Brain and Nervous System Study Guide: I recommend that you spend 10 to 15 minutes each night completing this guide.
Your test will be on Chapter 15.1 and 15.2 and neuron building and brain dissection.
Focus on:
How the Nervous System Works: See Key Concepts pgs 630
Divisions of the Nervous System: See Key Concepts pg. 630
From your handouts, Please Study:
1. How the Nervous System Works: Review and Reinforce (pgs. 600-604)
2. Divisions of the Nervous System: Review and Reinforce (pgs. 606-612)
These practice questions may help you:
3. Answer the following Questions on page 631 as practice: 1,2,6 and 7
1. B, 2. D, 6. A reaction to a stimulus, 7. Largest part of the brain
4. Complete the following Questions on page 632: 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 20
11. Axons carry impulses away fro the cell body. Dendrites carry impulses toward cell body.
12. The cerebrum interprets input from the senses, controls the movement of muscles of the arms and legs, and helps you remember how to ride and make judgments. The cerebellum coordinates the actions of your arms and legs and helps you keep your balance.
13. The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary actions.
18. When a nerve impulse reaches the tip of an axon, chemicals are release into the gap at the synapse. The chemicals cross the gap and transfer the nerve impulse to another structure.
5. Answer the following Questions on page 633: 1, 3
1. D, 3. C
From your Daily Lessons and Handouts and Labs:
6. Neuron Diagram: know the structure of the basic neuron cell
7. Brain Diagram: identify brain parts required in lab: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Thalamus, Corpus Callosum, Brain Stem
8. Pre-Lab Virtual Dissection
9. Brain Lab Anatomy and Questions (see Download Lab: Sheep Brain dissection)
Questions to Know: You have answered many of these already.
10. What is the largest part of the brain? Cerebrum
11. What increases surface area of the cerebrum? Gyri and Sulci (folds and grooves)
12. If someone had a stroke and couldn’t use muscles on the right side of the face, which hemisphere of the brain had the stroke? Left
13. What are the 4 main lobes of the cerebral cortex? Frontal, Temporal, Parietal, Occipital
14. What connects the two hemispheres of the brain? Corpus Collasum
15. What part of the brain regulates balance and coordinates movements? Cerebellum
16. What part of the brain receives sensory information and relays it to the cerebral cortex? Thalamus
17. What would happen if the hypothalamus stopped working? You wouldn’t feel hungry, body temp wouldn’t be regulated, wouldn’t recognize your need to rest, hormone signals wouldn’t be recognized.
18. What are the three parts of the lower brain stem? Midbrain, pons, medulla
19. What is the primary function of the frontal lobe? Making Judgments, forming plans
20. What is the primary function of the parietal lobe? Speech and reading
21. What is the function of the occipital lobe? Receives and interprets visual sensory messages (Temporal lobe, involved in hearing and smell.)
22. Give 3 important functions that are controlled by the lower brain stem? Blood pressure, respiratory function, heart rate, swallowing
23. What connects the brain to the peripheral nervous system? Spinal Cord
24. Nervous system impulses are transmitted by what cells? Neurons
25. What are the 3 types of neurons? Motor, Sensory, Interneurons
26. What is the function of motor neurons? Carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands
27. What is the function of sensory neurons? Carry impulses from the sense organs, such as eye and ears to the spinal cord and brain
28. What is the function of interneurons? Process info from sensory neurons and then send commands to other interneurons or motor neurons
29. What is the largest part of a neuron and what does it contain? Cell body, contains nucleus, organelles, cytoplasm
30. What part of the neuron receives impulses from other neurons and carry impulses to the cell body? Dendrites
31. The long fiber that carries impulses AWAY from the cell body is the Axons
32. An axon ends in a series of small swellings called Axon Terminals
33. In some neurons, the axon is surrounded by an insulating membrane knows as the Myelin
34. What is the main function of a neurotransmitter? Chemicals released at synapse for the purpose of relaying info to other neurons