Lovejoy High School Senior Project
Mentor Evaluation
Student’s Name______
You have been chosen to verify the student’s efforts on his/her Lovejoy High School Senior Project. Since most of the time spent on the project phase of the assignment has been out of class, verification of the student’s efforts is necessary. Please answer the following questions to help us evaluate his/her project. Keep in mind that the student’s research paper has already been evaluated. This form refers only to the physical project.
Can you verify that this student spent at least 15 hours creating this project?
Yes No
Please estimate hours spent on project:
Please comment:
- What specific problems did this student encounter and overcome?
- What successes have you seen this student achieve?
- List 4 dates that the student met with you.
Date 1: ______Date 2:______
Date 3: ______Date 4:______
Please mark according to the project rubric (on following page) your evaluation of this student’s project:
_____ 4 Excellent _____ 3 Commendable _____ 2 Competent _____ 1 Not yet
Mentor’s Name ______
Lovejoy High School Senior Project Mentor Evaluation
Student Name______Total Points______
Mentor’s Name______
To the Mentor:
Please evaluate the student’s project using the criteria below. Please write additional comments. These comments are very important in the evaluation procedure. Please be as candid and thorough as possible.
Exceptional Achievement4 Points / Commendable
3 Points / Competent
2 Points / Not Yet
1 Point / Score
Total Points / Comments
Meets goals of proposal and challenge / Exceeds goals of proposal; a major challenge / Meets goals of proposal; product was a challenge / Not applicable / Not applicable
Work Ethic / Prepares questions in advance; extends learning outside meeting times / Enthusiastic; knows how and when to ask questions; shows initiative; come ready to work / Is enthusiastic but is sometimes late to meetings; asks few questions / Does not meet as scheduled; rarely asks questions; lethargic; unenthusiastic; disrespectful
Timeliness in completion / Product was complete well in advance of due date / Product was complete early enough to allow for troubleshooting, adding finishing touches, and evaluation / Product was on time, but did not allow extra time for troubleshooting, etc. / Product was late, incomplete, or of unacceptable quality
Responsibilities on mentor sheet fulfilled / Exceeded responsibilities / Met all responsibilities on mentor contract / Nearly met all responsibilities / Did not meet responsibilities on a regular basis
Product Quality / Craftsmanship demonstrates highly exceptional achievement as measured according to all professional standards for this kind of work / Craftsmanship qualities meet the standard for student’s individual learning, skills, and ability levels; use of correct tools, techniques, technology, terminology, and leadership (were applicable) is observed / Craftsmanship qualities do not meet the standard for student’s individual learning skills, and ability levels; use of correct tools, techniques, technology, terminology, and leadership (where applicable) lacking / Poor or incomplete craftsmanship; clearly below standard for student’s individual learning, skills and ability levels; little or no evidence of use of correct tools, techniques, technology, terminology, and leadership (where applicable)