunification of the island. I would like to thank you for being here and I want to thank in particular our distinguished guests: I am confident that today's discussion will not only offer food for thought but it will also pave the way for a more open debate on this very important issue.Before I wrap-up, I want to take this opportunity to invite you tomorrow afternoon to the Home for Cooperation where Tibor Navrascis, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth & Sport will hold an open dialogue with the Cypriot citizens. It will be a great occasion to speak about education and the future of Europe in general and I hope to see you there!
Thank you for your attention.